180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

We are going to try and get a picture the next time he goes for a walk! He had rehab this morning and he did 10 minutes in the hydrotherapy tank! He walked normally while in the water. If anyone has experience with this, I would love to hear if this should be considered forward progress. I just don't know what "normal" progress is, or if there is such a thing. I just want him to better and sometimes I think I might just be forcing the progress. I know he is better because this happened 11 days ago and he is bearing his own weight and walking with assistance. Just not sure if he should be doing more at this point, taking into consideration every dog is different. This is so draining and emotional. He is such a wonderful boy that I will do anything to get him better and all I care about is his quality.

Thank you to everyone and their well wishes. They are appreaciated! I am trying so hard not to be down, overwhelmed and sad!
Hope is eternal!

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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Pippasmum »

Hi there, just wanted to wish Hank, you and your family well. I've followed your posts and I really feel for you, its hard to cope with a 11 kilo dog, I can't imagine how difficult it's been with a big boy like Hank!
So happy he is on the mend, we've just started on the hydro therapy and have been told it really helps.
I felt a bit embarrassed in talking to non doggie people about Pippa's troubles, I've taken a month off work to look after her.
Then I decided the people who matter are supporting us so the others can go jump!
Anyway hope all goes well
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

Thought I should send an update. Last night Hank wagged his tail! I don't think I could have been more thrilled or cried harder! He wagged his and then wagged while we were helping him outside. He had a good night and this morning he jumped up and ran around the end of our bed until we managed to grab him. He then went out and was able to potty normally and without issues. I think that perhaps we he getting a lot of sensation back to his hind end. He had two therapy sessions this week and I think they are really helping to ignite the spinal messages. Sunday will be two weeks since his injury. Looking forward to the days ahead of hard work and progress!

Thank for the support! I feels good to be on this journey, however devastating, with people who understand!

Lisa :)
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Sasha's Mom »

:cheerleader: :cheer: :cheerleader:

Hi Lisa,

It's so good to read about all the positive results with Hank.

I wonder if it was you or Hank who did more jumping with his improved condition?!

Please keep us posted. It's nice to wake up to good news in the morning. Makes my day.

:hearts: Leah and Sasha

P.S. Any pix of your baby?
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

I am planning on posting our pic's later today! It has been three weeks since his injury, as of yesterday! Today Hank got up and walked outside and pottied all by himself. We walked with him and reminded him to correct his foot if it toed under, but we didn't need a sling or a footie! I couldn't believe it! He has been giving us a hard time at night trying to wander around. I think perhaps he was trying to tell us I can do this, give me a chance! I just can't believe what I am seeing. We walked with the leash through the yard without an issue! Still going to do rehab to make sure his muscles are in good shape, but wasn't expecting this development today! He has only been to two full rehab appointments and his evaluation, and has seven more to go! He is working so hard and doing such a good job! Pic's later today!
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Lucys human »

Lisa thats brilliant news, well done Hank.
Looking forward to seeing pics of your beautiful boy.
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Sasha's Mom »

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

Yes, looking forward to seeing the pictures!

Will keep checking back.

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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Pippasmum »

Wonderful to hear how well Hank is doing! It must be a great relief for you and your family. It's horrible seeing our furry friends suffering.
Looking forward to the photos, I know it's hard to get a pic when you're having to hold them up - but now he's on the move himself we have to see him! :wink:
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by KManclow »

I am so pleased to hear about Hank... and your journey. Our Chocolate Lab was diagnosed with FCE 5 days ago. It is great to hear about the progress Hank has made and your questions on what is normal progress. It is so difficult not knowing what to do next or how to help them. How is Hank doing now? What do you think has been the most helpful for him?
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

Hank is doing fabulous!!! I apologize to those waiting for a picture as I can't seem to get the url to work but if you send me a private message I'm happy to email one!

He is walking wonderful and graduated from rehab last week! He is able to run a bit and play. His leg is working pretty good. He still occassionally drags the foot a bit or one of his toes, will toe under. We believe this is be a response to getting tired. He is much happier now that he can do his dance and resume the majority of his normal activities. He still is on leash when he goes outside, mostly because I am adapting to him running and occassionally wiping out - scares me, but not him! He wants to run and play and all of his doc's keep telling me to let him be a dog - I'm working on this!!

I will respond further on your post about your baby, the chocolate lab!
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by KManclow »

Wow, yeah for Hank!
Sounds very promising!
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