Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Post by KManclow »

We just found out our beautiful baby girl has FCE. She is currently unable to use any of her limbs. This happened 72 hours ago. It seems to be worse on her right side. We just came home from the hospital where she was given steroids, pain medicine and started massage therapy. We have seen improvements today sitting up, moving her left limbs... I am at a loss of what to do next though... accupuncture, water therapy, massage therapy??? What works, what does not work, how often - please help. This is our baby and we love her so much. We want to do everything we can to help her!
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Re: Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Post by CarolC »

If water therapy is an option, I would try that, especially since she's currently affected in all four legs, it will give her support to stay upright. I would also do the massage at home. If there is an animal physical therapy practice nearby, I would either see about taking her for some rehab if that's in your budget, or possibly seeing if you can get her in for one appointment where they can evaluate her and suggest some exercises for you do to at home. If you want to help her exercise at home, I recommend a double harness, one on the front and one on the hips. For the front harness you could use a plain nylon chest harness to have something to hold onto. For her hind legs, they sell many different types of belly harnesses or you can improvise by putting a towel under her tummy and holding her up that way. This is only a general answer. How is she doing today? The large majority of FCE dogs improve. Aggressive physical therapy is recommended for FCE.

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Re: Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Post by KManclow »

Thank you so much! She still can't stand or walk but she is finally scooting. We did acupuncture today and some massage at home. We meet with a physical therapist for a full evaluation tomorrow. I am so happy she scooted!

And I just ordered a life vest. We are scheduled for hydrotherapy in a few weeks so I was going to start taking her in our jacuzzi.

Can I do too much?

Would love to hear what harness you recommend. Really appreciate this!!
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Re: Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Post by CarolC »

Regarding doing too much, you can only observe her and use your judgment. While she is regaining ability, everything is going to take more effort for her than usual and she will tire sooner. It helps to realize that everything you do with her is therapy, it doesn't all have to be hard exercise. If you rub her feet to stimulate the nerve endings, you are helping her heal. If you assist her to stand, not even trying to walk, just standing with her feet in the right position, this is helping her. If she is lying in her bed and you press on the bottoms of her feet and she pushes back, this is great resistance exercise, fun for both of you, and doesn't have to wear her out. Be creative and you will think of many ways to help her. I did "This little piggy" with my dog and she thought it was funny! :D People tend to panic over the idea that the dog is losing muscle mass, and it's an understandable concern, especially with a big dog, but muscle tone definitely does come back as neurological status improves. It sounds like she is doing really well and it is exciting to watch them regain ability.

I had the Hartman harness for my dog and liked it, it is a combination front and rear harness, but it takes a while for them to sew it and mail it to you.

That's why I was suggesting a combination harness for your dog, front and rear. You need something to steady her in front as well as in the rear. If you put a chest harness on her, it will help you lift her in the car, for example. I'm just guessing but from what you say, I don't think you need to spend $150 on a really good harness when she's not going to need it that long. I'd probably go with a Walkabelly or something similar for the rear, something that goes on and off easily with velcro so you don't get tired of putting it on her. ... -dogs.html (they can overnight a harness if they have it in stock) ... Id=2753794

By the way, that's such a cute picture!
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Re: Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Post by KManclow »

You are so helpful. We really appreciate it!

We got the front and back harness like you suggested it works really well. We are now at one week and still seeing a little improvement every day.

I have the poop stimulation down but can't seem to master empting her blatter. For some reason, I can't find it. Any suggestions or tricks here?

Again, thank you so much!
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Re: Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Post by CarolC »

I'm glad to hear the good report. :D Here are a couple of videos that show someone finding the bladder better than describing it. They are not in English but that doesn't matter, it's the video images that are helpful. (They are both a male dog but that doesn't matter either.)

This is an article where more information and more video links can be found. In my experience, usually if you can't find the bladder it is riding up closer to the spine than you expect. You do not have to work with it up there where it is hard to reach, you can move it down closer toward the abdomen.
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Re: Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

Welcome! I am the Mom to a 180 pound St. Bernard, Hank, who is recovering from an FCE. The things that helped Hank the most were getting him up and moving after the intial 24 hour period was up. It was very tough and challenging to "sling" him due to his size, but the more activity he seemed to get the more he seemed to regain. Having a good medical group (University Veterinary Hospital) was vital for us through the process. They showed us tips and noticed smaller steps in the progress, along with giving us information throughout the process. This board is also immensly helpful and supportive, which is what I found/find I needed most some days. Hank was evaluated for rehab 9 days after the FCE occured. He went to the University Veterinary Rehab facility. Our neurologist wanted him in rehab as soon as possible, although we took it slow at first due to his size and tiring easily. We were told that the sooner the better and that the hydrotherapy was vital. Hank loved the hydrotherapy and quickly went from 10 minutes to several miles at a time. He was able to walk normally as soon as he went into the hydrotherapy tank from the first time. The rehab folks showed us several dogs they were working with who had been all four "down" and were walking again! The rehab folks really loved and cared for our Hank and he went for 10 sessions. They had to be creative due to his size and nothing was large enough for his tall frame, he is not over weight, just big! Hank's FCE happened on July 31 and he was walking without assistance on August 15. At three weeks he had gained a lot back and was building muscle. We were told that what he has at 6 months most likely will be the best he will get. You may hear three weeks but we have seen improvements after that point, and they were significant. Hank also at first had trouble with his bladder. We were never able to express his bladder with much success but did find that if we got him the the right position that he would occassionally be able to go by himself. He has now fully regained his bladder and needs no assistance. The first few weeks are tough but you will look back and be glad you put all that work, and money, into your baby! I don't regret one moment or dime of his treatment! I was discouraged and challenged a lot for the first month but now am so glad we did everything we could. He is now able to jump on our bed and walk around like he owns it and we are just two months out! I feel this is nothing short of a miracle for Hank, he couldn't walk at all and now he is back owning the house. Rehab really does work. Keep me updated on your baby! Stay strong! :D
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Re: Please help advise on FCE - We need your help!

Post by KManclow »

I just wanted to write in on progress, it has been almost a year since Zoey had her stroke. It took months of retraining her to walk, water therapy, accupuncture, etc. but it worked. She is about 95% back to normal. She sometimes stands like a cowgirl with her front arm a little bowed but swimming, running, playing ball... amazing. I am so glad we never gave up. Please don't give up!

And thank you everyone here for your support and advice. It did make the difference!
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