16 year old dog that cant walk

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16 year old dog that cant walk

Post by linda »

heres my question . i have a 16 1/2 year old dog that weighs about 40lbs at the most. she can not use her back legs since about begin of jan due to neurological problems. heres my question though. she does see a vet. she has had adequin shots, and now is on a med from him called rejuvanate (oops spell). anyhow i carry her out to go to the bathroom. we pretty much have that under control, sometime she goes more times in side than out. she does have feelings in her legs. i set up a big box in our kitchen, so when we are not home i know shes safe if she pivots her self around. she doesnt like to be alone. she starts off with a slight whine, when we are not in the room with her when she is in the box. then she gets to a loud loud whine. she cant hear very well as well. usually its like during the nite when everyone is asleep. she has potty accidents so having her in there at nite works out good in case she goes at nite. my questions are the following. she eats great, and drinks great. shes alert, she likes her treats, she watches the other dog. i do carry her out to go to the bathroom. it seemed she was able to stand with assistence a couple weeks ago , but now the back legs are more weak. what suggestions does anyone have for me about all i am doing. i really appriciate all the advice i can get. thanks so much. i am going to the vets to pick up more of the rejuvinate today and wonder if i should ask for something additional that wouldnt be bad on her stomache but would help her legs. i dont think shes in pain. the whinieing is done when she wants something, or is alone. thanks linda
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Re: 16 year old dog that cant walk

Post by CarolC »

Hi linda,

I had the same problem with my dog. I was keeping her in her crate in the kitchen, but at night she would cry because she wanted to be in the bedroom with me. I tried moving her crate back and forth from the kitchen to the bedroom to the kitchen, but it was too much trouble. In the end I bought a playpen for the bedroom and she was happy to sleep in that. Since your dog is 40 lbs, I do not think you can use a playpen, you would hurt your back bending over to put her in or get her out. What about a baby crib? You could lower the side, carry her into the bedroom and put her in it, then put the side up. It would be better for your back. Another option might be to get a child's plastic swimming pool and put it in the bedroom and make her a bed in it. That would work if she does not climb over the sides, do you think she would? You know, you can put diapers on a dog, they make special dog diapers or you can use human ones. Here is a link with some ideas.

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Re: 16 year old dog that cant walk

Post by linda »

thanks for the reply. the pool sounds like a good idea. yes i have to carry her upstairs to my room and shes heavier. she looks thin but she doesnt feel thin. we are at work all day so i dont know if she cries then. as i type she is whinning in the living room cuz she wants me. i hav been sick with the flu and she can be very loud. when she whines i check, if she wants water, to potty, to switch sides and then if alll that is done i tell my husband we should let her whine. i think she knows that we jump when she tells us too. its alot of work she gets up at 1 am and maybe a couple more times before we get up at 6am. im glad i know another person who has dealt with this. i wonder about letting her cry it out how we sometimes have to do with the human babies. thanks so much for the reply.
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Re: 16 year old dog that cant walk

Post by CarolC »

Yeah, been there, done that, too.

http://handicappedpet.net/helppets/view ... 16&p=65836

I remember some posts in a topic called "Can Dogs get Sundowner's" on the same subject. Here is the topic, the posts I remember most start part way down--GoldenZ2's posts.

http://handicappedpet.net/helppets/view ... 30&t=11865

My dog Merlin was a 13-year old Golden retriever who gradually lost his continence the last 3 years of his life, and lost his mobility the last year. Like you I made sure he was fed, watered, diapered, cleaned, turned, petted, talked to, etc. But at night he would sometimes just bark. Toward the end, my vet said he was gaga. That's not a medical term but I know what it means and I disagreed, he didn't seem mentally gone to me. But there were so many times when he would be all taken care of and in the middle of the night he would just bark. I was getting so tired, I finally started sleeping in the bedroom that was on the other side of the central air unit (which is in a closet upstairs) with the door closed, because the sound of the central air blowing drowned out some of the sound of the barking. I had to, I was just too exhausted, it was hard enough caring for a 65 lb dog without doing it on no sleep. I remember another member who was a fantastic caregiver who told the story of a dog she used to care for, that she would actually get up in the middle of the night and sneak around the long way to go to the restroom because if he heard her he would start barking. I don't know what it is about old dogs barking in the middle of the night, but it isn't just yours. You won't be able to care for her the way you want to if you let the situation get you too tired, so I think if the answer is to be sure she has everything she needs, then just let her bark, I would do it. The other solution might be to try some kind of medication to help her rest at night. You know, if I would have believed the vet that Merlin was gaga, it probably would have helped me care for him better. The vet said that especially in the very end, the waste products of poor kidney function can affect their mental processes.
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Re: 16 year old dog that cant walk

Post by linda »

THANKS again carol that was helpful. when i looked up the sundowners on google i found the articles on here. its so stress full with them when they are not able to get up. i said to my husband its like taking care of a older person. i love her alot and i thank god for her, but its alot of work with her and then i have another 8 yr old dog, 9 cats and two birds. il tried to add her picture but it said file to big.
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