Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis-FCE - how to prepare

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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Schnauzerlove »

puremutt wrote:Please remember when he is home to take it easy!
As much as you would like to see him walk again , he needs to heal.
I used wee wee pads under the bed cover and one on top with an old towel.
I know so much how you feel I can relate to those feelings, I had them too!
I promise to remember he needs to take it easy. In fact HE IS HOME!!!!!! I'm watching him having the best nap right now. I'm just very excited that we have made it this far. I'll update later with the next steps from the surgeon, etc.

This is such a great place. I'm glad to have a thread to keep track of this journey in hopes it will help someone now and in the future. Reading everyone's story has given me hope and inspired me so much.

I'm just so excited to have him home :wub:
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Welcome HOME little buddy! Your mama has missed you so very much! :wub:
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Caroline »

It sounds like you have the drive and he has the will. May your journey no matter how hard at first; bring you joy and peace.
Purrmutt is right about giving him time to heal it's all about baby steps.

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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Schnauzerlove »

Gabriel and Caroline,
Thanks for the encouragement!

I feel like we have entered a whole other world...LOL We had a good afternoon/night. He has a great appetite and slept quite a bit. We took him out yesterday afternoon, night and wee hours of the morning to try and get him to potty but no go. I was worried at about 10pm when he had yet to urinate. Called the Emergency Clinic where he was staying and discussed our concerns. They said "he will go when he needs to, he has control of his bladder." We went to bed about midnight and got up at 4am and still no urine, no dribble, nothing. I'm panicked, but hubby tries to tell me that he really had not drank a lot of water. I decided to give it a bit this morning and call if still no urine. Oh....forgot to add I tried and tried to express his bladder and he has such strong abdominal muscles that he just pushes back and holds on.

I fed him about 8am and after was encouraging the "go potty" and trying the express methods I've read about. Nothing. I had him out of his crate around 9am laying on a homemade bed and decided to slide it to the backdoor, open the door and just let him look out and smell the smells. Well he was excited and I could see him squirm and realized he wanted to "poop". I tried the poop on command rubbing technique and low and behold poopie appears, his tail is raised and he is pushing it out. I thought for sure urine would come too, but NO!!!! I put him back in his crate and he went to sleep. I called the surgeons office at 11:45am to discuss the urine issue and they put me on hold. Right then he pulled himself up in his crate and started looking at his rear end and panting. I popped over there and he had just FLOODED the bed. I was excited as I know he had to feel better. The vet tech came on the phone and I told her he had gone, which we both considered a great thing, but they are also concerned about going only once in 24 hours and the possibility of a UTI, and so am I. She discussed how he is a really sturdy mini and would be difficult to express. She is going to discuss with the surgeon about going on an antibiotic. I know all of you have struggled with the potty issue and I can see how it can cause so much concern. After I hung up the phone I pulled him out of his bed and onto his other bed (eggcrate cut and covered with a trashbag) and washed all the urine off of him and he was pushing with both back legs and pooping some more. It really appeared that he was causing the movement rather than a spontaneous poop. I never thought I'd be typing about my dogs pee and poop :lol:

After I got him all cleaned up I wrapped him in a towel and let him lay across my lap while I dried him. He seemed so much more relaxed and moving his neck and stretching his paws. I just scratched his sides, under his neck and rubbed his muscles in his front and rear legs. He was loving it. I decided to let him try to stand up and he was able to stand, although a bit unsteady, for a couple of minutes. I then told him to "sit" and he wiggled around and I helped him into a sit. I had him stay that way for a few minutes and then he started to sort of rock and was able to almost pull back up into a stand. I forgot to add that we spoke with the Physical Therapist and she wanted us to start having him stand and sit and hold them to start to re-build strength.

The surgery group we went to has a Physical Therapist practice connected to it. The surgeon wants him to start PT as soon as the PT practice has an opening. We are scheduled to go tomorrow morning for our initial evaluation and plan. I will also have the opportunity to see the surgeon to further explore the bladder concerns.

I'm so glad I have a place to come and share. Writing is helping me and hope it will help others.
Hope you are all having a great day!
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by critters »

Ah yes--liquid gold!!! :mrgreen: Amazing the things that can make a human happy, huh??!!! :shock: :hysterical: Congratulations!!!! :!:
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by puremutt »

really . I never thought I'd be typing about my dogs pee and poop
We ALL are familiar with it, aren't we a special group :lol:
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Friend2Dogs »

Yes , we are a special group, brings back memories of Mason. I miss him still .
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by puremutt »

I can imagine such a sweet old face.
How long ago is it for you now?
It's just so new to me and he was my first dog and with me his whole life.
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Friend2Dogs »

A little over two years. Then I lost my Mom and Aunt and Uncle all in a row. Then my son, he did not die but it is too hard to explain on here. It has been a hard couple of years.
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Friend2Dogs »

Puremutt, I have had dogs all my life and loved them all. Mason was found outside my daughters home and she brought him into her house and my 2 yr at the time Grandaughter said "it's a mason" meaning dalmation. She put and add in the paper and no one claimed him. She took him to me and the vet I took him to said he was only 8 weeks old and my daughter had had him for a week. I kept him and and named him Mason and had him almost 16 years, he was my Heart dog , I do not think I could ever love another dog as much as I loved him, he was more like my child. He was stubborn and did what he wanted when and if he wanted and was grumpy . He was loved.
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Aus Dilecce »

Let us know how you go with Dasani's first PT visit. Our little girl had ruptured disk and surgery but we, too started PT straight away. She walked 4 weeks post surgery, still goes a bit crooked but is very determined to not let ANYTHING get in her way :lol:
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by puremutt »

Friend2Dogs if you want to talk about it, you can do the PM with me, I also had 2 uncommon tragedies in the last year and a half.
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Schnauzerlove »

Puremutt and Charlie,
September 2004 we had to put our 14yr old mini schnauzer, Dieter, out of his pain from liver cancer and it was truly the hardest thing I've ever experienced. I still tear up thinking about it. He was my baby, my heart dog. I'm sorry for both of your losses and am thinking about you.

Aus Dilecce,
Thanks for the encouraging story! PT was great and I learned so many things to do to help him on this journey.

Today is day 11 from the suspect FCE. I feel like we are on a roller coaster, so many ups and downs with this. It's truly one step forward, two back right now. We have really struggled with the bladder thing. He has managed to get a UTI, as the emergency vet where he stayed for 5 nights were telling me he was urinating on his own, but failed to mention....once every 24 hours!!!! I'm frustrated to say the least. You would think that they would have had orders to express/catheter him every 8 hours if no urine. He is on amoxicillin and bethanechol.

We got him home on Monday, and today (Saturday) I think we have the answer. We would take him outside to his fav pee spots and he would sniff and I believe every time he would try to lift his leg and couldn't he would just stop. Both my vet and the surgery center believe it's behavioural. Yesterday we were at my vet and he urinated in the exam room after smelling all the doggy smells. They ran an ultrasound over his bladder and it was empty, so he is emptying on his own. Today my husband took him to the backyard fence where he sees all the other dogs on the walking trails and hobbled him along the fence (he looks like a marionette puppet with the front and rear support ..LOL) and he somehow assisted Dasani to balance and by some miracle Dasani was able to raise his leg on the fence....and he peed for days!! Hubby came in and told me he had success and it was a "male thing"!

We are keeping him in his crate and only out for potty time and a little Physical Therapy. He is getting stronger, can sit up from laying down and with encouragement can go into a stand from a sit and hold his stand for a good period of time. Everyday a little longer. His front left paw is the biggest hurdle, as it just does not know what to do anymore and with the back left not much better, it's definitely a balance challenge for the little man.

Thank you guys for all the support!
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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by Caroline »

It sounds like he is really doing well. The standing is the begining of recovery.
Did you ask the vet if you can give him ascripten? You can buy it at the drug store over the counter. The good thing about it is that it is not a heavy duty pain killer.
When I started the PT with Buster I had him on it alot because after being down so long the slightest work out could make him sore.
Kinda like a person joining a gym after years of not working out.
As far as the leg lifting thing I have rarley seen Buster raise his leg to go since his accident.

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Re: Mini Schnauzer-sudden partial paralysis - how to prepare

Post by critters »

Just an FYI--bethanechol made my Buddy's bladder really spastic and hard to express; phenoxybenzamine alone worked a lot better for us.
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