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Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:04 am
by Christine takes so little to make us happy during these times. I know how you feel!

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:04 pm
by mortimer
Tank grabbed the pull toy (a thick rope with a handle at one end) today to challenge me to a pull-a-thon. I passed. See what the vet says tomorrow.

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:32 pm
by mortimer
We went to the vet today. She was very pleased with Tank's progress. She said that any further improvement would be in small increments. This works for me as he can do pretty much anything he wants to. He does need more practice on a few things though. Going down stairs for example. He tries to go too fast and loses control. Visualize a dog going down the stairs with his body at an angle. We'll work on it.

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 11:37 pm
by mortimer
And here's the ideas.

Tank's about 90% of what he was. I think that this will go up a bit. I hope that your results will be as good.

Things that may have helped:
Give the pet lots of love. Not a hard thing to do in my case. The first week is important. Tank was a very confused pup at that time. He was spending 20+ hours a day on his bed.
Expect accidents. Tank had two the first week.
Protect the damaged limb(s) with dog booties. Tank did *not* like them. But damage to the top of the paw(s) is not good.
Limit their mobility. I basically kept Tank on his bed unless he needed to go outside to poop or whatever.
Consider scratching the pets spine. Tank seemed to like it. My rationale was that *maybe* it would help with spinal damage.
Consider putting the pet on a Glucosamine regimen. Can be, but doesn't have to be, expensive. I'm looking at CN Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM from ... 0tabs.html. Your mileage will vary. And no, I'm not financially interested in the company.
Ask the Vet about the anti inflammatory steroid like I mentioned in an earlier post. May not help, won't hurt. Cheap.
Let the pet decide when and what to do after the first week. Carefully. Tank going down the stairs on his own was terrifying. His idea. Bounced off the walls.
Increase the amount of protein in the diet. By protein I mean cooked meat.
Keep an eye on the pet for pooping and peeing. Need to do both.

Above all, try to be positive. Pets are smarter than they look.

Best of luck.

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:00 am
by mortimer
Here is a picture of Tank. It's really late. I think he would prefer sleeping...

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:08 am
by mortimer
And here are a few more.

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:50 am
by critters
mortimer wrote: He does need more practice on a few things though. Going down stairs for example. He tries to go too fast and loses control. Visualize a dog going down the stairs with his body at an angle. We'll work on it.
My Ace is really high-functioning; you wouldn't know he had a SCI--except for stairs. He, too, gets going too fast and plows a furrow at the bottom. You'd think he'd learn to slow down, but he's not the brightest light on the tree... :mrgreen:

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:48 am
by mortimer
He'll learn. We are still monitoring Tank on the stairs. He may figure out the slow down part.

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:14 am
by critters
mortimer wrote:He'll learn. We are still monitoring Tank on the stairs. He may figure out the slow down part.
I don't know that he will, actually. :mrgreen: He's been here 3 years, and he was hurt at some unknown time before that, so he's truly not very bright. :hysterical:

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:07 am
by Christine
Tank is, handsome! Glad he is improving. I am an overprotective mom....don't think I would do the stairs, but that's just me. Thanks for the pictures!!

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:53 pm
by mortimer
Thank you. He is OK on the stairs as long as someone tells him to slow down.

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:12 pm
by mortimer
Another picture. This one has Tank in front of the pellet stove. He normally sleeps with his backside towards the stove. You really can't see it but his bed is to the right of him. The bed is made out of my old goose down mattress pad, a wool blanket, and a set of flannel sheets that fit poorly on the bed. Washed them today. Tough life. :)

He is getting better at the stairs and rarely puts the paw down wrong. He can feel when the leg is scratched. Tail wag.

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:18 am
by mortimer
A Christmas picture of the puparoo. He got two presents. A doo rag in Orange and Black flames and a Christmas bear plush toy. He is remarkably gentle with the toy. The Red and Tan thing near his nose. Styling in the doo rag. You can't see the doo rag in the picture. Think Hot Wheels.

Merry Christmas all!

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:06 am
by Christine
I was just saying the same thing about Penny. She is such a little wild woman when she is outside, but when she is inside, a perfect angel and very calm and cuddly. I got her a stuffed reindeer for Christmas and we love to watch her cuddle and groom it. You just expect them to rip it apart, but it's as though they think it's a puppy to care for.

My Bailey never ever knew what toys were for due to her previous owners and that was always sad for me to think about. The only thing she ever "played" with was a kong because it had food in it

Re: My dog may have FCE. Some ideas.

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:32 am
by Christine
Here she is with "her baby" wishing all a Merry Christmas: