Pippa recovering from spinal disc surgery

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Re: Pippa recovering from spinal disc surgery

Post by Pippasmum »

Hi there, like most people on here I can only speak from the experience from our own dog. With Pippa I never let her scoot around on her own, she was crate rested or we had her laying/sitting on the floor or sofa with us for cuddles/play. When we took her out for a bit of exercise or toileting we used a sling to support her back end. The sling was a cloth shopping/tote bag cut down the seams so it opened out flat and passed under her belly so you can hold the 2 handles in a sling effect.
I did a lot of massage and "phsyio" type walking movements with her lying on alternate sides. I'm sure she used to think oh no here we go again!
Her first movement was her tail wag which was the only movement for a while. I found a wonderful lady who was an ex vet nurse (and some) who had an underwater treadmill. The treadmill helped Pippa so much being in water made her legs move in a walk so well. Carmen helped us so much in a holistic way, with exercises to do at home to help make Pippa aware of her legs I know it helped Pippa recover as well as she has.
One little trick was to put a hair elastic around each thigh (for a short while) to make her aware of her legs. I think the sling walking helped her a lot as she could get about in a natural kind of way, with Mum holding up her back end!
I hope your Maggie regains more feeling and movement, I really feel for you :wub:
From what I've read on here, don't give up on her, there is so much you can do to keep her quality of life!
Sending positive thoughts to you xx
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Re: Pippa recovering from spinal disc surgery

Post by Maggie07 »

Did you put the elastic on Pippa once she had a little feeling back or was that when she was still had no feeling?
We certainly do our best to spoil Maggie! She's definitely our baby and we are willing to do anything and everything we can for her. She is still a very happy pup... although I notice it most when she's in her cart. I think it's when she feels most like herself. When she's in her wheels, we just can't keep up! It's wonderful to see. We went to a cocker spaniel meetup group this past weekend and all of the other dogs (and owners) were so curious. It's great to be able to share our stories with others so that they know that there are always options.
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Re: Pippa recovering from spinal disc surgery

Post by Pippasmum »

Oh Wow! I'm in tears, Maggie looks so gorgeous & happy! Thanks for sharing her pics!
I can imagine she would get up a bit of speed with her wheels, they really give her a quality in her life! It's wonderful that she can join in with other cockers.
I know what you mean about Maggie being your baby, cockers seem to insist on the household revolving around them don't they? Pippa is just the same, our little Princess!
We started putting the elastics on Pippa before she was walking on her back legs. I think she had a few messages going through, but she would only be using her front legs and me with the sling to get around. Funny that in the water treadmill she would stride out quite well, the water must have supported her enough to get a bit of movement going.
All the very best to you and Maggie
Barb and Pippa :)
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Re: Pippa recovering from spinal disc surgery

Post by CarolC »

Maggie07 wrote: We think that at this point she probably will never regain feeling, but should we still be doing PT often? Should we go to a professional therapist? I just don't know...is that something most people do only after their pet regains feeling?
I would continue to do PT.

My dog was completely paralyzed with no deep pain and they discovered she had deep pain sensation 149 days after surgery (almost 5 months).

My dog and I did physical therapy twice a day for 9 months before she became able to walk a little.

It wasn't something we could hurry. We did the exercises on faith, "just in case" they might help. Every day she was recovering a tiny bit more without my knowing it, though she looked much the same.

With my dog, improvement was so slow it seemed like maybe, about once every 6 weeks, if I really stretched my imagination, I might convince myself we were seeing a little change. It took my dog 9 months to walk a distance of 4 feet on the sidewalk. When she finally did it, I still do not know who was more surprised, her or me. We had continued physical therapy every day faithfully even though I had long ago given up any hope that she would walk. We were still just doing it because it was quality time for us and it was good for her.

I definitely recommend professional therapy if it is available, such as exercise on an underwater treadmill.

Love the photos. :D
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Re: Pippa recovering from spinal disc surgery

Post by Maggie07 »

That's wonderful to hear! Thanks for all of the info!
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