Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Post by Christine »

A couple of things...the more he moves around, the more chance that he will cause additional damage and the swelling will not have a chance to go down (correct me here, guys, if I am not saying this accurately).

When you talk with the vet, explain about how much he is moving around and maybe she will give you something that will help him sleep. He could be in pain.

Rescue Remedy for Pets is a natural liquid herb combo to help with relaxation. Another calming aid is plain Benadryl. Contact your vet for dosage. Normally these drugs are not a problem, but always check with your vet, first and let her know of everything your pet is taking. A dog that is rambuctious in the crate is defeating the purpose of the crate, better to have a slightly drugged dog than one who might paralyze himself.

As long as you are giving him a good quality dog food and he is eating it, the poops will be fine. The fact that you know the "poop on demand" method that works for you will make this part easier, unexpected accidents minimal. Besides keeping him comfortable, managing his bowel movements and expressing him minimizes the need for diapers 24/7.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Post by dottie_dice »

Hey , We went to the vet today because i had a lot more questions to ask her, she told me to give him Benadryl when he was restless about 2ccs, she said that his condition is stage 4 and has about 20% chance he'll walk again. told me to feed him chicken and rice , which i was already doing. I'm a lot more relieved now that i actually knew what to ask her than how i was yesterday.

I didn't sleep at all last night because Monkey was real restless and he kept crying out. i knew he was uncomfortable so i tried changing his positions but he was doing that sit sleep thing , where he would lock his front legs and move back into sitting position after i would side lay him. My fiance bought him a Orthopedic bed today which helped out a lot , cause now monkey is just knocked out without the need of the benadryl. He also bought him a doggie thermometer so we can take his temp at night. last night just wasn't good.. he seemed very hot as well.. my baby sat next to monkey and just fanned him for about 15 min. it worked for a good 45 min then monkey was up again crying wanting to come up to the bed.

I still have hope he'll walk even after Vet said 20% chance... my dad said he'd build him a wheel chair if he'll need it and assured me it'll be comfy for monkey and easy to use.. I'll make sure its the best looking wheelchair in Cali :lol: ..

thank you again for all the help. its like this big weight has been lifting off my shoulders being able to acquire the knowledge of what is going on with my Monkey. :angel:
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Post by CarolC »

Hi Erika,

This is really important. When a dog is paralyzed or partially paralyzed, it's not just the hind legs that don't work, it's usually the bladder, too. The bladder has to be emptied completely 3x a day or an infection will develop. A paralyzed or partially paralyzed dog cannot do this. They may leak, they may dribble, they may wet the bed, but that does not mean they are emptying completely like they MUST do to stay healthy. In all likelihood, the urine you see him pass is merely overflow from a full bladder. You need to help him get his bladder empty, there is no way around it. He needs to be empty 3x a day or he will get an infection. Also, even dogs that have lost control of the bladder can sometimes feel it is full, which is uncomfortable for them. He will sleep better on an empty bladder.

Your vet should have shown you how to express the bladder. Here is a video showing what I am talking about:


Here is more information on it.


With a paralyzed dog, if you do not empty the bladder properly several times a day, you can pretty much count on him getting an infection in a week to 10 days. In addition, the bladder may become stretched from being too full all the time, so that even if the dog recovers neurological function, the stretched bladder will be unable to function normally.

You can buy a wheelchair, get orthopedic bedding, turn, bathe, and exercise the dog, and that is all good, but if he lacks normal bladder control and you are not expressing, it could easily turn out to all be for nothing.

I am sorry for sounding like I'm on a soapbox...this is so important. Did the vet talk to you about bladder care?
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Post by dottie_dice »

no the vet didn't tell me about it .. I figured it out by reading, I've been doing it before we go to bed and before I leave in the morning.. my mom and dad do it in the after noon.

thank you again for the info I really appreciate it . which reminds me I have to do it now. :D
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Post by CarolC »

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Post by dottie_dice »

Hey , this gets harder and harder each time one of my family members thinks he wont get better. My mom worried that he might be getting worse, for some reason Monkey looks Stoned/high could this be because of the prednisone or is it something to really be worried about or maybe hes just tired? idk.. but he does look a lil off like hes off in some other world. but he eats and drinks water normally.
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Post by Christine »

Has he been sleeping at all? Is he still whining? Do you think you are fully emptying his bladder each time you express him?
The way you describe him not wanting to lie down makes me think he can't really sleep and he could just be exhausted. If he is still barking or whining, you could ask the doctor about pain management. If his bladder is too full, that could be causing him pain and discomfort too.

If you and your parents have possibly been reconsidering the surgery, you might want to look under the Financial heading of the Index. Care Credit is accepted by most vets and does not charge interest for 12 months. Just throwing that out there.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Post by dottie_dice »

yes, ive been expressing his bladder. he's been sleeping during the day mostly.. hes been eating good and drinking water.. uugghh she has me worried now and making me over think things. we cant afford surgery ..

we've had care credit before when his mom gave birth to him and his sister she needed a c- section and we charged it..
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Post by Christine »

It is easy to "over think", as you say when we deal with our precious little ones - always wondering if we are doing the right thing, if we are doing enough, etc. If he is eating and drinking, that is a good sign. Just keep doing what you are doing and stay tough about the crate rest. Are you leaving his diapers off enough to give his skin a chance to breath some times during the day?

Always keep in mind that your vet is just a phone call away and we are a few key strokes away. If Monkey does not regain his mobility, there are many pups here who do just fine with their owner's help and live happy lives. That said...it is way to early to know if this is how things will turn out - you have 6-8 weeks of crate rest with a possible great outcome.

Keep your chin up, stay positive for Monkey...they pick up on your thoughts.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Post by dottie_dice »

Hey Christine and anyone else reading.

We ended up taking him to an emergency animal hospital (his usual vet closes at 6 ) and i don't have her personal home number.. the heavy breathing turned out to be one of two things it was either he was in extreme pain or he aspirated , we had them only treat the pain with medication , they also have him fluids cause he was dehydrated and anti-biotics.. which cost about $280.. since we don't have a lot of money that's all we could have done. i'm praying to god that it was because of pain and not aspiration, last thing he needs is pneumonia. he seems to be doing fine now.. hes not heavy breathing anymore.
tomorrow I'm taking him to his regular vet so she can prescribe him pain meds and get her input on the Aspiration issue.. please pray for him.

my mom wanted to just put him down but my fiance and I said no.. i don't want to let him go until he can't go on anymore... you know what i mean.. i at least want to give him a chance on having a happy life. it breaks my heart to see him like that but i won't give up on him. all i ask is for everyone to keep him in their prayers. :angel:
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Post by Christine »

Definitely keeping Monkey in my prayers. Trying to think of other questions you can ask the vet. Since he has been eating and drinking, you might let her know what you have been feeding him and how much. Have you been keeping track of how much water he has been drinking? You could ask her how much is necessary to keep him from becoming dehydrated.

As long as you are there (and I KNOW I sound like a broken record), ask her to check his bladder and show her how you are expressing to make sure you are getting it all. (I truly commend you for reading up and teaching yourself as many here, including myself, have taken a while to get it down pat.) Once you get it, it can be easy, but it is hard, at first, to know that you.ve gotten everything out.)

Make a list of all the things you want to ask about so you won't forget because they might be in a hurry or they get you on another subject. (I do that whenever I go to the doctor or a vet - get the most out of that visit.) It is a great way to save money, not to mention help Monkey. Also, take along all the medications so she can get a full picture of what she has given him, what she suggested (Benadry) and what the emergency clinic gave him.

Check back here before you leave for the visit in case anyone else has some ideas for your question list. Hang in there, sweetie!
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Post by CarolC »

dottie_dice wrote:Hey , this gets harder and harder each time one of my family members thinks he wont get better. My mom worried that he might be getting worse, for some reason Monkey looks Stoned/high could this be because of the prednisone or is it something to really be worried about or maybe hes just tired? idk.. but he does look a lil off like hes off in some other world. but he eats and drinks water normally.
Yes, it is a difficult situation when you have to work with people who do not want to keep trying as much as you do. The pain that goes with a disk problem is temporary. As the swelling goes down, the pain will diminish. Here is some information on pain relievers and steroids usually used to treat this short-term pain. It is very important to know that he will not be in pain like this permanently. He is not facing a life of permanent pain. But it is common for the dog to be in pain following a disk injury.


There is a lot of stress in the family when you begin the routine of expressing 3x a day. I know you said your mom and dad are doing it once a day and you are doing it the other times. If either your mom or dad tires of it or begins to find in inconvenient, that will add to their thought of not wanting to continue. Is there any way you can come home at lunch and express so they won't have to? It is a worry when a person such as a parent or spouse is involved and has the power to override your wishes if they decide to. I would try to make this the least imposition on them that you can.

For what it's worth, I don't think the vet can say with certainty what stage the disk problem is without advanced imaging, though she may be right.
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Post by dottie_dice »

We had to let him go :cry: Took him into the vet today , right off the bat she said, He doesn't look good at all... she said he was in severe pain and his HR was Decreasing... that he would go today if not tomorrow... He had probably aspirated and was bound for pneumonia

He had completely gone limp.. he wouldn't drink or eat...had no movement what so ever and his eyes were glazing over.. so we thought of him and decided to let him go.. this wasn't what i wanted for him but its the best that could have been done.. he was in pain and even i saw it when i looked into his eyes.

Monkey is the 2nd Baby I've lost in 2 months .. his Best friend JR died on Sept. 19th 2010 of fluid in the abdomen he was 22yrs old and just couldn't hang on..

Monkey and Jr. I Love you babies very much, both of you were amazing and I'll always carry you in my heart. RIP my angels. :angel:
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Post by Christine »

Rest in peace, little ones. I am sorry.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Post by kaceycrystal »

I also have lyme disease, if your vet will treat him with Iv antibiotics for a few WEEKS that will show the most improvement and then follow that up with oral ones. Lyme disease is very controversial, mostly its with human physicians we find the most problems with but your vet shouldn't have an issue with treating this way. IT WORKS. To learn more about the politics of lyme theres a new documentary out called under our skin and you can get it free off netflix or rent it for 3.99 on amazon.com
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