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Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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New to this all

Post by jazzybaby »

I am new to this site and I am looking for hope and maybe even some prayers for my dog. I have a cocker spaniel who is recovering from IVDD surgery, it has been just about 4 weeks. She is paralyzed in her hind leggs, we have seen improvement each and everyday. She has started pulling her leggs away from us when we have been doing her therapy and when we tickle her back paws in is more than a reflex. She is able to sit up and lay back down without any help. She has started pulling herself across the floor. She is playful still and loves chewing on her toys still. However her vet which she has seen twice since coming home from surgery says she has no DPP and all her moving is just reflex. At the time of surgery he gave her about a 50% chance she would walk again but now seems to think since it has been 4 weeks from surgery and no DPP that she will not walk again. We have been prayer for her everyday and I know this sounds dumb but i just know in my heart that she will walk again. I have been looking over some of the postings on this site and see that it can take some time for pets to stand or walk again. I don't want to get discouraged and was hoping to get some insight from someone who has been through this.
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Re: New to this all

Post by Bobbie »

Get her up in a cart so she can use her legs normally. Can you do underwater treadmill or swimming? Those help to get their legs working (might be too soon.) She might or might not get much back but it can take a long time.
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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