holistic medicine questions

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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holistic medicine questions

Post by jazzybaby »

Hello, I have a 4 year old female cocker spaniel who is recovering from IVDD surgery. Her hind legs are paralyzed and we are working with her so she can hopefully walk again. She has come a long the surgery was done about 6 weeks ago and we have been doing physical theraphy with her at home since then and she has been going to her vet about 2 times a week for laser theraphy and we have seen a lot of improvement she is now kicking and stiffening her back legs when we tickle and message them. She is now ablke to sit up and lay back down all on her own. She has even started sitting and laying with her back legs tucked under her, we have even seen her trying to left herself us by pushing with her back feet. We are having trouble finding a place to do water theraphy at in our area, i found a place that has a pool and would work with her but it is an hour away and they don't have a under water trendmill which they vet thinks would be better for her. The only place i found is a little under 2 hours away from us. Does anyone have any other ideas or advice if we can't find a place. I am also looking for any thoughts or advice on holistic medicine, I have a vet near me that does holistic medicine and many friends have said to try it however i really don't know anything about it and don't want to waste money and time that could be spent in other ways for her recovery. My husband and i are willing to try anything if it gives her a chance to walk again. thanks
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Re: holistic medicine questions

Post by smithpk85 »

I don't know anything about holistic medicine. I am taking Maggie to therapy once a week - it is a 2 hour and 15 minute drive. That is the closest one to me. I am only able to take her once a week because of the distance, but it has helped her tremendously. She walks on the underwater treadmill and the therapist does other exercises with her as well. If you are able to make that trip once a week, it would be well worth it. I believe that Maggie has made a lot of progress from therapy.
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Re: holistic medicine questions

Post by smithpk85 »

I don't know anything about holistic medicine. I am taking Maggie to therapy once a week - it is a 2 hour and 15 minute drive. That is the closest one to me. I am only able to take her once a week because of the distance, but it has helped her tremendously. She walks on the underwater treadmill and the therapist does other exercises with her as well. If you are able to make that trip once a week, it would be well worth it. I believe that Maggie has made a lot of progress from therapy.
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Re: holistic medicine questions

Post by Bobbie »

Some people set up a baby pool or lower the temp in a hot tub to let their dogs swim. You might be able to get a hot tub cheap or free (check Freecycle or Craigslist) or find someone who doesn't use theirs much who would let your dog come over and swim. (The temp needs to be lower than normal so dual use doesn't really work.)
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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Re: holistic medicine questions

Post by Gabro14 »


My dog doesn't have IVDD, but she has rear paralysis. I took her to a holistic vet when she first started to decline in the rear legs, and there was definitely some improvement (but the paralysis was inevitable). I think acupuncture and chiropractic really worked for her. The holistic meds...not so much. Just be careful with what they try to talk you into, because that stuff ends up costing a fortune.

Good luck,
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Re: holistic medicine questions

Post by jazzybaby »

Gabi, thanks for the info, I have heard that the cost can add up. So thank you for the heads up.
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Re: holistic medicine questions

Post by jazzybaby »


I just wanted to tell you thank you for your advice about the water therapy. We took have been taking Jasmine for 3 weeks to laser therapy which had helped a lot and we have seen a lot of improvement. However this weekend we made the drive to the closet therapy place and it was well worth the drive. She did the underwater treadmill and she walked it was the best thing i have ever seen. Her therapist seems to think she wants to walk and stand but her legs are not strong enough. Since it is so far away we will be going every other Saturday and shewas able to show us things we can do in our bathtub.

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Re: holistic medicine questions

Post by smithpk85 »

Hi Stacy!

I am glad to hear you tried the underwater treadmill. It helps a lot. What kind of exercises are you doing in the bathtub? I was just curious what the PT suggested to do. Did she say to anything about standing her up? My PT said the weight bearing was a good exercise. I stand Maggie up while she is eating. Since I have been doing that, she can now stand by herself the whole time she is eating. It is so exciting to watch them improve and get stronger in their legs. I long for the day she will get up to a standing position by herself and take those first steps unassisted. She has been down for 12 weeks now, but she has come a long way.

Keep me updated on your baby!

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Re: holistic medicine questions

Post by jazzybaby »

The PT told us to put her in the standing postion as much as possible, as far as the tub goes the only thing she told us was fill the tub up past the top of her legs and put her in the standing postion and push on her butt. She said we could try to get her a kiddie pool and walk her in that but it would have to have high sides to fill it up enough. She got us a peanut ball to use at home. And that is to help make her legs stronger. I will have to try standing her while she eats. We do stand her after we express her and she is now able to right her paws keeping her pads on the floor. Thanks I will keep you posted.

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