A final farewell to Chloe....

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by FurmomInNewMexico »

I just wanted to let you know that I must say my final goodbyes
to my sweet Chloe this morning. The vet is coming to the house
at 9 A.M. to give her a smooth and gentle, painless crossing. I
thank Betsey Hartman from the bottom of my heart for her won-
derful invention (The Hartman Harness) that gave Chloe nearly
four more years with us, and I cherished every minute of them. Unfortunately, her condition was misdiagnosed early on as DM,
which I've since found out from two separate vets her breed of
dog does not even get! Had we known the true diagnosis (de-
generative spinal arthritis and degenerative arthritis of the hips)
we could have and WOULD have been treating her from the get-
go with acupuncture and herbs, both very effective in controlling
and haulting the advancement of this condition! She would have remained mobile much, much longer, and we'd probably have a
good many years of quality time to look forward to with her. As
I said, unfortunately that is not the case. At this stage the
condition is beginning to compromise her front legs as well, and
she is beginning to lose motor control in that area as well. She
cannot walk three steps on her own without losing her balance
and falling, and the vet says even with the harness (which she
LOVED, by the way, and made me give her Betsey's site to pass
on to other clients!), she is not in danger of one or both of those
front legs giving out and taking a nasty fall, with possible cata-
strophic breaks/injuries that would put her in excruciating crisis
mode, an event to be avoided at all costs.

So, as I said, it is time, and reluctantly I have agreed to let
her go. The truth is the condition itself will not kill her. She
will not simply fall asleep one night and not wake up. It is one
of those situations where a responsible pet owner must do the
right (extremely hard, heart-wrenching!) thing for the sake
of the animal in their care.

Here's Chloe in better times, when she could still get up on the couch...

Chloe Brink
Much cherished and beloved furchild of Carol Brink
1993 - 2009
ChloeC4-07.jpg reduced.jpg
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Re: A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by jazzybaby »

I am so sorry for your loss. It is one of the hardest things in life.

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Re: A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by CarolC »

You have certainly taken good care of her, and such a big dog, too. She has been a very lucky, and much loved dog. I am glad to hear from you again but sorry for what you are going through.
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Re: A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by critters »

I'm sorry for your loss.
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Re: A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by Christine »

Goodby, sweet and precious Chloe. We all loved you too. I am so sorry that you had to make this unselfish decision for your girl. Sending you hugs and prayers. You were a wonderful loving and caring mom to her.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
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Re: A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by poohbearsmom »

My condolences on the loss of your beloved Chloe.
You have been a wonderful Mom to Chole.
You were both lucky to have found each other to share life with.
May your wonderful memories bring you comfort.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal
Love leaves a memory no one can steal
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Re: A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by FurmomInNewMexico »

Many thanks to all for all the compassionate and heart-warmng responses to my final post on Chloe's passing. It was very peaceful and gentle, and now she is free. All that's left is for me to grieve, and I have been doing so. My heart breaks with missing her physical presence, and old habits die hard. Every day I look for her sweet face, her bright eyes, her soft warm furry self. I automatically turn on the T.V. to "keep her company" when we have to go out, I hurry back so she won't be on her own too long, I go to the pantry to grab her a cookie upon leaving, I get up at night to cover her in case she is cold, and I still save her the last bite of my good...! I sometimes think I hear her breathing, or the jingle of her harness. Once I even thought I heard her bark, but had dropped off and was dreaming. I just miss her valient spirit so much! It will take a long time before my tears dry up, but it's okay. They honor her, and the love we shared. It helps to know others know this pain and feel it with and for me, so thank you all so much. I remember when Jeanne wrote us she had to let Angelo go how my heart broke for her and her family... now I am feeling it again, but in a sharper sense at the loss of my own
beloved Chloe. Thank you all for your love and support.

By the way, I have a new email address and can't find anywhere on the site to list it so I can be notified of responses to my posts. Can anyone help me with that?

Always and forever Chloe's Mom...
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Re: A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by Goldenz2 »


I am so very sorry to hear about Chloe's passing! I do unfortunately understand the devastating heartbreak.

I haven't visited this Forum in a very long time. It was just too painful to deal with after having to put my heart dog Angelo down.

You and so many others were SO helpful to me all last year when I was helping him to have a full and happy life regardless of his disabilities. And I thank you for that! He taught me so much, as he woke up every day like there was a great celebration going on!

I do have some news to share as there has been an addition to my family. But I will do that in another Forum on here. I wanted to make sure that you know that you have my sympathies. I still cry EVERY day over Angelo, and he has been gone 7 months. But he is never far away, as he has given me MANY signs. He has not only given ME signs, but my boyfriend as well. That is itself is amazing because he never believed in any of that...until now. I hope your Chloe has given you signs too.

Big hugs,

Jeanne in NJ
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Re: A final farewell to Chloe....

Post by FurmomInNewMexico »


I am so very sorry to hear about Chloe's passing! I do unfortunately understand the devastating heartbreak.
Oh Jeanne, how lovely to hear from you and know that you are still standing after the devestating loss of your sweet Angelo. I have thought of you so often, and I still have Angelo's pictures in my computer and look at his preciouc countenance often and wish him good luck and god speed. I never felt so much love and admiration for an animal I had never even met ... there was (is!) just something about him
that touches my heart right down to the quick! His valiant courage! His "take it in stride" attitude.
His ability to find the essence of joy in each and every day allotted to him on this earth! And you, too!
YOUR courage, YOUR dedication, YOUR determination to give him everything possible right up to the very last! I admire you just as much!
I haven't visited this Forum in a very long time. It was just too painful to deal with after having to put my heart dog Angelo down.
Oh yes, I understand that very well! I come infrequently myself for that same reason....
You and so many others were SO helpful to me all last year when I was helping him to have a full and happy life regardless of his disabilities. And I thank you for that! He taught me so much, as he woke up every day like there was a great celebration going on!
Yes, Jeanne, that's it, isn't it? They truly are our teachers. And they take their assignements very seriously! I know you learned a TON from Angelo, and I too learned an immense amount from Chloe..
her stoic acceptance of the gradual narrowing of her activities and life expression, ALL without complaint I might add, and she too waking up each morning with enthusiasm to see what good thing tghe say might bring, be it food or attention or being assisted out to the yard to be at one with nature
and her creaturehood. She was so frustrated at the end... falling constantly... yet patiently looking over her shoulder to ask for the assistance she needed to get up. We transported her whenever she wanted and needed to go, and she was NEVER made to feel like a burden, for in truth the joys performing loving service to her were greater than any "burden" or "inconvenience" to we, her human

I miss her every day. It's only been since Aug. 4th, and every day I still look for her happy face and sparkling eyes, save bites of food for her, hold onto her toys and weep over her familar scent still adhereing to them. I feel like a part of my heart has been ripped out and can never be mended.
I do have some news to share as there has been an addition to my family. But I will do that in another Forum on here. I wanted to make sure that you know that you have my sympathies. I still cry EVERY day over Angelo, and he has been gone 7 months. But he is never far away, as he has given me MANY signs. He has not only given ME signs, but my boyfriend as well. That is itself is amazing because he never believed in any of that...until now. I hope your Chloe has given you signs too.
I don't feel ready for another dog, and may not ever. Five dogs lost over a lifetime is five too many.
I can't face the loss of another, so this may be the end of the line of dog ownership for me. However,
when I have grieved Chloe's loss sufficiently, however long that takes, I am considering becoming a foster mom at that time and taking in dogs that need love and care in temporary homes while the rescue groups find suitable permanent ones for them. That way although it will be painful to say goodbye when it's time to part with them, at least I'll know they're going someplace good and not to
their deaths :( I haven't decided for sure yet, but I think I'd be good at it, and I'd be helping the cause, because there are so many animals in need.

I wish I could say we've had signs of Chloe's presence, but there's been nothing. Maybe it's too soon and our grief too raw. I hope and pray they do come at some point... it would be a great comfort.

Thank you for writing, Jeanne. I'm glad to know you're doing better, and also that you have had the courage and strength to bring a new baby into your midst. You're a better man than I am Gunga Din...!

Thank you for your loving thoughts... I prayer for Angelo every day, and I pray for you and your family, as well.

Warm hugs to you as well!
Always and forever Chloe's Mom...
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