Why spend time and money to save a paralyzed dog

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Why spend time and money to save a paralyzed dog

Post by poohbearsmom »

Some people have asked me that.
I spent thousands of dollars to rehabilitate my Poohbear when she had her FCE.
Some one sent me this video and I think it answers the question - why?
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Re: Why spend time and money to save a paralyzed dog

Post by kristenv »

Thank you for sharing this...it is so very touching.

I have had several people ask me this during Samy's multiiple surgeries and subsequent rehab as well and in some strange way those experiences and Samy's love brought me so much closer in my relationship with God and in understanding (or trying to at least) the love he has for us.
Kristen, Samy, and Dottie
Jenner, Alex, BB
4 epsiodes of IVDD for Samy: Surgery x2 , crate rest x2 still going strong
Dottie no IVDD
Rory no IVDD (at the bridge)
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