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Bully - From FCE to Cancer

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:26 pm
by karkorny
Just wanted to bring Bully's story up to date. Over three years ago Bully, my 100-pound-plus Bullmastiff mix, was felled by an FCE and was paralyzed from nose to tail with a very poor prognosis. With much blood, sweat and tears, he pulled through. During his paralysis he had to have emergency surgery for a perforated ulcer in his stomach. He also suffered with colitis. Once he recovered complete movement we saw that he had been left with a very profound right-sided deficit. But he's been happy and mobile and all is good. Last year he had bloat and again we almost lost him. And now, here we are in 2009. Bully was diagnosed with anal sac carcinoma a couple of months ago. He had surgery to remove the very large tumor. Because of the cancer, his calcemic level was very elevated and he was very, very weak. I didn't know it was because of cancer and thought my boy was going downhill from the neurological problems. Now, after surgery, he's much better, perkier, and more mobile. But now he's going through chemotherapy. Had his first treatment two weeks ago and withstood it very well-- no side effects at all. I'm only hoping the next six treatments -- every three weeks -- will go as well. At 12 years old I didn't want to put him through more than he needed to endure just for my comfort level. But my wonderful oncologist assured me that his training was to do what he had to do for the best quality of life for the dog and in Bully's case the anal cancer would come back with a vengeance without chemo. So chemo it is. Builly the Bionic Dog, as always, is the best patient and only wants to please Mom. Hang in there, all you with medical issues, there's always HOPE. Karen and Bully

Re: Bully - From FCE to Cancer

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:31 pm
by Christine
We love our Bully....many prayers for a speedy and comfortable healing for this wonderful boy and thanks to both of you for all the lives you are touching and helping.

Re: Bully - From FCE to Cancer

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:59 pm
by Diana R.
What a trooper Bully is and how lucky he is to have pet guardians like you. I learned the hard way that animals do not suffer the same side effects that humans do with chemo. I have two right now on chemo---my two feleuk positive kitties. In 6/08 Junipurr had a tumor wrapped around her heart which turned out to be lymphoma (I understand that mediastinal tumors are common in FeLV positive kitties). She had a 25 week protocol and continues on chemo to keep the tumor at bay. In 6/09 I had Gabriel into the vet because he was not his usual self. Blood work and an exam showed nothing. A couple weeks later I had to rush him in at about 1 a.m. because he was having labored breathing. The rads showed fluid build up in his lungs. I was pretty sure and not nearly as panicked as I was with Junipurr because I had a good idea that he also had lymphoma. He will finish the protocol in two weeks and will continue on maintanence and right now is doing well. It never ceases to amaze me what veterinary medicine can do for our animals and how resilient they are. I am very thankful to still have them. Hope Bully continues to fight on---I am sure he knows that you are right there with him. Happy Thanksgiving. Diana

Re: Bully - From FCE to Cancer

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:08 pm
by CarolC
Christine wrote:We love our Bully....many prayers for a speedy and comfortable healing for this wonderful boy and thanks to both of you for all the lives you are touching and helping.
You guys are the greatest, wishing you all the very best. :hearts:

Re: Bully - From FCE to Cancer

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:29 pm
by Caroline
I just read up on Bully, I sure hope for a good outcome.
I really want you to know what a inspiration you and Bully were to me when Buster first went down.
All the best

Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he's owned by a dog.
_Gene Hill

Re: Bully - From FCE to Cancer

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:36 pm
by karkorny
Bully had his second chemo treatment this week and seems to be faring very well. His white blood cell count remains good and he's not suffered any side effects yet. They increased his medicine dose this time and are adding in an oral medicine. The hardest part has been finding a good vein. He's been through a lot and has a lot of scarred veins evidently. He's starting to look like a big brown patchwork quilt with all the shaved areas! I love my boy and I treasure every day I have with him in my life. Hang in there, all of you going through such rough times. This forum is an awesome avenue for hope and encouragement. Karen and Bully

Re: Bully - From FCE to Cancer

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:18 am
by Jacko's Mum
Thoughts are with you and Bully. Regards, Lee

Re: Bully - From FCE to Cancer

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:48 pm
by poohbearsmom
Prayers for Bully.
You are a great dog Mom Karen. :trophy: