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The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:13 pm
by FurmomInNewMexico
Some of you may remember me and my sweet Chloe, misdiagnosed with DM when what she really had was degenerative arthritis in her hips and spine... a condition we could have been effectively treating with acupunture and chinese herbs, affording her continued mobility for the final four years of her life, during which she was virtually an invalid. We cared for her as best we could, and with the help of a wonderful product known as The Hartman Harness, we managed to give her the assistance she needed
to get in and out to relieve herself, and she got around fairly well indoors on carpeting. Of course we had numerous soft beds for her... one in every room of the house!.... and rendered assistance whenever
she needed a lift to get up. Her final years were as good as we could make them under the circumstances (though I am still and will forever remain angry at the two separate vets who misdiagnosed her, preventing us from getting effective treatment for her TRUE ailments), and with herbs, acupuncture, and ordinary medications for low thyroid and to control pain, she was a pretty content little girl. But as we knew it would, finally the sad day finally came when it her front legs, once strong, began to give way to the progressing arthritis as well and we knew we had reached the end of the line. It was becoming just too frustrating for her, as she would struggle up only to be able to walk a step or two at most before tumbling over. Doggie wheel chairs were not an option, as, at 87 lbs, she was not a good candidate for same. We had to made the sad decsion to let her go, and we did so here in the security and comfort of her own home, with two marvelous vets in attendence who saw to it that
she suffered no fear, pain or discomfort of any kind. They first gave her a shot to put her into the level of unconsciousness used for surgery, in which there is no awareness and no pain felt. I was allowed to
hold and pet and sooth her as she fell into a deep, relaxed sleep. Then, and only then, was the final dose to stop the heart given... when she had no awareness and could feel nothing. Her crossing was
painless and peaceful, and I could rejoice that she was finally free of the body that had imprisoned her for so long.

Needless to say, my own emotional state was one of complete and utter devestation. I had loved and
cared for that sweet animal for a good many years, as she was estimated at being between three and five when my late husband and I resued her and was between 15 and possibly 17 when she passed. It took me a long time to heal, and I'm not sure I'm fully healed yet. I did not want another dog ... I told myself never again!... but the truth is they are my favorite people and I just can't live without dogs, so
I ended up adopting a little terrior/boxer mix from our local county shelter on Oct. 28th. She was just
two months old, is rambunctious, wild, and becoming confident and secure. My vet assured me she was
a healthy specimen (after a nightmare attempt at adopting a sweet dog from a unethical rescue group
who at the age of between only one and two was already afflicted with advanced hip dysplasia...!) and
each time she sees her, she notes she has grown, gained weight, and come more into her own. It is
good to have this little puppy ball of energy, though we are resisting the urge to spoil her to death, knowing the importance of establishing good habits early on so as to have an enjoyable family member that does not irritate our friends and family by acting out and getting on their last nerve...! We are great adherents to Cesar Milan's methods, which we temper with Sonya Fitzpatrick's... two very different approaches! Our new little girl's name is Cayce... named after famous psychic and healer,
Edgar Cayce :) ... and she brings great joy into our still somewhat sad and recovering hearts. We will always love and miss Chloe, but we have room in our heart to love Cayce as well, and she needs us. She is brand spanking new... a baby, really!... and a total innocent. I could not possible consider leaving her
in that shelter to risk becoming infected with some illness and or worse... euthanasia!! No way!

So we have turned the corner. Little Cayce is now three months old, and we fall more in love with her
every day. Here is a picture of my little girl... ain't she cute? :D

Re: The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:05 pm
by Friend2Dogs
She is beautiful. I too afetr losing my Mason found a sick homeless little dog in a shelter and adopted him. He was 4 days away from being killed. I fell in love with Teddy by looking at his picture every day on dogs in danger. My husband told me no I could not have him. I went against what he told me and brought this skinny mangey worm filled dog home. He is healthy now and my husband calls Teddy his buddy! LOL!

Re: The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:31 pm
by Christine
She is beautiful....and curiously, her ears are matador ears like your Chloe....hmmmm...

Re: The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:05 pm
by FurmomInNewMexico
Friend2Dogs wrote:She is beautiful. I too afetr losing my Mason found a sick homeless little dog in a shelter and adopted him. He was 4 days away from being killed. I fell in love with Teddy by looking at his picture every day on dogs in danger. My husband told me no I could not have him. I went against what he told me and brought this skinny mangey worm filled dog home. He is healthy now and my husband calls Teddy his buddy! LOL!
I think it's so wonderful that you adopted Teddy... you literally saved his life, and not only saved it, but gave him a darn GOOD one, with love and care and all the things they all deserve just by virtue of being born...! I do believe it helps us heal our souls to love a new baby, and they are all such amazing teachers. They teach by example, and what they teach is unconditional love.

May God bless Teddy, you for your kindness and courage in going against your husband's wishes (I'd have done the same..!! :wink: ), and your husband as well for coming around and recognizing in
Teddy the beautiful companion he's been graced with. I hope you and your family has wonderful
holidays and that the New Year brings you every happiness...


Re: The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:20 pm
by FurmomInNewMexico
Christine wrote:She is beautiful....and curiously, her ears are matador ears like your Chloe....hmmmm...
Hi Christine!

I'm not sure what matador ears are, but I was just commenting to my sweetheart that Cayce looks bigger and taller than she did just last week, and that her ears look bigger to me, too...! Chloe was a German Shorthair and they have those big soft velvety floppy ears that perk at an angle where they attach to the head whenever they hear something or something grabs their attention... I think Cayce is taking after her big sister, hahaha! Then again... maybe Cayce IS her big sister.... stranger things have happened...!

[Did you ever see the movie Fluke? :wink: ]

I scoured up a picture of Cayce from October 28th, the day we adopted her from the shelter and took her come to be our forever baby. She weighed 12 lbs, which is only about four less than she does now,
but boy does she look tiny.....! The vet says she will get to be about 35 or 40 pounds full grown :D


Re: The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:22 pm
by puremutt
Awwwwwwwwwww what a beautiful sweet pup.
i have to admit I am getting strong urges to take care of a dog as well, I only had one in my life, he was perfect! It's a though decision, if it happens y'all are the first to know.

Re: The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:38 pm
by Friend2Dogs
Puremutt, I hope you do decide to get a dog, I hope you get one from a pound and save its life. It is like they know and love you so much more than a dog you buy or was not living in the street. Teddy looks at me with so much love some times. He has sat in my lap ,stood up and put his feet on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. I think he is saying thank you .

Re: The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:49 am
by FurmomInNewMexico
puremutt wrote:Awwwwwwwwwww what a beautiful sweet pup.
i have to admit I am getting strong urges to take care of a dog as well, I only had one in my life, he was perfect! It's a though decision, if it happens y'all are the first to know.
Hi Puremutt,

We have communed before, and I know you to be someone possessed of a heart filled with love, and so I believe it would benefit you (not to mention the lucky dog you were to adopt!) if you were to find the courage to bring another furkid into your life and home. Of course I agree that adoption is the best way to go, but I would also have to say that the perfect right dog for you is out there and you will find it of your own accord. I can't dismiss the possibility that purchasing a dog from a reputable breeder might not be exactly how you're meant to find him or her, so I won't pass judgement on that, but I do know what our fellow poster said about them knowing they've been rescued from the street or sure death is very true. Their little souls just never lose the immense graditude and love they feel for their new "Mom" and family...!!!

If you decide it's too hard for you to take on and love another animal, knowing how hard it is when we must let them go, I of all people will fully understand and respect that point of view, but in my heart I'm secretly hoping you will go forward with taking in another furry family member to love. They enrich our lives as nothing else can, and there is no truer expression of unconditional love....!

Whatever you decide, I fully support your choice!

With love for the animals...

Re: The road from loss to healing......

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:51 am
by FurmomInNewMexico
[quote="Teddy looks at me with so much love some times. He has sat in my lap ,stood up and put his feet on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. I think he is saying thank you .[/quote]

I know you are right about that!!! Teddy is fortunate to have found such a loving Mom, and YOU are fortunate to have found Teddy...!! It's a win-win situation :D :D :D