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Helpful tip

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:46 pm
by Madison'sMomma
When googling everything I could find about post IVdd surgery treatment I could find I ran across a blog about a dog that his parents had kept. They mention in this blog using a crib or a pack-n-play. This has been a life saver in the last week!!!! It has been soo much better on my back than getting :wub: Madison :wub: in and out of a crate and I think for her it is much more comfortable as well.

I lay down an old comforter and an old pillow I no longer use and line it with puppy pads or adult diapers. I hope this helps someone like it helped me. I don't believe our journey thus far would have been as comfortable as both of us without this tip. I hope it helps someone else as well!!!!!!!!

Re: Helpful tip

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:17 pm
by Louie'sMom
Thank you! It's one of those "why didn't I think of that" moments. For my guy, who spent 5+ years at a shelter, a playpen is much more friendly looking & feeling than an x-pen. Thanks again for the great idea!

Re: Helpful tip

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:38 pm
by Tinker's Mom
I believe that it was my blog that you read that mentioned using a crib or playpen for a dog post-surgery for IVDD.

When our dog suffered a ruptured disk and then had surgery, we happened to have an old porta-crib on hand, and it worked like a charm for the first phase of his recovery. I'm always delighted to read that someone has been helped by Tinker's blog... When we were going through his surgery and recovery, there were so many good people who helped us, especially on this board.

By the way, his injury was 5 years ago, and Tinker continues to do really well. He walks with a funny little gait, and we still need to express his bladder, but he is one happy little dude. :)

~Tinker's Mom

Re: Helpful tip

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:55 pm
by Madison'sMomma
Indeed it was :D Your blog helped me with a very trying time. Madison just had her four week check up last Thursday and was cleared for more activities. She needs more strength on her right side so we go swimming at Grandma and Grandpas. Thank you for keeping a blog of your journey it made a world of difference when making decisions relating to her care!!!!! :D