my sissy my love

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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my sissy my love

Post by shawna41653 »

My 9 year old cat has become paralized in her front paws she can feel but cant use them, I am trying to find a wheel chair for her, I have very limited funds, so if anyone has any ideals let me know, maybe a plan on how to build one or find one for sale cheap she weight about 10lbs, she is the love of my life, my heart is broken for her, I made her a promise I would help her and take care, It is the least I can do for all the joy she has brought to my life, my angel flying too close to the ground, Thanks to anyone who could help me in any way, God bless, my email is
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by LisainCAN »

Hello Shawna and Sissy,


I am sorry to hear about Sissy. Was it sudden? Were you able to bring her to a vet? There are lots of folks on here who are much more knowledgeable about neuro stuff but in the meantime, if she really does need a wheelchair and not rest (like if it had been a sudden injury) then you can likely build something for sure. ... hairs.html ... re=related

I hope this gives you some ideas.

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Re: my sissy my love

Post by shawna41653 »

Thanks so much, I took her to a vet he did some test but not sure, all was normal cant afford a MRI, I found one on ebay, I pray she gets better, I love her so very much, thanks so much You are the first reply I got I check like everyday, Love sissy mom shanwa
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by shawna41653 »

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Re: my sissy my love

Post by critters »

:red: Frankly, she probably won't take to a cart (wheelchair); cats tend to have their own ideas about such things and prefer to get around in their own way. :twisted: I'd try something cheap or homemade first, in case this turns out to be true. Front carts seem to be problematic, even for dogs, so they're hard to find.
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by LisainCAN »


Can you tell us a bit more about how she is getting around right now? Is she pulling herself somehow? Scooting?

I was thinking the same thing as critters: front carts are tricky. I agree with trying something homemade first. I am no expert but maybe it could be as simple as a strap-on rollerskate that you put on her between her neck and her hindlegs. Just for now, you can use VetWrap to keep Sissy in her "cart." No matter what you do, you have to arrange for the front legs to be up and out of the way or they will get sores as she drags them around. Alternately, you could cover them with tiny socks. Even if you choose not to go the cart route, you will have to watch for sores on her legs and where ever else she makes contact with the floor as she gets around on her own.
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by shawna41653 »

she pulls herself with her left front paw and 2 back legs. I made a homemade cart not a great one , but she does move a little in it, not real happy but moving, I think she just realized today she could run from me in it :) so I orded one off ebay, a guy who makes them 70 bucks so, If it dont work not to loose much, any Ideals what could have caused this? I notice she moves all her paws while she is laying down, just not to put weight on it like she is off balance, The vet did blood work which was normal, did all the feline desiase test neg, she had normal reflexes, so I dont know, it sure hurts to see her like this, she eats and everthing fine, she is in prdizone and meds for nurepothy, vet said just wait to see, I cant afford a mri what c an I do
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by CarolC »

I do not know what might have caused it, but MissWhiskers took care of a cat that was completely disabled in all 4 legs and he still had an enjoyable life. Hopefully she will post soon, but you might want to read the messages written by MissWhiskers.
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by MissWhiskers »

Hi and Welcome!
Someone emailed me to draw my attention to this thread - but I have to run out the door to go to work! So I will come back to write late tonight. Sorry bout that, and I have to read your posts a little more closely, but from what I saw so far it is not hopeless at all, so hang tight - I'll be back. And I am so glad that you are committed to caring for your cat in this situation!

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Re: my sissy my love

Post by shawna41653 »

THANKS your a LIFE SAVER, I Love sissy so much she about 9 I found her in 2001, We have been insepeartable for the last 9 years, She is my Best friend, She stated acting funny a few months ago, she was hiding and very hateful, I took her to the vet he said she was mad or maybe a hormone problem so I gave her hormone pills, then I get home she gets out and is missing for 2 weeks, I find her she is ok, I bring her in feed her she continues to hide, so A week or 2 goes by and she starts to act or walk like she is drunk or dizzy, so I take her to a new and better vet, He checks her reflexes in all 4 limbs it is normal, he checks her eyes it is normal, no pain anywhere she did fall off the counter, he did blood work and checked for feline diease it was all normal, He gave me steriods and nuretion which i have been giving her for week, with no results, she can use her back legs good and her left front paw seems less effectied than her right, she can not walk, she pulls herself with what she has, she weighs about 9 lbs, so It is kind of hard for her to pull herself, she eats very good and everthing, The vet said she may have a tumor on her brian or on her spine, just guessing, nothing for sure, he said only a mri would show it, I cant afford 800 dollars or I sure would in a second, so I dont know what to do, I hurt so much that I cant help her, she is my little girl, I wonder if a xray would show anything? Thanks for your time, SHAWNA
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by MissWhiskers »

I wrote a very long post and when I was almost done my finger slipped or I clicked something wrong or something and lost the whole thing! I am sorry. So I am re writing something but more briefly as it is very late and i am tired...
I guess the main points are: Is she stable right now? I also could not afford an MRI but was being told that regardless of what caused the paralysis the treatment and care would be the same. So while I always hoped I could afford the MRI some day - I never did get that done.
I also tried making a wheelchair. It wasn't very good but it was just something I tried to rig on my own. There used to be a couple of links to web sites that gave instructions on making them. Or maybe someone here can post a link to one of those sites. But Whiskers did not like it much.
He was Quadriplegic and while he could move his limbs he could not make himself walk! He could not even stand or sit up without being propped up. So I tried to carry him around to keep him "upright" as opposed to lying on his side whidh he was all of the rest of the time. I did make sure I would change which side he was lying on every several hours.
It sounds like Sissy can get around a bit, right? And while I can imagine that it hurts alot to see what she is going through I do think cats/animals are amazing at how they can adapt to situations! Perhaps she will develop strength and soon be getting around even better. You might want to check out some videos to see cats and how they move and get around when they become paralyzed. I wish for you and her that it would be a temporary thing, but if not - it just means life will be different. And all of us here will help you with whatever you need to know. Just ask!
I realize it could be caused by some of those things the Dr said, like brain function, tumor etc. and since you can't do the MRI right now I would just want to know from the Dr what signs or symptoms to watch for if it is some sort of progressive disease - so you know when to rush back to the Dr or hospital. Can Anyone out there help explain what X rays might be able to tell versus what they won't? I know I should know but I am so tired I am not thinking too clearly. Actually you could google that information Also, in Whiskers case some of the "Ruleouts" were: congenital or developmental anomalies - probably not the case with Sissy as she is 9 yrs old and the problem just started. Also, previous trauma - which is what I think it was in Whiskers' case. Or Infection - like FIP, Toxoplasma or Bacterial. Can the Dr give you the probablilty of which if any of these it might be? And/or did they "Rule Out anything? Did they say if it might be something that won't get any better but won't get any worse either? And did they go over some care instructions? I liked all of Lisa's ideas above.
I will look through Whiskers' records to see if I can suggest anything else. I am afraid to lose what I've written so far again, so I am going to post it now, but I will come back tomorrow night, hopefully, with a few links I hope you will take a look at.
By the way I really like the way you talk of your love for Sissy! She is lucky to have you as well as you are lucky to have her! I would love to see her picture if you feel like it.
Hang in there!
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by shawna41653 »

she is not using the restoom everyday, so I gave her so I gave her some baby sweet patatoes, I have a wheel chair coming, I bought on ebay, a guy was nice enough to make her one, special, her picture is on the thread on here for wheel chairs wanted, this picture was took b4 she got sick, I think it was last year, sissy dont want me to carry her around she gets real upset, the vet did check for all the diseases and it was all neg, He wasnt sure if it would progress or not, he found it strange it being in her front legs not her back ones at all, the right front leg is wrose than the left, So right know she wants me to leave her alone besides combing her hair and feeding her, she has always been real independent cat, so I understand, seems she is moving less, not sure why, someone said to give her a little olive oil to help her poo, I scracth her chest and she moves her back legs like awwww so that is one way to get her moving some, thanks so much for your time, shawna
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by shawna41653 »

sissy is on face book too shawna compton, she ate a can of cat food, and a can of sweet patatoes for babies and used the restroom, it was easier for her, she feels better since she pooed, I know now I cant feed her chicken, it was her fav, but she is not moving much so not good, all babyfood and canfood, People tell me put her to sleep it would be easier but i dont see it this way, she is eating and healthy she just cant walk!!! Am i wrong, My thing is if ur mom or grandma cant walk do u call dr korvokian??? I say no
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by Christine »

Hi Shawna and Welcome,

I agree with you completely! You can also give her a tablespoon of canned pumpkin (no spices of any kind) and that will also help the poo situation. I will let the cat experts answer your questions...just wanted you to know that we all are here to support you.

Is this your Sissy?
shawna compton.jpg
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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Re: my sissy my love

Post by MissWhiskers »

Is that her Shawna? She is SO VERY Pretty!! Thank you, for bringing up that photo Christine! Have I told you lately how wonderful you are?
Shawna, First and most importantly I want to say that NO, unless a very good Vet is telling you that she is in a lot of pain with no hope for a good quality life - most of us here would never put an animal, especially our Beloved pet - down. Perhaps Doctors are trained to offer it as an "option", but usually people talk that way when they cannot comprehend the lengths we would go to for our dear, furry babies. I already heard you talk about your love and committment to your pretty Sissy, and you are right smack in the middle of hundreds of people who can help you with caring for her in this new situation. I knew nothing about caring for a paralyzed cat before coming to this website and learning from the people here. I honestly am not the most knowledgeable person here, but I am willing to try to help in any way I can. You can private message me any time too and I will give you my regular e -mail address if you like. Just come here and write to us whenever you have a question or just need support! It might take a little time to get a response but usually if one of us thinks a particular person would have the info you need we will write to each other and request their help in case they might not be following that topic or something. And if it is an emergency there is a special forum for that, but even there they remind us to seek a Vet or Hospital if it's an emergency.
I liked your example of your grandmother and Dr Kevorkian! I have said things almost exactly like that before! You hit the bulls eye with that! So be patient, confidence will come and you may even grow to enjoy caring for a handicapped pet as I did! I think I mentioned that Whiskers is gone now. I believe he went to live in Heaven as he was an Angel... Anyway, that was last November. Just a couple of months ago I adopted a special needs cat who has partial paralysis in his rear legs. I did that because my experience with Whiskers was so meaningful and I wanted to do something similar again. I will see if I can copy and paste his story here sometime soon.
I am not sure but it seems like there are more cases of kitties with rear leg paralysis, so I hope someone can be found who has experience with front leg paralysis. Or maybe one of us can put up some links to info or videos. For me it helped to watch some videos to see how a paralyzed cat moved - and when you see how good they become at getting around it might be encouraging and helpful!
I have to go call my niece to wish her Happy Birthday, but I wanted to tell you that because Whiskers was virtually totally immobile I had to be very careful about monitoring his input and outgo so that he would not become constipated or have really hard stools. Pumpkin was suggested to me (like your sweet potatoes) but what I used mostly was Lactulose, which I got from the vet and was not very expensive. I also made sure he got plenty of water but then I gave him his water through a syringe so it was pretty easy to know how much he was getting on a daily basis. Can she get around enough to get to her food and water bowl by herself? If not, let us know and we can give you tips.
Can she get to the cat box and use it on her own? I had to take Whiskers to the cat box and hold him over it but he would go by himself! If you need advice on catbox issues let us know.
Gotta Go for now but I hope to come back next time with some links to helpful web sites and maybe a video.
You keep the faith and keep up the good work, OK?

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