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paralized dashund

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:26 pm
by lorij
I am new to this dilema. My little dog Miss Fern has paraysis of her back legs. She still can wag her tail and at times has bladder and bowel control. I am looking for advice on how to keep a doggie diaper on her and keep her from leaking. I am using a washable diaper that velcros together with a poise pad on the liner. My sister suggested an infant onesie to keep it on. That works pretty well as it snaps together between her legs with room for her tail to stick out, but we still have some leaks at times. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. How are others taking care of their pets like Miss Fern? It is difficult at best and we are trying to make the best of the situation.

Re: paralized dashund

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:29 pm
by Christine
Hi Lorij,

Please take a look at the information here and then feel free to come back and ask as many questions as you want. Crate rest is crucial. It sounds as though you will need to express little Miss Fern to avoid her getting a urinary tract infection. Once she is emptying her bladder on a regular schedule, you may not have to be concerned about a diaper. Have you been to the vet? Dodger's List is a group of people with this same problem. We would love to see a picture of this little lady. ... =4&t=10626


Re: paralized dashund

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:13 pm
by CarolC
lorij wrote:I am new to this dilema. My little dog Miss Fern has paraysis of her back legs. She still can wag her tail and at times has bladder and bowel control. I am looking for advice on how to keep a doggie diaper on her and keep her from leaking. I am using a washable diaper that velcros together with a poise pad on the liner. My sister suggested an infant onesie to keep it on. That works pretty well as it snaps together between her legs with room for her tail to stick out, but we still have some leaks at times. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. How are others taking care of their pets like Miss Fern? It is difficult at best and we are trying to make the best of the situation.
Hi Lori,

This reply is rather late, I'm sorry. There are a bunch of ideas and links for keeping diapers on in this article.

I like the velcro outer diaper with a Poise pad in it. I have found it can be a trick to find the brand that fits your dog. Diapers for dogs are exactly like blue jeans for humans, one brand will fit you and the other one absolutely won't. :roll: If the ones you have with velcro don't fit, you may need to seek out another brand. My 6-lb dog wears a denim wrap with a pad inside and it does not leak. I think you are using the right idea, you just haven't found the correct brand of diaper yet. I can tell you that my dog did great in the denim ones from PetsMart, then the company changed the pattern and the way they were cut and they did not work for her anymore. In a panic I searched the Internet and finally found some of the old style for sale and stocked up because I know *those* fit her.

You did not really give much background on your dog. I have some questions that are a little off the subject of what you were asking about (keeping diapers on). How long ago did she start to have problems, and did the vet give her any medication or recommend resting her? Sometimes if the disk problem isn't too bad, the dog will improve with crating, regaining mobility and bladder control. In cases like this, you need to be sure the dog is not allowed to drag around, just rest. You can find more information on crate rest in the first 2 articles of the link Christine gave.

Re: paralized dachshund

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:02 am
by lorij
Hello Carol,
Thanks for the reply. Here's a little history on Miss Fern. She first injured her back in October. Immediatly took her to the vet and they wanted to set her up for back surgery. She had already been through so much (that's a whole sad story in iteslf), we choose to treat her conservatively. Crate rest, steroids, pain pills and muscle relaxers. She fully recovered and we were told to be very viligant because she could re-injure easily. Well, she did, we went through the same routine as before and she has not recovered. She is 5 years old. She has been off crate rest now for 3 weeks and we are just trying to get it all figured out. I have been doing exersises with her each day in attempt to keep some muscle tone. My husband has built her some wheels which she is slowly getting used to and we are muddling through....I am starting to do some reading on line and saw this forum and thought I would chime in.

Re: paralyzed dashund

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:42 pm
by Dianne
Hi Lorij,

Just wanted to agree with Carol and Christine and welcome you. Any updates?

Even though paralyzed, a doxie can lead a long life. Schnitzel has been paralyzed and incontinent for 6 1/2 years. Wishing your pup a good recovery, but if not, wishing Miss Fern a long, healthy life.
