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hello, new to forum

Post by mrsmohr »

i just wanted to say i'm so glad to have found this website! i have a 14yr cat name pepper who we believe suffered from a stroke 4 days ago, she was lethargic and did not want to move at all. i took her to the vet the next day, at this time she was more alert and held her head up along with moving her front paws. her back legs are a different story, they were showing no movement at all. he gave me prednisone and told me to watch her and see if she gets any better...well her tremors have all but disappeared, she eats and drinks alot too, she will pull herself around with her front paws and just today was moving her back legs to clean them. i am so excited to see she seems to be recovering, however i'm trying not to get too excited because she still has a long way to go. i have her laying on training pads and after she wets them she quickly crawls away! and just today she was trying to make her way to the litterbox so i held her over it and she went in there :D

her paws seem to be cold, i rub them often and keep her covered while sleeping...should i put a heating pad under her blanket, is this ok? she is used to laying for hours in our big bay window, which now she cannot do unless i take her there and sit with her (so she doesn't fall off). right now i'm rigging something as a barrier to put across so i can leave her there longer while i'm busy. she purrs all the time and i'm trying to keep her happy, it's exhausting tho with kids, school, work, etc. is there any other advice to give me to help her along the way? i'm not due to call the vet for a few more days to let them know how she's doing, and i hope she keeps progressing as she is.

i've been combing over posts here for what seems like hours, i'm going to go try to make a sling from my scarves and try that for starters... :thankyou:
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Re: hello, new to forum

Post by Christine »

Glad you found us! We have some wonderful cat experts here who will be along, but I just wanted to say a few quick things. Your cat may need to be expressed and there are instructions and videos here to explain and help with that. When you go back to your vet they can help and check your technique. You mentioned that she wets the pad...this could be overflow. Expressing her while she is not able to get up and get to her litter box will also make things more comfortable for her and avoid a urinary tract infection. You are half the way there because she tries to go when you hold her over the litter box. Expressing her will assure that she is fully emptying her bladder.


I would caution using a heating pad since she might wet the pad it is under. There are other concerns with using a heating pad, but this is the first one I thought of. You could warm a blanket in the dryer and it sounds like you are cuddling her (I would be too!) so this would be comforting for both of you.
Would one of those wire carriers fit in the window she loves to lie in? Perhaps that would work to avoid the possibility of her trying to get down on her own and falling.

I am not the cat expert, but I will let them know about you, so hang tight. What is your cat's name? We love pictures!

Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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Re: hello, new to forum

Post by critters »

:slant: I'd probably not use a heating pad because of the risk of burns. While she doesn't seem to have a spinal cord injury, Christine's idea of expressing is a good one to help decrease the mess while your baby is recovering. As for the window, how about a bed with sides, then pillows or comforters on the floor in case she does fall out?
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Re: hello, new to forum

Post by mrsmohr »

thank you for the replies Critters & Christine, her name is Pepper-i'll upload a pic soon...
i'm going to try to express her bladder here soon, so thank you for that info-my vet didn't mention it-but then again i was an emotional mess that day. i had made her up a new litter box separate from my other cat (her mommy actually) & i think that's what the problem was because this morning she started trucking toward the old one when i had her in the sling (and used it) :) i'm going to pick up one of those self warming pads at the pet store today & hopefully find something she'll be comfortable in while she lays in the window.... her appetite is less so far today (yesterday she ate 4 bowls of food) but she loves her water, so for that i am thankful. she's always been a runt and so active, everyone thinks she's a kitten & i think we did too so it makes this so much harder... i've actually been sleeping on the floor with her every nite (my back is killing me, lol) because she doesn't want to lay anywhere else besides the window & right in front of the couch.

you all are great & i'll keep checking back in :wub:
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Re: hello, new to forum

Post by BendyMom »

hello and welcome to Hpets.
somethign that jumps out at me about your description is her cold paws. that is a circulation issue. I would talk to your vet asap about that, makes me think heart issues, or clotting that is impeding circulation. I would ask her about anti-clotting medicines, a stroke is a clot in the brain so she has thrown a clot once already. In my mind a cardio checkup is in order, a cardio ultrasound will tell the vet all they need to know about how her heart is functioning. if a ventricle is enlarged that leads to clotting. there are many many medications for treating the different kinds of heart problems so don't panic if they find something.

it sounds like she is recovering function really well, that must have been a doozy of a stroke. poor girl.
take care of your back, if you throw your back out its harder to care for the critters ;) if you can take ibuprofen its good for that, and so is just doing some stretching esp of your hamstrings.

please keep us posted!
and yes, we love picts!

the Bendy Mom


Bendy Kitty
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i am not the same without you.
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