paralyzed while expressing anal glands

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Re: paralyzed while expressing anal glands

Post by Tacomom »

Critters, I'm sorry to hear about your Polly. I just lost my Mama Kitty in June. She was over 15. We love our fur babies.
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Re: paralyzed while expressing anal glands

Post by critters »

Thank you.

You might even need more than 1 round of gabapenin.
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Re: paralyzed while expressing anal glands

Post by Jcastillo »

Puppy hit by car he is 3 months he was hit and it caused a spinal fracture vet recommended surgery but I don’t have the money for that he eats and drinks water he can get up and walk but he is in pain he is taking medication he hasn’t pooped in 24 hrs I am concerned because vet said to keep an eye out for that he pee fine but no poop vet also said there is a chance he will heal on his own with time but I am worried never been thru anything like this has anyone been thru this and there dog healed with out surgery?
Please help
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Re: paralyzed while expressing anal glands

Post by CarolC »

If he has a spinal fracture, I would not let him walk around. I would keep him in a crate or playpen. There are several possible reasons he is not pooping. The main reason is probably pain. His back hurts and it is making him feel tense, and it may be painful to squat. Pain medication can also cause constipation. Pooping is an automatic function and even dogs with complete paralysis can still poop. If he still has not pooped by Monday you may want to ask the vet for a pet laxative. (Do not try a human laxative, some of them have ingredients that are not safe for pets.) You can try giving him some canned pumpkin (the plain kind with no spices in it, like Libby's with no spices). Pumpkin can help both constipation and diarrhea in dogs. If you have a grocery store with a large display of baby food, they probably have little jars or tubs of canned pumpkin for babies. It's expensive, about 95 cents a jar, but all you do is take the lid off and give it to him, chances are he will eat it out of the jar and think it is a treat.

Since he is a puppy a fracture will probably heal faster because he is growing so fast. Did the vet say if the fracture was still in line or was it displaced (out of line)? Did he show you on an xray? If he can still walk, and you can keep him from injuring himself further (keep him in a crate or playpen and limit him so he does not walk too much) I would be hopeful.

There is a loan for emergency veterinary care called Care Credit. They will pay for emergency surgery and then you pay it back monthly till it is paid off. Many vet clinics have the application at the reception desk. If I was going to have spinal surgery on a dog, I would prefer to have it done by a specialist. It is almost a guarantee they will have the Care Credit application at a specialty hospital. If you are interested, I would call your regular vet and ask what is the specialty hospital in your area, and would he refer your dog to go there for surgery. Then you can call the specialty hospital and see if they have Care Credit. Most people who apply for the Care Credit loan are approved. The application is short and you find you out quickly if you are approved.

I would be hopeful because he can still walk and he is eating and drinking.
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Re: paralyzed while expressing anal glands

Post by critters »

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