Cage rest for disk issues

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Cage rest for disk issues

Post by Whitty4011 »

Hi, my dog has been on cage rest for 6 weeks since having a fall, she had a mri which showed Left-sided L4-5 intervertebral disc extrusion with a L5 nerve root compression. the cage rest has been very hard but this last week the sedatives are not working and she is extremely distressed in the cage to the point of hyperventilating. She is sat here now panting and has been for the last hour, she will not calm. I don’t know if it’s pain or the cage, she is on gabapentin. If I let her out and she has room rest she can’t settle. I’m at the end really where I can’t see a way forward. I can’t continue living this way. I will lose my job as I have had so much time off. What do I do?
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by CarolC »

Hi Whitty4011,


Is she a high strung breed? I have a small dog that is a little high strung and she cannot relax for crate rest without taking Valium on top of everything else. She pants and can't or won't relax. She can be on 3 different pain meds and muscle relaxers, and won't relax, but the Valium is what finally gets her to relax.

Is she able to turn herself from one side to the other? Does putting her on her other side make a difference?

Has she been on steroids? Steroids can cause GI issues, including ulcers. Do her stools appear normal? No signs of black stools or bleeding?

Could she be constipated? Has she been eliminating regularly? This is something a vet could check easily by feeling her abdomen. The bowel continues to work even in dogs with complete paralysis, but it can be slower.

Is she licking herself anyplace?

Does her urine appear healthy with no signs of pinkness or odor or anything out of the ordinary?

What breed is she? Is she large and deep chested?

I would want to have her re-checked. I am not a vet, but as far as I know after 6 weeks of strict crate rest and medication, the swelling has usually gone down a lot and I would expect her to be feeling better than she was. At 8 weeks the crate rest will be over, so the end of crate rest is in sight.

The vet can determine if she is still having pain, and if so, what is the cause. It could even be something unrelated to her fall, such as a tooth. A vet would be the best one to figure out what's going on.

I wish I had a more definite answer. I know how it is when they aren't feeling good and you aren't sure what it is, or you do know but the treatment isn't working. I've been through crate rest 4 times with my one dog and I was frantic last time when it wasn't working, until they added another med. It really does take a combination of meds for my dog. It took 4 meds, then she was finally comfortable. She finished her crate rest, got over the problem, and is back to her bouncy self again, thank God.

I hope you can get her re-checked and taken care of so you can both rest easy.
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by Whitty4011 »

She is a beagle, her is toileting fine, she isn’t licking herself. She just seems to get completely stressed out. It’s mainly in the cage but sometimes it’s in the room, sometimes she is comfy and sometimes she just can’t, she gets up and down and I don’t know how to settle her. She in the cage now and she just barks and barks and whines, it goes on for hours and I just can’t take it anymore. She does settle down at night in the crate so it makes no sense. I have an follow up appointment on wed so I’m hanging on for that. When she first hurt herself she couldn’t move without yelpling and couldn’t stand. She is much better after 6 weeks but I’m worried the painkillers are just hiding it. Every time I let her out she tries to jump up, even on the lead.
Thanks for replying, im struggling with it all.
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by CarolC »

I went through that with Merlin (golden retriever). He fell getting into the station wagon and hurt his back and had to be on crate rest. Especially the first week he cried so much I was ready to tear my hair out because I couldn't do anything for him. I'd be sitting here on the computer trying to work, and he'd just keep whining and whining. Not his fault, but I was on my last nerve. I literally went and bought some of those orange ear muff hearing protectors like you use with power tools. They helped somewhat but I could still hear him. I don't know, shooting range ear muffs might have been better. They had information about decibels on the box but I don't know a lot about that. They make the foam kind of earplugs, too, but I don't like them and I don't know which kind is better.

That's really interesting that she settles at night. Is her crate anyplace interesting? For example, do you have a patio door where she could see out if you put the crate there? Maybe it would give her something to watch. Squirrels and stuff. Sounds like she's feeling better and really bored. It is hard to stick with crate rest when they seem to be feeling better and you're so tempted to let them do more. I like to compare it to baking a cake. It starts to rise, you open the oven before it's done, and it falls. You really need to wait the full length of time.

Have you tried any kind of chew toys or anything?

If she has bladder control, I would be very optimistic. That's excellent!

EDIT TO ADD: When was the last time you did anything nice for yourself? There's nothing wrong with getting out of the house for a while. Maybe you could go buy yourself a milkshake or do something else you like.
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by Whitty4011 »

I’ve tried everything, I’ve put the crate outside, in different places etc. she has done 6 weeks and I have let her do more room rest this week as I just can’t take it anymore. I haven’t really left this room in 6 weeks, 24 hours a day. She gets me up at 6. I completely know that I should wait but I think I’m actually getting to the point where I am thinking about putting her to sleep as I can’t go on this way and I have to go back to work.
She just wants to sit on the sofa with me. I just know that I’m doing the wrong thing by lifting her up and letting her sit with me. I hold onto her harness so she can’t jump off. But I am at my wits end. She was in the crate today and it was so bad I went into the garden but she barked for over an hour and I can still hear her so it’s worse. She just gets so distressed. I will ring the vet on Monday to see if there is anything stronger than the Trazodone as it’s just not working. 😢
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by CarolC »

If it was me, I think I'd go back to work. If she knows you're gone, she'll probably sleep during the day. I didn't stay home with Merlin. However I came home at lunch to give him his meds and check on him and do a potty break, but then I went back to work.
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by FYI » wrote:
Some dogs will respond poorly to trazodone and experience increased anxiety or agitation. Stop this medication and contact your vet if trazodone is making your dog's fear or anxiety worse. wrote:
Possible side effects include dilated pupils, sedation, lethargy, vomiting or gagging, colitis (inflammation of the colon), ataxia (loss of muscle control), priapism (persistent and painful erection of the penis), arrhythmias, increased anxiety, increased appetite, and aggression.
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by Whitty4011 »

She has had no side effects from the meds. She wasn’t really left alone before the accident, only up to 2 hours, she goes to daycare but they won’t take her until she is better. So I can’t just go to work for 8.
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by Krisp138 »

I know this is a old post but someone may check it out.

So my dog was doing similar things when he started on the drugs. I agree with other poster, I was getting PTSD when he started panting again cuz that's how this happened. What I did was I'd leave him alone or I'd leave him alone, throw on relaxing dog music in a room when I'd return he would be better.

Also I know it's difficult but I think just like a child you have to take some of the "tough love" routes with this as far as leaving them alone. When you dont, just like a child they will be too clingy.

Giving love I fine but you have to show yourself self love too by atleast TRYING (as hard as it is) to get you time or atleast do what you have to do.

This whole situation is exactly like dealing with a baby.
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Re: Cage rest for disk issues

Post by CarolC »

Well said! :trophy:
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