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Examples of standing/walking after many months

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 11:05 pm
by CarolC
Liz's toy poodle P.J. was walking in 6 months. wrote: We have a highly active toy poodle named P.J. A week before Thanksgiving 2002, P.J. lost the use of his back legs. He too was diagnosed with a herniated disc, and because he had no deep pain sensation, he was not a candidate for surgery (he had no pain). <snip> P.J. took to the wheelchair like a fish to water! He could run on any terrain with it, the park, the beach, anywhere. I worked with P.J. doing therapy every night when I came home from work. I would flip him on his back on the rug, and do the bicycle with his back legs. Then I would try to stand him up on the rub positioning his back legs to try to get him to stand. By doing this daily, he was walking again in 6 months. He no longer uses the wheelchair, and can even run now, although his walk and run is funny.
Blaze, a 100-lb senior lab, walking 6-7 months after surgery." wrote: so i will tell you where we are today. he walks!!!!! it took a long time, btw much longer than any dr, pt, or acuptr. vet told me i should wait. it was around 6-7 month mark. dont get me wrong he is not running around back yard, but he walks slowly & sometimes unsteadly around the house.
Rajah, 117-lb Akita, can stand on her own after 7 months. wrote: Rajah (100+ pound furbaby)fell and suffered a spinal cord injury on Thanksgiving Eve 2003. Before and After surgery, Rajah had NO deep pain sensation in her hind quarters. We REFUSED to let go, brought her home and began nursing care. By way of this board we found MANY MANY MANY (thank you bendy, critters, sandy, carol, etc) useful and helpful hints. We bought a cart (EDDIES IS WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL) and I stood outside the PT clinic everyday until they finally gave up and admitted Rajah. Rajah can now stand on her own for short periods of time, has bladder and bowel control and as recently as yesterday climbed the stairs. Love will make all the difference for your baby. They feel it. And if nothing else, the bond that forms is amazing.
Phoebe, quadriplegic dobie, standing at 7 months, walking at 14 months.
Jun 25, 2011 wrote:phoebes injury was in her neck :( ...however i just wanted to post an update of her amazing progress its been 7 months of hard work and tears...but the last month she has massively improved she still cant walk but she now has movement in all four limbs she has started to balance when i stand her up only for about a minute but this is still great news
Jan 24, 2012 wrote: 7 months after last post and over a year since phoebes spinal surgery.....just got to say what a difference a year makes ........phoebe has massively improved she is able to walk around the house and now manages short walks she is slowly getting stronger
Tinker beagle walked at 8 months. wrote: Tinker had the surgery, followed by 6 weeks of crate rest and range of motion exercises. After that, we began rehab (underwater treadmill therapy) 3 times a week and acupuncture weekly. For 6 months, he was either in a cart or we walked him using a lead and a rear harness. At about the 8 months mark, he was truly walking on his own.
Paul Coover's dachshund, Riley, started walking after 9 months. wrote: We have a dachshund named Riley that had IVDD and recovered. He was down for about 9 months, then he just got up and started walking. To read Riley's story, click the link below. Thank you and good luck! Keep us posted and ask more questions, if you have any.
Riley's Story
Katie, a chihuahua, began walking after 9 months wrote: All during her recovery, she would do something new, then not repeat it again until much later. Even though she stood up on that one occasion, it didn't mean she could stand up, she still couldn't. I started noticing that she would take one to two steps after I expressed her. Then one day she amazingly ran halfway across the livingroom, but didn't do it again. She later got to where she would walk a little after getting off the treadmill. During our walks I discovered she could take steps if she was going downhill. At about the 9-month point, she first walked 4 feet outdoors on a sloping sidewalk. After that I took her to every sloping sidewalk I could find to see if she'd go down. About that time, summer of 2004, my father passed away and I had to travel back to my hometown. My dog was very motivated by the smells on the hotel carpet and did more walking on a level surface. We just gradually built up from there. At about 14 months she finally became able to walk on grass.
Joanne's German Shepherd mix, Tiny, started standing and walking after 1 year and climbed stairs 2 years later. wrote: When it comes to neurology there is no black and white, just a lot of grey (as my dogs neurologist frequently reminds me). Some dogs get right up after surgery, some take weeks, months or even years, and unfortunately some never recover. One of my paraplegics (Patroclus aka Tiny) started standing and walking after a year, and just this past week is starting to climb stairs (2 years later). I never give up, there is always the chance that something might happen. Keep on going with the rehab and see where it takes you :)
Murphy's Dad's beagle, Murphy, swam in a horse rehab pool and walked after over 1 year. wrote:Our Murphy was injured 6 years ago and too date, has no DPS. But he learned to stand,walk, run, climb stairs, stand against the bed to ask for help on the bed. It took him a year to learn to stand after 9 months of swimming therapy. Walking and the rest followed shortly there after. He has not been in his cart for 2 years.
Matthew's whippet X terrier, Tommy, was reported walking after 15 months (exact date unclear).

October 9, 2006 was surgery.

December 5, 2006 Tommy could stand for 3 minutes. wrote: Tommy can now stand for three minutes or so and can move standing from his food to his milk bowl.
Jan 31, 2007 Tommy could walk 3 steps but was not walking. wrote: He still can not walk,but can now do three or four steps,and does this quite regulary.He is dragging his legs a lot less and seems determined to stand up for himself...which can do most of the time,he can now do this on command from his sitting position!
June 13, 2007 Tommy could walk 14 steps. wrote: It is now seven months on,and progress has been slow,but progress has been good.
Tommy is now able to walk around fourteen steps..trips and then gets up and does the same again
Jan 15, 2008 Tommy is walking. wrote: Some of you will remember me and Tommy,he had very bad spinal injurys after jumping down the stairs at home.

It has been a long time since I have posted,so I thought I would give you an update!

Tommy can walk :) :) :) :) :)

Not as well as he used to do I must admit but he can walk in his own fashion! No more leg dragging and no more scuffed knuckles. We go out for a walk around five nights a week and we do WALK...we do not drag around :)
Tommy can place one leg in front of another and can stand on comand and is a happy little dog with many good years infront of him :)
We still have to express urine but other than that he is more or less like any other little dog.
During the time after his injury I had many terrible moments where I thought he would never walk again...but I kept the faith,and with hydro and muscle stim,range of motion excercise and going out we got there! Maybe not 100% but at least 85%.
So never give up hope,fifteen months on he is happy and so am I.
Cindi's dachshund, Oscar, took his first steps after 18 months. wrote: Yeppers...Oscar has had the ability to pull himself up on his "knees" since last June when I boarded him at A&M, and they got him walking in the water tread mill.
Since moving to my new house, I've been putting Oscar in his cart more. He is able to exercise in his cart by "walking".
Yesterday the little booger sneaked out of the house and was in the back yard. I looked out, and he actually took a few steps SANS the cart!
It was the drunken "spinal walking" type of steps, but he took a few!!!!!!!! I am quite sure it is some form of spinal walking...but exciting all the same.
Hard to believe that 1 1/2 years post surgery he is still doing new things, but that crazy ole boy of mine never stops amazing me.
Marilyn's dachshund, Wally, walked after 18 months. wrote: My doxie Wally had no deep pain sensation, and no surgery and he didn't walk for over 18 months and now he walks on a leash. He had no blader or bowel control untill 2 days ago he started telling me when he wanted to go out and make poops. I am so thrilled, although he still doesn't have bladder control.
Hang in there each dog has his own time table,and it is worth the wait.
Joan's rescue pug, Louie, walked after 18 months wrote: Louie, a 4 yr old rescue pug, took a lot longer to get the idea and capability of moving the back legs. His nickname is Looney-tunes, and for good reason. He just wanted to run so bad, that he would not slow down enough to get the concentration needed. He built up muscle quickly, but everytime we took the straps off, he would just lift the back legs and run as fast as he could. Finally after nearly 18 months, he could walk, but still would start scooting when he got excited, which was often. It took a full 2 yrs in the cart with his hobbles, and walking a bit here and there, to graduate from the cart entirely. He has not used the cart for almost 2 yrs now.
Syd's Mom's 17 pound mix, Syd, stood to eat and took some steps after 2 years when they got a new rug that provided better footing. wrote: I wanted to give you an update since it has been over 2 years since Syd's injury. We spent thousands of dollars on the surgery and therapy. Even though he never regained his ability to walk I am glad we gave him the chance. [snip] Recently we purchased a large area rug that covers the majority of the room he spends the most time in, covering the hardwood floors. This new ability for traction has stimulated him to stand and eat all on his own, which we have assisted him prior to. He takes several steps now without assistance and we are getting encouraged there may be more progress after all this time. I only wish we had bought this rug sooner :) We still express his bladder but he is also starting to urinate on his own. Nerve pathways grow back slowly.
Sheri's Jack Russell, Pete, could stand for long periods to eat his food and walk 15 feet if Sheri pulled his food bowl with a string after 2 years. wrote: Pete had no deep pain for almost 15 months before it slowly started to return. It has been 2 years since his accident and he is just now learning to walk again. Pete can now walk about 15 feet if he is following his food bowl (have a string tied on it and slowly pull it along as he is eating)but has learned that he can go faster on 2 legs than 4.
Paul Coover's dachshund, Porkchop, stood up after 4 years. wrote: Pork Chop Stood Up!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I don't like to get to excited, but just a short while ago, I looked and saw Pork Chop STANDING UP! I can hardly believe what I saw! It was only for about 3 seconds, but it is a HUGE start!

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, some history on our Choppy:

He has been down for over 4 years. He had surgery but never recovered. He has never had any real progress until now!