Help Needed: Bloody Diarrea in Handicapped Dog

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Help Needed: Bloody Diarrea in Handicapped Dog

Post by Dee »

My baby, Ziggy is almost 16 yrs. old. She has not been able to walk (disk probs) for over 2 to 3 yrs. by now. She drags her back legs and just recently has started falling and at first we thought she was having a balance problem but vet and now us think it is from one of her legs losing its strength too.
She had bloody diarrea the day we went to see vet about two wks ago. But, she was under stress, having a hated bath and hated car ride to vet. The vet tested her stool but no parasites or worms. She didn't have this happen again and her stool got back to normal within the next two completely. Today she did have a bath again and don't you know she had diarrea later on. We gave her Pepto Bismol. Then after the regular diarrea, bloody diarrea which scares us. I don't know if its the aspirin properties in the Pepto that may have done it or the maintenance dose antibiotics she gets once at night and not always daily as sometimes we give her a break from them. She hadn't had anything then we got her back on the antibiotic only 2 days ago. She didn't have any today but did last night. Not sure if its something like that or if she may have ulcers or cancer. Hoping she will settle down til we can get to vet Monday. We were going to get more blood work two wks ago but were waiting for our vet to get their testing machine back or calibrated as it was not working right at time.
I am diabled myself with disk problems and suffer a lot and since I have to carry her a lot outside to go to bathroom like every two hrs sometimes a little bit more, my arm and neck disk has gotten lots worse causing me to have to get physical therapy which didn't help. My hubby helps a lot when he isn't working even stops in middle of some work sometimes. We have been struggling with our baby but have not wanted to give up as she didn't give up. She is a fighter and always has been strong. I do feel she is getting depressed lately since she is falling so much. She was eating less lately too and lost some weight. This weekend she has been drinking much less and hardly eating, having trouble to eat so we have to hold the dish for her not to fall over it or for her to be interested any. She has terrible teeth and of course can't have surgery with her age so it worsens with having to eat soft food and she is very picky so I have to cook for her or give her cut up foods. She loves tomato sauce so she eats spag. o's if I haven't cooked. This has gone on for several yrs. now.
She is a beagle mix with shorter legs like a dachsund but poss. higher. She has floppy ears and always loved running. She first came down with the bad disk when she was running up and down from our camper and falling down at times as she was so hyperactive, running to chase squirrels, ducks, etc. at campground.
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Re: Help Needed: Bloody Diarrea in Handicapped Dog

Post by Dee »

Sorry...meant to say one of her FRONT legs now losing strength. She falls over on her side and she can't use the front legs to help her get up all the time now. Sometimes she still manages to. This is a very recent problem of about 3 weeks.
My hubby is so attached to her as I am. I want to be so strong for him but we lost our 16 yr. old Spitz about 4 yrs ago, had to put her down and I couldn't even stay with her. My hubby and dtr had to. I pray I can be strong for him for this baby. We are trying to let Ziggy's time come naturally this time so this bloody diarrea really is scaring us. On the other hand, I can hardly go anymore and have thought of giving up but when she reacts with a little vigor or strength, I immediately don't want to think of that. I am still having problems accepting my other dog's going to sleep although she had a terrible uterine infection that would only end in a painful howling type death our vet said. She was pretty weak and sick, refused all food and water, etc. and went down, wouldn't get up at all. This baby is still trying to move around! So many people tell us we should put her to sleep. My hubby says we don't want to "kill" her. So, you know how hard this will be if the time does come. We both get so close to our furry babies. We had two cats who lived 18 & 17 yrs. both we kept til the end, in spite of people's reactions to their conditions. We always sought help and advice of vets though and always worked together with them.
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Needs Help: Possible IVDD, Crate Rest/Steroids

Post by Dianne »

Good Morning Dee,

I am not a vet, but am the owner of a paralyzed, incontinent doxie with IVDD- a long bodied dog.

Your long bodied dog, Ziggy, appears to have a the symptoms of IVDD (Invertebrate disk disease. The normal treatment is crate rest, and steroids. IF you do not rest Ziggy, and permit him to drag himself around the house this could progress to full paralysis and incontinence (inablilty to empty his bladder by himself).

I'm sorry to sound a warning to you, but I am concerned that this has been going on for several weeks, and appears to be progressing. It can get MUCH worse if you do not immediately crate rest Ziggy.

Crate Rest means that you confine him to a small are where he can turn around, roll over, and get a drink, but NOT walk or drag himself. Dragging is hard on his back, and could make it MUCH worse.

This must be very hard on you and your husband as you have a slipped disk yourself. Since Ziggy's front leg is also affected, I would carry him outside to go potty.

It would be a good idea to have him evaluated by a vet to determine if he is a candidate for surgery (not likely as he is 14) or for steroids. If your regular vet is not supportive, you may have to see a second vet for another opinion.

Why is Ziggy on maintenance antibiotics now?

I do not know why he is having bloody diarrhea. Perhaps someone more knowledgable will come along with some suggestions. There are home remedies for diarrhea, but not bloody diarrhea.

Set up Ziggy's crate, and then put your feet up to catch your breath. I can tell that you are sad, and frustrated. There are a lot of us who have gone through this.

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Re: Needs Help: Possible IVDD, Crate Rest/Steroids

Post by CarolC »

Hi Dee,

I agree about the crate rest, it sounds like a disk problem in the neck. Moving could make it worse.

I'm not sure about the bloody diarrhea, and I don't think you mentioned what the maintenance antibiotic is?

Antibiotics can cause diarrhea because they can kill the good bacteria in the stomach along with the bad. Acidolphilus tablets or live culture yoghurt may help restore the balance of bacteria in the stomach and help the diarrhea. Please ask the vet about that, I'm not a vet.

You did not mention any other meds, but just in case, I will mention a couple. If your dog is on Rimadyl or Deramaxx (for pain/inflammation), it can cause bloody diarrhea and you should not give her any more without asking the vet. Also, if your dog is on steroids, which are frequently given for back problems, that can sometimes cause ulcers or even bleeding ulcers. I would stop the steroids and call the vet today about that if your dog is on steroids.

You can give a dog Pepcid AC but ask the vet about the dose (and there may be more than one formulation of it).

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what's causing the diarrhea but I can <i>sure</i> see how it must be when you have a neck/shoulder problem yourself. Have you considered putting incontinent pads (underpads) under her and just cleaning up if she messes? It's not as nice but no carrying. You can buy incontinent pads in the adult diapers aisle of places like Walgreens or Wal-Mart. They are those absorbent waterproof pads you put under bedfast humans to protect the sheets. Puppytraining pads might help, too. I'd get some disposable gloves too, since she has diarrhea.

Here is a link to learn more about crate rest:

Crate rest guidelines

I don't know if this helps any, but best wishes, I hope you find out what it is.
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Re: Help Needed: Bloody Diarrea in Handicapped Dog

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Hi and welcome,
It sounds like you and your Ziggy sure have been through a lot together. First let me share that you shouldn't give her a break from the maintanced antibiotics. If you do...any bacteria that grows during the "break" could become resistant to the antibiotic and then your antibiotic looses its effeciveness. Now..the diarrhea with bood is concerning. Since you feed her people food, she may have eaten something that has her tummy upset, or she could like you said have some other issue. Is their an emergency vet in your area that you could call and talk to about your Ziggy's symptoms? Do you have your vet's home number or email? The falling does sound like Ziggy could be experiencing another disc problem. Did your vet give you steroids last time....this is important because steroids can cause internal bleeding. IF ziggy is on steroids...STOP them and GO to the Emergency could be very serious. NO steroids until you get this bleeding undercontrol.
I would call the emergency vet...put ziggy in his crate and watch him like a hawk today. If the diarrhea continues, I would go ahead and find someone to see him today.
Keep us informed and give Ziggy a nose kiss.
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Re: No Steroids during a Gastric Crisis *NoMsg*

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

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