Bully - Day Two

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Bully - Day Two

Post by karkorny »

Thanks, everyone, for your wonderful encouragement - with every facet of this "adventure." The vet was suggesting euthanasia initially, but this forum made me understand that wasn't necessarily an option. Then I had to face catheterizing, and you guys were there to instruct me and nudge me on. When I was ready to give up, a few words pushed me forward to try again. And as I've posted, I DID IT for the first time yesterday. The next time I had a problem again, even though I thought I wouldn't. I had to stop, walk away, and try again several times. But I finally did it. This time I did understand one part that I needed to do that I think I didn't realize before. So this morning I cath'ed him again with NO PROBLEM. My biggest fear - and I'm open for suggestions - is the sterility issue. He's on antibiotics because of the surgery he had, so maybe we're protected. But to do it the way they told me at the hospital would require 4 hands and I don't have 4 hands. Any input on urinary infections and the priorities regarding sterility would be appreciated. Thanks again to all. I apologize if I've been rather self-centered. It's not my nature and I'm sure once I get the knack of all this, I can contribute to this forum and help others. Bear with me! Thanks. Karen, Bully's mom.
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Re: Bully - Day Two

Post by BethT »


I cathetered Waffles for a year without an infection. Now he was on a preventative antibiotic the whole time. As long as Bully is on an antibiotic I think you will be OK. I know some drugs are better for urinary tract infections so even if Bully ends up with an infection they would just change the antibiotic. If you are still cathetering Bully after he is done his dose for the surgery I would question your vet about a good urinary tract antibiotic for a preventative. My vet would tell me that even in the most sterile of environments that it was almost impossible to not introduce bacteria into the ureathra. The fact that you are so worried about how stetile you are being means that you are probably doing a really good job at keeping things clean. I know that there are a couple of others on this board who have cathetered before. If they are still around you may get some more opinions.

Just do the best you can. I used ky gel from a tube but I read some where that you can get indiviual packets of it so that the KY would be sterile each time you opened a new packet. I would put the KY on a clean plate. You could probably put it on a sterile gauze if you think that is cleaner. I always had that pump antibacteria gel soap that you don't rinse off right next to me. Also, I had a second tube with cold sterile in it. I would keep track of which tube I was pulling caths from and when I finished I would put the used cath in the other tube. This way I never used the same cath on the same day and I knew that the caths were very sterile because they were in the cold sterile for at least 24 hours before I used them again. I had about a dozen caths that I had rotating from tube to tube.

I would wash my hands, get everything layed out including Waffles, then wash my hands again. I would wipe Waffles with a baby wipe. I never used anything harsh because I did not want to dry or irratate him. I would use the antibacteria gel on my hands. I would pull back the sheath. When you get more practice you will be able to pull it back with one hand or at least hold it back with one hand and then I would pump some more antibacteria gel just on my fingers of my right hand and rube the gel around with my fingers and thumb. Then shake my hand so that it would dry. If you could set up your catheter tube in some type of stand so that you could have it upright with the top off so that you can grab a cath with your clean hand without having to touch the tube again that would be helpful. I would shake the cath out for a long time to make sure all the cold sterile was off (if your vet said to rinse then do that). If I hit the wall or anything while shaking the cath then I would take out a new one. After I was sure the cath was dry then I would carefully drag the cath though the KY gel (I would coat about an inch) holding the cath as far back as possible then begin inserting.

Wow, sorry to everyone for such a long post but was trying to get all the details. Again Karen, that is how I did it. Someone else may tell you something different. I did not wear gloves. I just used common sense and tried to be as clean as humanly possible. That is really all you can do. I really don't think you have a lot to worry about with Bully on an antibiotic right now. I always did culture and sensitivity urine tests on Waffles every 2 months. Since you are cathetering you can get a sterile sample from Bully and just bring it in. My vet would give me sterile test tubes. During a catheterization I would pull out a couple of syringes of urine. Then I would pull the syringe off of the cath and hold the test tube under the opening of the cath and let the urine drip in the tube until it was full. You have to make sure that the cath does not touch the test tube in order to keep it sterile. You don't take the urine from the syringe it is not sterile but the cath is. Ask your vet about about it and when it should be checked.

Ok, I am going to stop now that I have written a book. I hope this helps you Karen. Let me know if I can help you in any other way. Keep up the good work. Beth
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Re: Bully - Day Two

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

The Fabulous Beth T has already given you Steril Cathing 101 class, but I just wanted to add what an AMAZING job you are doing for Bully!

WoW! WoW! You have sought advice..done your research, and have made amazing efforts for your Bully! I'll tell you this much. When Bully is healed and back on his feet, I sure hope you will stay to help others who come here.

You and Bully are an inspriation!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

Hunter IVDD Surgery x 2~Walking
Oscar IVDD Surgery x 1~ Paralyzed
Sage and Misty
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