Luka update...we visited the vet and no chiro this week.

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Wise Owl
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Luka update...we visited the vet and no chiro this week.

Post by Wise Owl »

First, Luka had a bad morning on Tues so we took her to the vet. She was in pain and was having muscle we put her back on the Previcox, added Robaxin and pecid to the daily meds.....Previcox, half a tablet once a day for pain and anti-inflamatory stuff and the pecid to counteract any stomach upset. The Robaxin she wanted to give her a whole tab 3 times a day but that made Luka pretty drunk and too adventurous so we cut it back to 1/2 twice during the day and a whole one before bed so she sleeps all night now....yippee!!

She was supposed to get an adjustment yesterday but the doc got called out of the office early for something and it was cancelled. Just glad they called early and headed us off at the pass before we made the trip down there.
We finally made contact with him today and we have an appt for next Tues.....Just keep her quiet and give her the meds.....blah blah. He was booked up for 10 hours today with only a half hour break for lunch and he doesn't work tomorrow. He lives aways away and only comes in 4 days aweek. I think he puts in long hours everyday.

Ok, now for the good news.....she was off her food for a couple days...I think it took two days for the pain meds to really kick in and for her to adjust to the muscle relaxer and I do believe the Pecid is helping her tummy. All of a sudden she got hungry this afternoon. She ate two scrambled eggs with cheese, part of a med rare short rib bone with meat, and two big slices of roast turkey for dinner....heh.....that's my girl...!!!

Ok, she has been able to stand by herself for a couple mins...
she also has started stretching her hind legs by herself....and this afternoon when hubby carried her back in from pottying, he made her stand before she laid down....well that stinker actually used her hind legs muscles to lower herself in really slow but she didn't just plop her behind down.....she had to lean against the couch to do it but SHE DID IT!!!

Woo hoo!!
We are still icing her back and doing the warming massages on her legs and back then bicycling her hind legs and then doing a cool down afterwards like the book I bought suggested....
We are going to start on deeper stuff tomorrow once I get a chance to finish studing the chapter on that part....
I can not say enough good about this is great. I heartily recommend it to help with recovering dogs or even paralyzed certainly seems to be helping Luka and I have only been doing the exercises since Mon on her.
It's called Canine Massage Second Edition by Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, LMT....

Ok, mom is pooped and I am hitting the sack soon. She just had a big pee and she did the other earlier.....

Oh, she is telling us she has to potty again...another woo hoo!
Our girl is going to beat this thing yet....after Tues this is such a turn around it is amazing....but my hubby said he said a big urgent prayer last night with laying on of hands....I believe it is working....Prayer always works...

Just wanted to share some good stuff about the woo woo girl. Oh yeah, she is talking again!!! Woo woo woo......heh
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Re: Luka update...we visited the vet and no chiro this week.

Post by rozzi80 »

Wise Owl wrote: It's called Canine Massage Second Edition by Jean-Pierre Hourdebaigt, LMT....
My husband ordered the book on Amazon and it arrived this afternoon! I started looking though it and it looks very comprehensive. Did you just start at the beginning and work back or are you picking and choosing?
Beemer, AKA The Mysterious Mr. B!
Dachshund Extraordinaire
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Re: Luka update...we visited the vet and no chiro this week.

Post by Wise Owl »

Rozzi, front to back....the illustrations of all the muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments is a little overwhelming at first but if you look to see the directions they all run and use those when you are massaging say your dogs back or legs it helps with where to put pressure and how much....I admit I am only on about page 60 and am just using the stroking, effluerage, and the skin wringing right now, but with positive results so far..

She seems to be responding to the message and she absolutely loves it. I also put ice on her thoracic vertebrae when I am massaging her hind legs. I think it helps to get the swelling down and she likes it....altho yesterday hubby tried to ice her and she growled at him. She was NOT in a good mood yesterday at all....still having muscle spasms I think...
I have used the stroking/effleurage massage on the thoracic area just to sorta cleanse it of the book suggests...I think it is I will continue..

Now I am going to go massage my pillow case..with my head....this is one pooped out momma....
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