New Member With Dog with Hemi-Vertebre

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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New Member With Dog with Hemi-Vertebre

Post by Jess »


I was given the link to this website from a pug forum about the post from 'Fairypug' regarding pugs with HV. My name is Jessica (Jess!) and i live in Gloucestershire in the UK, with 6 dogs - 3 labradors, 2 pugs and a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

We have a beautiful little pug called Delilah who's 9 months old. We were absolutely heartbroken when, about a month ago, she was diagnosed with HV in 3 vertebre. She also has a fused neck so has limited movement of her head and neck, which is gradually getting worse, but it doesn't seem to bother her too much.

Im pleased to say that she's still doing great, she's getting around really well and is such a happy active dog, its hard to believe she could have something so serious wrong with her.

We have seen a spinal surgeon to see if operating would be an option, and they will be seeing her again in the new year when she's fully grown to see if that may be an option for us, but of course with the risks involved we are a bit reluctant. If anyone has any advice, suggestions or experiences with this disease to share i would be very grateful to hear them as we want to do all we can to have Delilah here, and healthy for as long as possible :)

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Re: New Member With Dog with Hemi-Vertebre

Post by missmabelline »


I have an english bulldog puppy with five hemivertebrae in her thoracic spine. Look at my post under the thread "pug with hemivertebrae." I told Mabelline's story there.

Mabelline was almost paralyzed in the summer and is walking fine now. The neurologist who diagnosed her gave her virtually zero chance of walking again.

Bulldogs Rule!
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