Degenerative Mylapothy

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Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by Maddy2004 »

Hello, my name is Michele and my female GSD Madison has degenerative mylapothy and my vet has suggested sine she loves to swim so much to look into walkin wheels. What I would like to ask is if anyone can share their experience with me. It's been a hard year for us but she has such drive, will and is still that puppy even though she's turning 9 in two weeks. I am committed to doing everything's I can for her but just wanted to hear what other people's experience has been with walkin wheels. I have been using the "help em up harness" which has been a blessing but I want to giver her the closest thing to having her legs back. Madison still doesn't always get it that her legs just won't do what she wants them to which is heartbreaking. The whole disease is heartbreaking.... It really is. I do plan to order the wheels in the next 48 hrs as I soooooo want to see her run after that frisbee as she tries to do everyday but not fall anymore. I want to give her her life back!! Thank you in advance for your response! :thank-you
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Re: Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by Bobbie »

I'm not sure what swimming has to do with having a cart (other than maybe just that she wants to remain active?) but a cart will certainly help her do that for many more months than without one. It will also save your back! If you've been using a harness she will probably adapt quickly to a Walkin wheels cart since it uses a harness-style saddle and a front harness. My guess is you'll want to angle the wheels back (easily done but it means if your dog is right between sizes go with the higher, not the lower size- you'll find a little overlap when you figure out what size. I like larger wheels- if the terrain you'll use is anything but pavement or short, smooth lawn, go for the larger wheels.
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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Re: Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by Maddy2004 »

Thank you. The swimming was mentioned as I started aqua therapy because I did not know how she would adjust to the cart. We have been doing it for a while now and my vet who is also a family friend feels that since she is using her hind legs so much in the water that the cart out probably be good for her.

I never had a dog with DM so this is all still new to me as each day passes. I read a lot on the topic and am doing my very best for her. I appreciate the response as I just wanted to know the results others have had. :thankyou:
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Re: Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by nbregger »

Hi Michele,

It is very unfortunate that your dog has DM, but here at we have found thousands of dogs can lead a normal life with our adjustable Walkin Wheels. It is easy to adjust and use and only requires one measurement: ... eight.html

You also mentioned that you are looking for comments about the Walkin' Wheels performance. Here are some testimonials that we get everyday: ... views.html

I am 100% sure that your dog will love this cart and we ship the same day. Please call me at 888-811-7387 and I can answer any questions you may have.

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Re: Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by Jarvis »

Hi, My Jarvis has been in a wheelchair for over 1.5years I started using it like a walker with booties for about a year and June 2013 I had to but his hind legs up the stirrup booties are great. The one thing I did not expect was having to expel his bladder, ( I use a peanut plastic container as a urinal) when I did it he was so much more comfortable. I am about to use the pumpkin remedy to get a more comfortable bowel movement. Jarvis did not like he male wrap we have been lucky in finding adult diapers at the goodwill or online and I tie them around his middle it works well .He is doing very well and tells me when he needs attention but I try to connect every 3 hours not just for his bladder but just pets. He runs me over with his wheelchair when he sees a cat and sometimes pulls me when I just have his halter he is really strong on his front end. I give him Rimadyl everyday even though he does not have pain from his condition I am sure he is sore from laying down a lot. I bought some foam flooring like in a gym (2 feet x 2 feet puzzle pieces ) they are easy to pick up and clean in the kiddy pool. Good Luck what we do for love : )
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Re: Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by CarolC »


I hope you will stay and continue to help people. You have a lot of experience, and he's a big dog. I saw the picture of him in your other post. He is beautiful, and the expression on his face is beautiful, too. How old is he? How long have you had him?
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Re: Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by Jarvis »

Thanks for the welcome :) Jarvis is 13 years old and I met him when he was 6 months. He is a joy. He is the boss and I come running when he makes any noise.... I sometimes hear him when I am at work --very strange. When he whimpers I try emptying his bladder, but Jarvis just wants pets most of the time except he wants FOOD ALL the time. He has all the power LOL he barks at me when I am getting his food ready because I am sooooo slow LOL . I am in such debt because of him but I don't regret it.I call him my "work of art" not because I did anything but because he is so beautiful I love just looking at him. I wish I had more $ to get an MRI but I will be doing a DM genetic test. The only good thing is he does not have any pain....
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Re: Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by critters »

Our house is done in "puzzle tiles" too! LOVE the things!

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Re: Degenerative Mylapothy

Post by CarolC »

He looks good, I would not have guessed 13. :D
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