Roll Cage

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Roll Cage

Post by cadaha »


Anyone got a roll cage for the wheelchair. My boy is now enjoying himself so much in the wheelchair that he has been known to roll it completely over as he races around some of the bushes in the garden.

Seriously though, do you think upgrading to pneumatic wheels (probably 16") would help the stability.

Many thanks


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Re: Roll Cage

Post by nbregger »

Hi Carl,
Sound like your dog is very active which we like to see. However, he will need to be supervised so he doesn't roll over. The 16" wheels will give him more stability but the fold of flank to ground should be 19-22" and still might tip over if he hits a pot hole.
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Re: Roll Cage

Post by Bobbie »

If width isn't an issue (he only plays in the cart outside) you might be able to put training wheels on the cart wheels (like a bike has) so that when the cart leans to one side the training wheel hits the ground but the rest of the time it is off the ground? I wonder if anyone has ever tried this and if it would be safe? (If it is safe for kids you'd think it would be.) It might only work with smooth terrain, though, otherwise they'd have to be too high up to do any good.

In some carts the wheels are set wider- WW are wide enough for corgis who have a low center of gravity but I can see where they might not be as stable for some larger dogs. But width in a cart always has the tradeoff of being harder to maneuver through tighter spaces. Since Merlin is taller his cart had to have a wider wheelbase or he tipped over (walking, not running, and not a WW cart), but that also means he gets hung up on more things than Candy does in his narrower cart.
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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