How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

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How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by Molly2smom »

Hi. I'm new here. I have a 12 year old German Shepherd named Molly that I love dearly who's got cauda equina. She's had it for years, and it is now rather rapidly beginning to paralyze her back end. I am working with my wonderful vet to get a cart, but what I don't know is how you teach the dog to use it. Can you help with answers to the following questions?

1. How do you teach the dog to walk in it? Molly's afraid of everything, and I'm afraid if I just put her in it she'll take off in fear and crash and tip over. Is there a right way to train for it?

2. How do you know when you've got it adjusted right?

3. How much time do you let your dog stay in it? Do you have a schedule you work up to ? Like start 30 minutes at a time or something?

4. How do you assure the front legs don't get hurt pulling the cart?

5. How do you teach them to pee and poop while in it?

This is all so new for me. I can use all the advice I can get. Thanks.
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Re: How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by Bobbie »

1. How do you teach the dog to walk in it? Molly's afraid of everything, and I'm afraid if I just put her in it she'll take off in fear and crash and tip over. Is there a right way to train for it?

Take it slowly. I would start by just being patient and leaving the cart out in the house and giving her treats near it until she shows no interest in it or just curiosity. Then get someone to help you with adjustments and putting her in it at first.

2. How do you know when you've got it adjusted right?

Put her in, take pictures from the top and the side, and send them to the cart maker (or post them here) to see how they fit. Even if you did not buy the cart directly from the maker they will gladly help you decide if it is adjusted right. DO NOT TRY TO GET HER TO GO ON LENGTHY WALKS UNTIL YOU ARE SURE IT IS RIGHT.

3. How much time do you let your dog stay in it? Do you have a schedule you work up to ? Like start 30 minutes at a time or something?

Start with short periods, and then check that nothing is rubbing and causing sores. I try to avoid letting my paraplegic dog spend more than 2-3 hrs in the cart without a break, but he can lie down. For a big dog, it is an hour or so at most, and then she will want to rest out of the cart.

4. How do you assure the front legs don't get hurt pulling the cart?

How do you assure the front legs don't get hurt walking? Just keep an eye on them, and watch for lameness.

5. How do you teach them to pee and poop while in it?

They just learn to do it on their own. Put her in the cart, take her to where she pees, and tell her to go.

I used clicker training with my more stubborn corgi for getting used to a cart, but the most effective method tends to be taking your dog where she wants to go- whether that is the dog park, the beach, a neighborhood walk, or the pet store. Get her to forget the cart because she is interested in something else.
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by SnowyWhiteGSD »

I was glad to see this post. I am going to have get my 14yr old GSD used to a chair soon, and I am trying to get up to speed before the need arises. Thanks for all the great information.

Angela and Snowy
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Re: How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by K4klute »

It seems you know much about this...We have a Basset Hound who is almost 14...we have a particularly urgent situation this past week,which brings us to this site with many questions...we posted a few but only received a few responses...
But here's a very short background...he has severe allergies (he is allergic to every grass out there) for which he takes Cyclosporine...he's been on it for over a year, it does some good but his skin between his legs arms and chest has always been red raw and itchy still...he also has a spine injury from 2 years one thought he would make it because he also got pneumonia...which resulted after the spine injury...he did regain his hind legs with care and use of the Bottom's Up leash we could walk him...but now they are gone again...we can't use the Bottom's Up leash anymore for his legs go out like a russian split...which they never use to do...
This week, we almost lost him again because his back went seems his spine is greatly deteriorated...he has lost control of his bowels as well with this last issue...that being said we have the bowels under somewhat control with expressing them, here we are desperate for solutions/answers to help our boy...we are really trying to figure out what is best for his quality of life...our dog is eating/drinking everyday, mentally he is here...wanting to go out...sometimes he pulls himself up to move, etc...we love him dearly and want the best for whether is it 2 weeks, a month, etc..we want his quality of life to be fantastic...that being said we are not sure about the wheels, they sound great but in his condition do you think, with all your experience, that wheels will work for him? Especially since his back legs now go out side to side like a russian split? Do you think his skin will be irritated or worse with use of the cart? Do you think we will hurt his spine more with use of the cart? Right now my husband and I hold his hindquarters as we walk with him...he doesn't walk that far anymore, or for very long but we do it with him since he wants to...Any/all of your thoughts will be much appreciated...
Thank you in advance.
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Re: How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by Bobbie »

A cart fits pretty much like the Bottoms up leash, though probably with less of the splits effect. If irritation is already a problem in that area it isn't going to help, although one thing you can do is actually put ointment on the saddle area of a cart (or on plastic wrap covering the saddle). Not a long term solution. You might talk to one of the cart makers about a cart that would support differently but it would be trial and error and you'd be spending a lot of money for something he might not be able to use. One thing you can do with Walkin Wheels or Doggon Wheels is buy the support sling separately and try it out and see if you could walk your dog with it. This may also be possible for other carts but check with the manufacturer to make sure the support sling can be used with the cart and that the cart could later be purchased without it, and also note that the support saddle sling will only work with the same maker's cart.

If it works, you could order the cart and let them know you'd already purchased a saddle support. (Make sure you purchase the saddle support for Walkin Wheels if you plan to buy a Walkin Wheels cart as they are not interchangeable.)

I used to think there was such a thing as too old, until I saw a corgi at almost fourteen, no longer walking at all, even front legs, get a four-wheel cart and keep going for six months until she died of other causes. But you do need to evaluate your dog's overall health and well-being and decide how much he's up to. If he enjoys walking when you walk him, finding a way to make that easier for both of you is not a bad idea.
Last edited by Bobbie on Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by nbregger »

Here are some steps to help your dog get used to the cart:

1. First, you must use really great treat rewards such as lots (100) of small pieces of roasted chicken, hot dogs or string cheese. Most dogs are highly food motivated and “will work for food”. Dry dog kibble or cookies, carrots are not good enough rewards. You need rewards the dog will be very excited to get while you are teaching him how to use his new wheelchair!

2. Work in very short (1-5) minutes sessions, several times a day (4-6). Give your dog rest periods of 1-2 hours between each session. Only move on to each new step, when your dog is comfortable (paying attention to you, relaxed and eating the treats) at the current step. Otherwise, continue to work at the current level for a few more sessions.

3. A hungry dog is a motivated dog! Work with your dog before you have fed him a meal. He will be more eager to pay attention and earn the food rewards when he is a bit hungry.

4. Do not immediately put your dog in the wheelchair. Assemble the wheelchair and leave it in an area where the dog can see it, smell it, touch it and hear it when you move it around.

5. Give your dog the small food rewards whenever he is in the same room as the wheelchair. Feed treats quickly as in ‘treat-treat-treat-treat-treat’ and praise and pat him as well.

6. If your dog shows any interest in the wheelchair, let him approach it to see, smell and touch it. Keep rewarding him with the yummy treats. By offering your dog delicious food rewards, when the wheelchair is near, you are helping him to make a positive association between the wheelchair and great food rewards. He will be more willing to interact with the wheelchair using this method.

7. When your dog is comfortable near the wheelchair, put the front harness on him. Have someone feed your dog the delicious food rewards, while you adjust the harness on him.

8. When your dog is comfortable in the front harness, try placing him in the rear support system. Continue feeding him lots of great food rewards and make your adjustments to the wheelchair.

9. Once your dog is in the wheelchair, hold the food rewards right at his nose level. Feed him several pieces. Then move the food reward 1 inch from his nose and let him eat it. Move the next food reward another 1 inch from his nose and let him eat it. Repeat. At some point your dog will have to stretch his neck out in order to take the food reward.

10. Continue moving the food rewards further out, inch by inch, in front of your dog’s nose and at some point he will have to take a step forward in order to get the food reward. When he takes a step make a big fuss over his success! Feed him lots of food rewards and tell him he is the best and brightest dog in the world! Continue to offer him the treats to keep him moving forward in the wheelchair. At this point, your dog should be more comfortable in the wheelchair and should be on his way to walking in his new Walkin Wheels!

This article was written by Terry Kelley, CVT, CPDT
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Re: How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by SnowyWhiteGSD »

Thank you for posting such great information so quickly. I have been watching the videos and reading the manuals. Now all I need to do is measure my sweet girl. She has such a JEST for life, that it would be tragic for her not to be mobile.

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Re: How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by K4klute »

:thankyou: Bobbie thank you for taking the time to respond so means more than you know!
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Re: How do you teach the dog to use the cart?

Post by Bobbie »

Just a quick comment on the use of the term reward in the article Nancy posted. Using a treat to get your dog to move forward is a lure rather than a reward, and it is definitely a good way to start, but ultimately you want to reward moving rather than get your dog to move only when a lure is offered. Once you get the dog comfortable moving in the cart, stop using treats to get him to move, and start rewarding the movement he initiates on his own with a big happy YES! Or click and only then produce the treat. Otherwise you could end up with a dog that moves only for treats. I like the clicker because you can more precisely mark the movement but a Yes or just popping the treat into his mouth as he moves also works.

Of course some dogs just take off in the cart. I am not sure what the difference is, corgis are notoriously stubborn but some will take off running in a cart and others take literally months to adjust.
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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