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Info and Help Please!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:00 pm
by Pebbiepooh31
Hello All,
I come to this site hoping for some advice/help/info. My mother, who is 81, has a 9 yr. old german shephard who was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy back in August. She has within the last 2-3 months become completely paralyzed in the hind legs. I know this is a horrific disease and there is no cure or treatment for it, but she is on Dr. Clemmons vitamin/med regime and that may have helped delay her paralysis. We are so heartbroken over this because she is my mother's sole companion and it is taking its toll on my mother taking care of her. So I decided to move her and my mother to my house because I figured I can take care of her better and I have others who can also help me. I just CANNOT put her to sleep yet. She is still happy, especially when she sees me, alert - barks when she hears something and she even plays with her toys if you play with her. She loves her treats and she is still eating. I think she will be happier here because I also have 3 other dogs that she can have company from, one being her half-sister. She loved playing with my two males when she came over before she was paralyzed, but unfortunatley her and her half-sister hate each other. I want to get the wheelchair for her because my mom cannot afford it, but I'm concerned that after spending all that money on the cart, she won't become acclimated to it and will not benefit from it. I'm also not sure if it wouldn't hurt her. I'm thinking that all her weight will rest on the belly strap? Won't that be painful for her? Also, I can't get to measure her right now so is there a way to "guesstimate" based on her breed so I can purchase the cart. I will probably be using it for her sister, my shephard, who is 14 because I'm starting to see some signs of hind quarter weakness in her as well. Hopefully it will not be DM because I don;t think I could bare to have two dogs with this horrific disease. I'm hoping hers is age related, but we have a vet appt. on Monday so I'll speak with him about it. I also figured if I use this cart with my shep, I can walk her longer and build up muscle strength. I'm so sorry this is so long, but I would appreciate any help anyone can offer. God bless all those kind people who don't think handicapped dogs should just be put to sleep. I know my two brothers want me to put her to sleep, but I just don't think she's ready.

Re: Info and Help Please!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:52 pm
by slshepherds
sent you a PM :-)


Re: Info and Help Please!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:36 pm
by garthGSD
I hope everything has worked out well. I see your message was posted 4 months ago, so I hope it's not too late to comment. I have an 11 year old male German Shepherd, Garth. He's had DM for quite a while but the disease excellerated when we lost our other Shepherd in January (his soul mate). By mid June he pretty much was paralyzed in his back end. He gave so much effort into trying and adjusting to his weakened condition. He showed interest in walking with a sheet and the bottoms up leash. Also would walk with his front end if I picked up his back legs like a wheel barrel. I found a used Walkn' Wheels (large) wheelchair. He's been using it for about 10 days now. It's like he's been waiting for it! He was so receptive to the whole idea. The leg ring support system works quite well. It's attached on the wheelchair and I put Garth in by lifting his backend like putting a child in a highchair. I'm just amazed at how quick he adjusted and loves getting around again. I commend you for considering a wheelchair for your Mom's dog. I can't imagine being at her age and trying to do the lifting myself. I don't even know you, but your post really got to me and I feel so proud of you! Garth weighs approximately 110-115 pounds if this helps comparing it to a size large. I wish you all the best!