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Leg loop problem

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:47 am
by Rainbeam
Hello. I assembled my Walkin' Wheels today, following the instructions on the DVD provided.

My concern is that my girl's back legs didn't fit comfortably in the back rings, she was kind of just balancing awkwardly atop the loops instead of sitting nestled in it. Is it possible that I've pulled the loops too tight? I thought they were supposed to be connected tight and solid, but when I look at pictures of all the other dogs in their wheels, they seem to be sunken comfortably into their loops, whereas my girl was kind of perched, if that makes sense.

If I'm supposed to slacken them a bit, how do I go about this? The straps don't appear to lengthen at all. It was a squeeze to pull them on. Do I merely loosen the velcro in the middle, or would that make it even more uncomfortable for her?

Has anyone else had this problem? Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you for any advice.

I feel like if I can just make an adjustment to help her fit better into the loops, she's going to do great in the wheels. Despite her back legs being positioned wrongly she walked forward like a pro and got the idea straight away.

Thank you for any help. x

Re: Leg loop problem

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:55 pm
by nbregger
You can loosen the strapping about 1" on each side of the round ring clips so that the leg rings hang down a bit like a cradle. If you loosen them up too much, it will lower her too much and the cart will be too short in height. I would not recommend loosening the wrap in the middle of rings. If you have difficulty, please call, 888-811-7387 and they will be able to help you.

Nancy :D

Re: Leg loop problem

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:08 pm
by Rainbeam
Thank you for your reply. I'm going to have another crack at it tomorrow, so I'll see what I can do. I'm wondering if the problem is down to her having absolutely no weight on her back end at all.

Thanks again. x

Re: Leg loop problem

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:19 pm
by nbregger
Send a picture of your dog in the cart to: and we can let you know if the fitting is correct.