Starting to get diaper rash/sores

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Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by mandil0u »

My Marley just recently became paralyzed in his rear. He's a miniature dacshund, 5 yrs old. Im waiting for his wheelchair to come in.

For right now he is on prednisone and Ive read the the urinate more often while on this. He is on strict crate rest. I've tried the diapers and wasn't impressed with them and am currently using potty training pads in his crate for when I'm not home ( me and my fiance both work full time and go to school). I express his bladder often and clean/dry him at least 7 times a day. I noticed last night that he was starting to develop a diaper rash/ sores on his butt and his hind legs. Today it looks worse.

Are there better ways to care for him? Will it get better when he is able to move around in his wheelchair?

Should I be using baby powder and/or diaper rash creams?

Any and all suggestions would be helpful.

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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by Bobbie »

I would say yes to diaper rash cream. If he has a lot of fur shave it down where the rash is appearing, then at least daily rinse him off and put the cream on. I actually would try belly bands again, though, at least for night, a poise pad in a belly band keeps urine off the skin. It is much easier to prevent sores than to get them to heal.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by SandyNY »

i would use people products vs puppy pads. they are designed for what you need. there are washable and disposal bed pads for people. i would try a poise or even adult diaper wrapped around torso. when i had a 'downer dog' i purchased $1 scarf to tie diaper or pad around torso. this may help with the nighttime for you. can't remember the skin protectant i loved. smith and nephews is the manufacturer.i believe the product was a skin protectant possibly made for human infants. i was able to have a local pharmacy order it off their order list.they looked under manufacturer and was easily able to obtain it for me. diaper rash creams with zinc oxide are a 'no-no' for cats -not sure if ok for dogs, i think so. they metabolize differently. Also, since you have a small dog, you may be able to use a baby onesie to hold a diaper in place.
Prednisone does make a dog pee more and can also affect thier ability to control the urine. i think this important because we tend to judge that in a factor of quality of life - ability to control; and prednisone can make a HUGE difference. once pred is outof the system, he may be able to control it much more. i imagine wheelchairs are much different than when i used one. i assume they are still for intermittent use - dog cannot be left in constantly. i assume it is still the same that some take to it like a fish in water and some take adjustment and time. hoping things are looking better soon!!
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by Christine »

Hi Mandi,

Glad you found us. Check the cream you are using right now to make sure that it dos not have zinc and/or your dog cannot lick that.


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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by wondergeorge »

My cat, Darwin, gets diaper rashes often. Our vet says the best I can do is bathe him daily or every 2 days to clean the area and use baby wipes in between baths. Also, I found a great diaper creme by Burt's Bees that is natural and seems to help a lot.
Darwin wears a diaper all the time and had been slipping out of it. I have reusable diapers since the disposables get too pricey. I cut a little slit near the edge of the top on his back and feed a little tie through it to attach to the harness he wears all the time. This works wonders.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by mollysmum »

Our cat Molly had nasty sores as a result of the urine burn and too much licking. We shaved her and then each time I expressed her I applied Weleda Calendula Nappy Rash cream ... -care.aspx

Our vet recommended it to us as it was safe for animals to use and Molly licked it off alot without any issues. It worked wonders as she stopped licking so much and the sores healed up. :)
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

My cat bob wears a diaper all the time and got a terrible rash that wouldn't go away. I took him to the vet and the only thing I found that worked for him was they gave him a cortisone shot (it dries it out quickly) and put triple antibiotic on it (it has to be the one without the zinc and with pain reliever). It was gone by his diaper change in the morning. I actually came here to see what others were using as a preventative as the ointment seems costly until u figure it takes a few tubes per week.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by CarolC »

EDIT: This was not good advice for a cat, read follow up messages


I use the generic Wal-Mart ointment on my dog. It comes 2 tubes per box and is cheaper than name brands. I recommend checking with the vet, because things that are safe for dogs are not always safe for cats. It think it would be but I'm not sure, I've only used it on a dog. This link lets you compare the ingredients to your brand. I don't use that much on my dog. She's a long-haired chihuahua. I use maybe a 3/4" ribbon of ointment? And I don't spread it on her, I just squeeze a little dab into the spot on the diaper where her girl parts are going to be, and I think it kind of spreads itself around with body heat and activity. A tube lasts quite a while, over a month for sure. If your diapers have a gel core, they will lock in moisture and keep it away from the skin, so moisture isn't as much of a problem. ... z/20659621
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

Those r the ones he can't use and a 1 oz tube lasts maybe 2 days with him. Cats are very sensitive to zinc.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by CarolC »

Yikes, I see what you mean. I'm sorry. I put on my sewing glasses to read the ingredients and the first antibiotic is bacitracin zinc. I didn't realize bacitracin had zinc in it. What is the brand name of the one you are using?
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

The one I use is just maximum strength triple antibiotic plus pain relief cream. I read the ingredients to make sure what is in it to avoid the zinc. It has polymyxin b sulfate, neomycin sulfate and pramoxine HCI in it. I was looking into this tri care that says for horses and dogs that u get at the feed store. Perhaps even udder balm as we use to use that a lot on dogs. We haven't dealt much with the diaper rash until this month for some reason it is tearing him up. He had it once before and I put a tiny bit of diaper rash cream on and it went away so idk what the deal is now and why it keeps trying to come back if I don't put that stuff on him.
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by CarolC »

OK, thanks. Maybe see if this one is like the one you are using, because it might be cheaper. ... z/16627527

Another idea might be to use a little of the ointment and then add some Vaseline, so you use less of the expensive ointment. Don't know if it would work but it might be worth a try.

I wonder if he is drinking more water because it's hot?
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by krisrath11 »

Hmmm, maybe he is drinking more. I don't feel like he's anymore full when I express his bladder though. He's been given 2 different antibiotics for "just in case" and a probiotics from one vet, the most recent vet gave him the shot which had it gone until I used the cream with zinc. I was given silver sulfadiazine cream and it made it worse too. I was told by someone it could be a yeast infection but all the vets say no and won't swab it to check. He has always had a small amount of runny poo and just started producing poo balls on his own and bam the redness came. The link u sent is the exact product I used the day it went away but that tube lasted 1 day. Maybe I will try the vasaline idea once it is healed for a few days. How about powder? I've never tried it with him but maybe it would keep the moisture away better?
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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by BendyMom »

Hello everyone,
ugh, scald. the bane of an incontinent fur's existance.

about zinc - whie it heals incredibly well it can kill a cat if ingested. I have used it on cats but only when I knew the area was diapered and secured enough so that they could not not not get to it.

I've been caring for incontinent animals for around 14 years, I lose count.

pictures would help, if you can get them. I know they aren't pretty but what one person says is a horrible rash is different than what another person says is a horrible rash.

any rate for really bad urine scald that doesn't want to heal what I do.

epsdom bath soak (Butterbean actually likes his soaks, he is a cat). I try and play with them in the tub to give them something to think about besides "i'm in water" warm water, epsom salts, let them soak for 10 or 15 minutes, if they are enjoying the bath more certainly doesn't hurt.
pat dry.

chlorhexadine rinse.
chlorhexadine is a surgical scrub, it disintfects extremely well so if it is bacteria or yeast or whatever it is effective, it does not sting. It can be found in most pharmacies. It is usually blue. There is a brand called Hibiclens that is pink. You will also see it called Novalsan. All the same stuff.

I rinse with this and let it air dry.

It's important for all incontinent animals to get what I call "bare butt time" I express their bladder, making sure it's empty (usually the fur protests as this is not comfy but it has to be done). I make them a crate with padding, some faux sheepskin bedding - I have found the faux sheepskin material will wick away moisture to whatever is underneath it, enough room for them to move around and get away from a damp spot. When I do barebutt time I am letting the skin dry out and dont put cream on it.

oral antibiotics like Antirode (clindamycin) are often helpful for healing skin infections.

When I diaper them, I use Aquaphor (or it's generic equivilent). i chose this because when I used to type notes for a plastic surgery clinic it is always what they suggested for raw healing skin.

I dont' know why the silver sulfazine made it worse, that's a new twist for me, but certainly if something makes it worse stay away from it.
I top it all with a layer of vaseline

urine scald is frustrating. I know butterbean will get scalded from poop, too, and it changes depending on what he eats. I have found some foods produced scald that was horrible so I stay away from those. it's trial and error there. Keep notes on what your fur is eating and how bad the scaled is so you can refer to it later when trying to figure out what works.

If there is any dead skin present, clean with peroxide to remove the dead skin. You don't want dead tissue there!!
It doesn't sound like your vets are being terribly helpful, are there any other vets in the area you could try? Often we have to get quite aggressive in defending our handicapped furs and insisting the care be done. I think most vets assume we just won't bother and are surprised when we prove we will.

hope this has been helpful.


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Re: Starting to get diaper rash/sores

Post by BendyMom »

One more thought.
Cold laser therapy, I have used this treatment on a cat with a severe allergic rash (nasty red running sores) and it was extremely beneficial. It takes a few treatments, but i did see some improvement after the first. Something to ask the vet about.


Bendy Kitty
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