Daily Life Questions

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Daily Life Questions

Post by njrickey »

I'm just wondering how you handle "daily life" with your incontinent pets. When you go to work, or out, do you cage them? I am keeping him in a small basement bathroom for now, but am working on cleaning out a spare bedroom. I know that if he was at the Vet, he would be in a cage much smaller than that, but I still feel awful.
The other issue is that we also have his littermate and another kitten, who are not handicapped. I am keeping them in there with him for now too, but, eventually as they grow, they will be able to be "independent". And, when we are home, we let them out to run and play under our supervision. But, Will can't come out due to the incontinence. I either go in the bathroom and spend time with him, or bring him out in his carrier.
Any suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by Dianne »

I have an incontinent, paralyzed 22 lb. doxie (dog), who has been paralyzed for 2 1/2 years.

We do not crate or kennel him when we leave the house; he is alone in the company of a 45 lb. Shiba Inu and 2 cats. There have never been issues of alpha dominance and abuse of him by the other pets.

Do you see evidence that any of your cats or dogs would attack the weaker kitten? If so, you would want to crate him to protect him.

One of my cats died of squamous cell carcinoma of the nose leather. The other two cats turned on him and attacked him in his weakness. I had to keep them separate.

If I express my dog's bladder and bowel before I leave the house for a few hours there are no accidents before I return. Since I do not work outside of the home, I don't need to return at lunch as others do, to express.

Somebody else should come along soon with more ideas.

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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by pmilner »

I have an incontinent doxie. He's good for 4-5+ hours once bladder (4-5x daily) and bowel are expressed (2x daily). So I can leave and come back to no mess.

I've always secured my doxies when I leave the house so they don't have an opportunity to jump on/off furniture. So now with Clark paralysis it's the same old routine they know, into the ex-pen. When I'm gone they sleep and feel safe there.

Lewis, Clark's sister, gets along well with Clark, so I do leave them in the ex-pen together. If the other kitties do not get along with Will then you would have to separate them. Sometimes in nature the instinct is to get rid of the weakest.

When I'm at home both dogs have the run or scoot of the house. We don't have accidents in the house unless I forget or get side tracked and don't express Clark on time. Clark is on food with little grains (the ingredients before fat are the main ingredients), so his poops are small, mildly stinky, well formed and easy to pick up. We have hard surface floors so that is very helpful with pets.

As further insurance against accidents, consider diapers, an infant onesie while you are at home with Will so he can come out and join in family activities.

The main thing about an incontinent pet is to get the schedule down. Feeding times relate to peeing and pooping times. Once you have the schedule down, it becomes easy.

If Will is leaking urine that is a sign of the bladder overflowing. He is either not getting expressed often enough or you are not completely emptying his bladder. That is not good as stale urine in the bladder is a breeding ground for bacteria and urinary infections (UTI's).

Paula Milner
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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by Paul Coover »

We have 2 incontinent doxies and they usually sleep in a baby crib in their room. When they are out, they just go when they need to go. That's why we bought the carpet cleaner!
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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by critters »

Buddy wasn't incontinent all that long, but I kept him in his own room when I wasn't home, for his safety. As his continence and mobility came back, sometimes he'd sleep too soundly at night, and we'd all wake up in a puddle. It became regular enough that I started sizing him for diapers (size 3, BTW) for overnight. I'd never have made him go back to his room or into a crate, though; finding that cute little body flaked out in my armpit was too precious to pass up.
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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by CarolC »

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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by njrickey »

Thanks to all for responding!
So far, nobody seems to want to attack Will, except for playing normally.
I had purchased some Simple Solutions XXS diapers, for animals up to 4 lbs, and although he weighs 3lbs, these are still too large. He fought me when I put it on, and he crawled out of it within 5 minutes of having it on. It didn't work well. Maybe when he gets a little bigger?
I have been attempting to express every time I go down there. This morning, I actually got some out! But, I know I didn't completely express, he was still dribbling. I will keep working on it, but my home is 90% carpeted, and letting him out free would simply not work. In addition to Will and his 2 kitten siblings, we also have 2 five year old cats, one of which likes to occasionally urine mark, even though he is neutered, and the Vet has him on Prozac for that.....so I don't want kitten urine all over the house encouraging him to spray!!!
I bought a slightly larger carrier, one that he can move in. He actually seemed more content when he was in the smaller carrier!
I admire the courage and fortitude of each and every one of you. I'm not sure I have the stamina to do this.
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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by critters »

Use human diapers, preemies, if necessary. You can use Onesies, suspenders, etc. to keep them on. Finding the size was the worst part for us; I ended up asking people with babies for diapers to try, and brands can vary on actual size and fit.
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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by Dianne »

I'm not sure I have the stamina to do this.
None of us knew how long we had the stamina either. Some days in the beginning seem harder than others, but it soon becomes a routine that is normal.

Yes, it actually becomes normal. If you express urine the first thing in the morning, about lunch, then dinner and bedtime you will establish a routine.

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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by amyd »

I too have a tiny, incontinent pet. She weighs 2.3 pounds right now. Still growing. BUT - the XXS diapers at the store were way too big for her too. I made a posterboard pattern and use puppy pads and panty liners or small maxi pads. I use 3 pieces of tape to secure. They are easy to make - one puppy pad makes 6 diapers and they are SO much cheaper than the store kind. I have the pattern that I can email you if you want. Good luck!
Here's my email: keebleredwards@yahoo.com
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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by amyd »

also, my homemade diapers are snug and comfy and "custom" fit, so they stay on pretty much until I take them off. Brooklyn really doesn't even notice them. Never tries to get out of them. I hope that helps - without diapers that fit her, it would be impossible for me to take care of her. They are a lifesaver. Amy
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Re: Daily Life Questions

Post by njrickey »

Amy, I would love to have the pattern. I will email you.

I am happy to report that I have been having some success with things recently. I am able to express Will now (still not sure if I'm completely emptying the bladder, but he remains dry, which he wasn't before, so that's progress). We are trying the drug PBZ. I found a little Simple Solutions diaper garment at Petsmart, you put a minipad in it, it attaches with velcro. Once I have expressed, if I'm going to be home, I put this on him and let him run around with the others. When its nap time, he goes into a large cage, the other kittens sleep on it or nearby, and they seem fairly content. I take the diaper off of him when he's caged or in the bathroom "sanctuary room" where they all sleep overnight.
This AM, I tried stimulating the bowel, so that I could get predictable pooping :-).....it seemed to work! I will keep doing that and see if it continues to work for me.....knowing he has pooped means more playtime for him (with the diaper garment on).
Diane, Critters, and everyone, THANK YOU for your help and encouragement! I couldn't have done it without you and this website!
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