Older Cat: Loose stool and incontinent

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Older Cat: Loose stool and incontinent

Post by dreid »

I've just become a member of the board as a result of searching for solutions for our family cat of 13yrs. Although very active and still loving life, she is no longer able to control when and where she produces stool. In addition, her stool is not sold, making clean-up a huge challenge. The problem has existed for a couple of years now.

I think the first solution would be to adapt her diet so she has more solid stool. Perhaps then she could make it to the litter box or at least would allow easier clean-up. At present, she is on a mix of a 1 tablespoon of hypoallergenic dry mixed with 2 tbsp. of fibre canned/wet food twice a day. In the morning, she receives 1 tsp. of Kaopectate also mixed in.

Alternatively, we would think about a diaper option. Either that or some sort of cat "run"...which would be our last option since it limits her social contact and ability to run freely in the house.

The family has mixed feelings about our next steps, but we'd all love to keep our cat happy and healthy and part of the family as long as possible.

Many thanks in advance for any advice that you can offer.

All the best!
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Post by critters »

Have you tried the poop on demand ideas in the red sticky post on this bb? If she's empty, she can't be laying eggs! :) You might also check the diaper page, but diapers have their own problems, including urine scald.
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older cat loose stool and incontinent

Post by ziggy »

My vet recommended Purina DM prescription diet because he is diabetic. He's been on this for a few years now, ever since he had mega colon surgery, and is doing great, with normal poop. The food is a higher protein diet, and it is also recommended for cats with loose stools. Good luck :D
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Post by SandyNY »

Did you have her stool tested for coccidia? Maybe a diet chage would be good - i don't know as i would want a cat on fiber food and kaopectate long term.? Has she been on this a long time?
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Post by amyd »

I have a completely incontinent chihuahua. She is in diapers pretty much 24/7 and has not had any UTI's or other complications to my homemade diapers. Please email me if you would like the instructions on how to make them. They are way cheaper to make than to buy. keebleredwards@yahoo.com
I know how hard it is at first, it gets easier, and these diapers are absolute lifesavers. Amy

You can look at Brooklyn under the photo gallery under "Brooklyn from Texas"
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