Having problems expressing Raider, HELP!!

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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raiders mom
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Having problems expressing Raider, HELP!!

Post by raiders mom »

The last 2 days I have been having an awful time expressing Raider's bladder(9 yr. old shih-tzu,injured by car with pelvic fractures)It has been almost 6 weeks since his surgwey,I have been expressing him since he came home on Nov.23.The last 2 days he has been VERY unhappy about this and growls and tries to bite me.He is normally quite passive and only tries to bite if I mess with his tail or anus.What could be wrong? I am going to try to get him in to see the Dr.Wednesday.Does anyone have any ideas?I have taken him outside to try to see if he can go on his own,but he is so weak and wobbly on his back legs that he can't keep his balance when he tries to "hike" his leg.He has dribbled a few drops outside when I took him out but I know his bladder needs to be drained completely to cut down on the UTI's.I have ordered a rear end harness to use when I take him out but till it gets here or till Wed. when I can hopefully get him in to the Dr. does anyone have any ideas of what I can do to make it so I can express him by myself without hurting him and getting myslf bit?? Raider's Mom.. Kathy
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Re: Having problems expressing Raider, HELP!!

Post by critters »

I wonder if he could have a UTI, making his bladder painful? I also wonder if feeling is returning and if he might be resisting?
raiders mom
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Re: Having problems expressing Raider, HELP!!

Post by raiders mom »

Gritters..Thanks for the imput...I am hoping that feeling may be returning,he does have a UTI, i've beeen treating since Sat.I may have figured out part of the problem too. I have been growing myy finger nails out(I'm a habitual nail chewe) and I think they have gotten long enough so that when I try to express him with one hand they dig in to his side.DUH...Some times I guess I don't realize that little things like that can hurt..Soooo this A.M. I expressed him using both hands and he didn't complain too much.Just a little grumbling,no growling or trying to bite.I'll have to be more careful...after 6 weeks you'd think I'd have it figured out a little better...Dumb Human..Raider's Mom.. Kathy
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Re: Having problems expressing Raider, HELP!!

Post by Jean »

Hi Kathy,
I just read your original post and wondered how Raider is doing?
I have a Shih Tzu also. His name is Angel. He blew a disc in early November and then had a double laminectomy about a month ago. When he first went down he was on bladder meds because he developed a bladder infection because he was unable to totally empty his bladder. Then, he got to where he couldn't pee at all. My vet was unable to express him because he would tighten up his muscles. My Vet said that with male dogs it is very difficult to totally express them. As a result, he taught me how to catheterize him. He is over his UTI and catheterizing him is so easy. You might want to talk to your vet about this option if he is still difficult to express. Thanks, Jean
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