Dealing with Incontinence in Medium/Large Breed Dogs

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Dealing with Incontinence in Medium/Large Breed Dogs

Post by DocsMom »

My name is Jessica and I am owned by my sweet, 55 lb. Pit bull, Doc.

Doc is 7 years old and is recovering from his second IVDD surgery in two years. According to the surgeon, if Doc is to slip another disc, surgery may not be an option for us, as there is only so much bone that can be cut. I'm trying to plan ahead for all eventualities, so that I can better deal with another bad turn of events, should the situation ever arise.

I know that if Doc were to become paralyzed, he could continue living a happy and fulfilled life. I'm just not sure, logistically, how my husband and I would care for him. My biggest concerns would be getting him up and down stairs and expressing his bladder. I'm looking to collect some creative examples of how people with larger dogs have dealt with paralysis and urinary incontinence.

Doc was incontinent for a week during his first go-round, and he constantly leaked through diapers. I suspect we weren't fully expressing his bladder but I just could not contain his urine.

Fortunately, this is all theoretical, at the moment. Doc didn't lose mobility or bladder/bowel control before his second surgery and is now recovering nicely. There was a period of time, though, when I thought we might have to put him down if the disc couldn't be repaired. Doxie owners I've spoken with on Dodger's list maintain that there's no reason to put a dog down for IVDD. I'd like to believe this is the case, but I would love to hear from other owners who have made it work with larger breed dogs.

Thanks in advance for welcoming me to your list!

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Re: Dealing with Incontinence in Medium/Large Breed Dogs

Post by puremutt »

My dog was 55 pound.
I have only small steps in the front and the back of the house, for the front I had a permanent ramp built and fo the back I used a portable one.
I read some people with higher stairs use a laundry basket to put the dog in and carry upstairs, but yours would be too big for that I guess.
No dog should be put down of a handicap, only is they are in pain and nothing will help for that.
I am sure you will get more replies about the diaper issue.
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

let all beings be happy
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