Help!Frequent UTI's in dog with rear paralysis

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Help!Frequent UTI's in dog with rear paralysis

Post by LuvElla »

Hello, my 13 year old pitbull had an FCE about two years ago. Besides the rear leg paralysis, she is otherwise healthy, loves going out on her cart and eating. My main problem right now is that she is incontinent and she can't control her bowels. Often, when left alone, she will have bowel accident (I feed her very consistently so, it's not really messy) BUT I think her frequent UTI's are from bacteria from her accidents entering her urinary tract if I am not there to clean up her accidents immediately. Anyways, she has been on a constant circuit of CIPRO for months now....she'll get a UTI, the vet prescribes CIPRO, it goes away but UTI returns like clockwork nearly every month. I really try to keep her very clean but sometimes I am just not home when she has accidents. I want to know if anyone has suggestions for PREVENTATIVE measures I can take to help reduce the frequency of the UTI's (i.e. cranberry pills for dogs, herbs, etc.) Thank you SO much for taking the time to read this....
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Re: Help!Frequent UTI's in dog with rear paralysis

Post by CarolC »

Hi, can you explain how she is kept during the day while you are gone? Is she in a diaper or a crate or how do you keep her? If she wears a diaper, does the diaper have a tail hole that lets stools drop out or do they stay in? Are you using a diaper cover with a pad, or disposables or...?

Have they done a culture of the infection to be sure they are using the right antibiotic for that particular microorganism?
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Re: Help!Frequent UTI's in dog with rear paralysis

Post by Bobbie »

When you say incontinent, what exactly does she do? Leak continually, or just sometimes?

You probably need to learn to express her bowels. (Not hard, there are many techniques.) Then do that right before you leave and as soon as you return (if she goes that often.) If you have to, move her meals around so that she will go when you express. Then you can clean up and use a wipe on her rear so that she stays cleaner.

If she retains urine until it overflows, you can try expressing her instead. If that works, then express right after a bowel movement and it can wash out anything that might have reached the urethra. It will also make sure she is emptying completely- leaking is often just to keep the bladder from overfilling but doesn't fully empty it.

For preventative, try some acidifier (cranberry, Vitamin C, methionine, lots of possible ways to go) and D-mannose. Also encourage lots of fluids- if you have to, add low-salt broth or yogurt or something to her water so she drinks more. If your tap water is fairly alkaline, you may want to encourage her to drink distilled water instead. Those things MAY help prevent the problem.
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Re: Help!Frequent UTI's in dog with rear paralysis

Post by miss&tess'smom »

How do you know how much cranberry supplements or vit c to give per weight?

Thanks, Linda
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