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Re: Diet for solid poops

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:00 pm
by staplegunsarefun
I have a Shepherd who had an FCE and lost all use of her back left leg and tail. She had some weakness in her back right leg and she became fecally incontinent (vet said no anal tone). She regained most of her mobility (she still drags the back left leg a little, especially on stairs). She regained some anal tone, but is mostly fecally incontinent. She also has a very sensitive stomach (has always had problems with colitis). I feed either Orijen or Instinct. Both are grain-free. Orijen is difficult to find around here, and ordering it is hard because delivery of 40lb bags can get expensive. Instinct is nice because you can get a "subscription" to it on amazon (subscriptions on amazon give free delivery, 15% off, and are conveniently delivered monthly). Anyways, I've tried most of the grain-free and other premium pet foods (and fed raw for a long time) because my German Shepherd has had such a difficult time. I've had the most luck with Orijen and Instinct.

Re: Diet for solid poops

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:43 pm
by jaywilly36
TRY feedind moist food helped my dog alot.