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Expressing my cat

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:39 am
by momtoziggy
My cat had a tail injury on 06/15/10 and has no bladder function yet. After a week of having someone come to my house to help I've been expressing him with ease. When I had him on his side to do it - I was able to get pee out 3x a day - 7am, 3pm, 10pm. I found a position with him upright that I can do by myself (little bugger fights me but if I put him against the wall in bathroom & hold him there with my body I can use both hands to express bladder. I feel that this is allowing me to get him fully empty & since discovering this new position - I can no longer get any pee out in the afternoon & have found that 7am / 8pm works well for us. And I getting him empty often enough? I've heard it should be done every 6-8 but while I'm trying - I can't get anything out in the afternoon so have accepted a 2x daily schedule and he hasn't had any problems that I can see. Any thoughts/advice/opinions?

Thank you !

Re: Expressing my cat

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:42 pm
by cricketsmom
Hi there,
My cat Cricket has similar issues. Three times is a good guideline and suggested most often. But for my cat, a twice daily schedule has worked for her too. Her injury was last September, so we've had nearly a year of this routine. Focus on making sure your cat's bladder doesn't get too full between expressing and on getting the bladder as empty as possible each time. If his bladder is nearly empty when you try your afternoon expressing, it's ok to wait for evening. Over time, you'll develop a feel for your own cat and you'll know how his body works and what's best for him.