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no bladder control nor poo control after pelvic surgery

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:05 pm
by hnijhar
So my pug is 3 years old. He is male. He slipped out of his collar and he got hit by the tire of a suv. The suv didn't run over him. The tire hit his left pelvic area. We took him to the vet and they stabilized him and the vet said we would have to give him surgery..he stayed at the vet for 2 nights and took him for his surgery on August 6. The surgery happened august 7. The surgeon said that he wanted to put 2 screws in but he was only able to put in 1 because the space was very small and there were a lot of nerves where he wanted to put the screw. He said our pug would have 90 percent chance of walking. So we brought him home and we had him on crate rest until September 20th. He peed and pood in his crate and we would change his towels and his clothes when we saw he peed. We would regularly clean his butt with towels and we didn't care where he peed and pood because we were more focused on his pelvic to heal. So in September our dog showed improvement and he started putting his leg down and applying weight etc. He would walk around and have fun. On September 24th the vet did an xray. The screw that the surgereon had put in had came out and the pelvis had shifted back to how it was when it broke. Our pug is walking fine because fibrous tissue grew and it stabilized the pelvis. He is walking fine, he is not in pain and he is living life. But now we noticed that he doesn't have bladder control and poo control. He will leak his pee when we come home and when he is walking. His poo just comes out when he is walking at home. We took him to walks outside and he will raise his leg to pee but nothing comes out. He asked the vet on what to do and we asked the surgereon. The surgereon said that most likely the nerve is being pinched by the bone or the impact from the accident caused the nerve to become impaired. We do not want to put him down and money is not an issue. We spent $4000 at the vet and around $8000 for the surgery. I have attached the x-rays. If anyone could please input some info. He is our love and the vet said we may have to put him down because his quality of life has been reduced. I have attached the pre xray when the impact has been made and the xray right now. The surgeon had showed us the xray right after our dogs surgery and everything was perfectly shifted and looked exactly like the right pelvic side

