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Cat hit by car

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:28 pm
by amyroseparker
Hi everybody

My cat was hit by a car last Wednesday. At the moment he is not moving around much at all, he spends most the day lying in his crate resting and sleeping. One of his hind legs has been badly injured and the extent of the injuries cannot be known at this moment, it is not broken but he has suspected nerve damage. Same goes for his tail. He also had surgery for a diaphragmatic hernia which the vet said went very well.

It is clearly a struggle for him to move around, he tries to go to the litter tray but sometimes doesn't make it in time. It is really sad and like you I am so worried. He also hasn't had a bowel movement since surgery which is 6 days, the vet says this is normal and I should try him with a little puréed pumpkin to get the bowels moving.

It would be really helpful if any of you have gone through a similar thing with your cats and how long the recover period took and how well your cat recovered? I am so worried it is awful, I just feel so sad for him.

Thanks very much

Re: Cat hit by car

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:17 am
by critters
Posted in other post.