Dog hit by car loss of control: tail, bladder, bowels

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Dog hit by car loss of control: tail, bladder, bowels

Post by Cheree »

First, let me say I am VERY encouraged by finding this forum. Last Thursday, Nova was surrendered to me. She is a 13 month old Chocolate Lab. She had been hit by a car. She suffered a sacral fracture, and bilateral sacroiliac fractures. The owners said she was tail wagging after the accident, though I have come to believe that isn't true. Her fractures have been repaired and she is able to walk, but her tail is limp, she cannot urinate on her own (I express her bladder several times a day, and thankfully she is easy to express!), she oozes a soft stool. I bought the same food her owners had been feeding her rather than abruptly change her diet and cause gastrointestinal upset, but after reading this forum, I will probably switch her over to Science Diet w/d, since it is recommended here for firming up stool. I assumed she would lose her tail, and have been hoping that with tincture of time, nerve damage would heal and she would regain bladder and bowel function. I'm reading some reports here that even tail function can return, which is amazing!

Since I work for a veterinary hospital, I'm able to bring her to work with me and kennel her here... at least for now. I imagine we will "wear out our welcome" in time, although with the hours I work, that might necessitate me making some changes in my schedule so that I can take care of her if I can't bring her in.

In the meantime, are there any other suggestions/recommendations on things I should do that may help with the healing/recovery process? I'm circling this sweet girl in prayer, just want to do everything possible in the physical realm as well to help her progress.

Thank you in advance for your kindness and advice.
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Re: Dog hit by car loss of control: tail, bladder, bowels

Post by critters »

:slant: How long has it been since she was hit?
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Re: Dog hit by car loss of control: tail, bladder, bowels

Post by Cheree »

She was hit on February 5th. She had surgery to repair her fractures/luxation on February 11th.
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Re: Dog hit by car loss of control: tail, bladder, bowels

Post by CarolC »

I have no experience with this exact type of injury. I do wonder if she would benefit from physical therapy. I'm not talking so much about physical exercise, but rather some of the new modalities they have now such as lasar therapy or electrical stimulation. I'm probably not even naming the right treatments, but a rehab professional would know. Do you have professional canine rehab available where you live? if so, you might want to call and ask them if they think they could do anything to help with her healing in that area. It is awfully nice of you to take over her care.

You can express the bowel on some dogs. I guess you can try it on her (with the vet's permission, considering her injuries). Here are some tips on that.
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Re: Dog hit by car loss of control: tail, bladder, bowels

Post by Cheree »

Thanks, Carol. I have been expressing her bowels using some of the tips I found here on the forum.
We actually have a laser therapy system at our hospital, and I thought about asking the doctor if he thought it might be beneficial for Nova. It's mostly used for inflammation and reconstruction, so I'm not sure if it would do anything for her. But, I will check.

I have changed her food and am hoping it will firm up her stools to make that process easier!
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