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Diapers that fit obese cats?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:07 am
by Phaewryn
I have a 15lb 20 inch ROUND snowshoe that needs to be diapered for car trips. I've searched and the only responses I can find about fitting baby diapers on cats seem to be about how long they are in the body and needing a bigger size if they are long bodied. She's short bodied (12 inches from base of neck to base of tail), but VERY ROUND, like a volleyball. She has a bad back and bad hips (she is old and was severely injured as a young cat) so I do not want to put too much torque on them, so I'd like to stay as small/non-bulky as possible to reduce the bulk between her legs, as she can barely stay upright on them without a diaper on (her hind legs splay out from under her on smooth floors). On the same note, I don't want them to bind in front of her legs either, so they need to be big enough to not do that either. The last thing I want to do is cause her any more pain, and she has painful hips and sensitive back (the vet refuses to put her down, says she's not bad enough yet). Should I try size 3 baby diaper first? Her "waist" (around her belly just in front of her back legs) is 20 inches. It will be for very short-term use, she is a revenge urinator, and likes to let it all out every time she is put in the car, which has resulted in me having a very difficult time getting rides to the vet, since no-one really wants a cat that pees in the car in the car. Also, if you have suggestions of the best least bulky brands to buy, that would also be helpful. Or pet diaper brands/sizes that would offer her a better fit, if that would be better and less bulky between her hips (they all seem to be sized for dogs and by weight, not waist size, so I have no idea what size to buy). I already have her in a crate with a deep pan full of pine pellets, but she sprays urine over the edge sometimes, so now that is on a tarp which is folded up all around the crate, but this is a LOT of work just getting the cat loaded in the car, and then I have a tarp full of pee to not spill getting out of the car, and all in all, it would be much easier to convince someone to give us rides (and take her with me when I travel) if she were diapered. In a regular plastic carrier, she will aim right out the front door grate half the time. :roll:
If I can find a diaper that works for her, I can begin to take her with me when I travel, and work on her diet again as well (she had lost weight but put it back on when I had to change brands).
Photos of Bones to show her shape: ... 6723_n.jpg ... 3083148601 (not sure if either of those links will work) ... 8032_o.jpg
Would it be possible to diaper a cat that is this round without binding in front of her hips? Should I just invest in Piddle Pants? Do they absorb a full bladder load of urine or at they just for light sprayers? Would they even fit a cat with no "waist"? Are there pet diaper brands that work well for obese cats?

Re: Diapers that fit obese cats?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:10 am
by CarolC
Awww, cute pic lying on her back, so cute! :hearts:

Piddle Pants was what I was thinking, too, but I do not actually know how well they will fit her. You would probably want to call and talk to their customer service and see what they say. At least with the Piddle Pants you could have a loose fit for the legs and still not have them come off. You can put whatever pads you want in cloth diapers, and Piddle Pads are cloth. I have a small dog that I use Poise pads with and I simply cut the pads to fit in her diaper, either half a pad or a third depending on whether I bought the long ones.

If you can sew, there is a pattern for DIY cat pants with suspenders. ... a-overalls

There is a company that will custom make a diaper for you, but again I don't know how well it will stay on without suspenders.

Another idea is to put a diaper on that is not too tight or binding and hold it on with a onsie.


Re: Diapers that fit obese cats?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:28 pm
by Phaewryn
Thank you! I can sew, so I will try that route with a maxi pad as a liner! I wasn't happy with the color choices available at piddle pants anyway! THANKS! :thankyou:

Re: Diapers that fit obese cats?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:33 am
by critters
If you want to use baby diapers, I suggest soliciting donated diapers from friends, family, coworkers, etc who have babies or small kids. Have them give you one and write the brand and size on the outside of the diaper. Otherwise, it's a lot of trial and error to find the right size and can get expensive. My Buddy, who was a long-waisted fella, wore size 3.