Fidget - spay incontinence

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Fidget - spay incontinence

Post by Cara »

Our shelter "dobie" (we're not positive she's a dobie, but sure looks it!) came to us with likely spay incontinence, which may explain why she was abandoned to a shelter.

We've got her on Proin. I'm staying away from the estrogen (DES) in part because my (human) family still suffers the side effects of this drug from when my mom took it to prevent miscarriage in the 50's and 60's. Also, Fidget's vet says it's not worth switching if the Proin works.

The Proin, however, sporadically FAILS to work - she'll have accidents, and we can't really predict when or why. And they're infrequent enough that they catch us unprepared -- with no waterproofing on the bed, for example.

Is there any such thing as a diaper (or "sanitary belt" type of thing) for female dogs (like a "male wrap") that would catch urine, but allow her to go out the dog door and defecate, if necessary, without our intervention?

Thanks for any input, or other tips.
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Re: Fidget - spay incontinence

Post by critters »

:whale: Sadly, I don't know of such a thing for girls, because the 2 pieces of plumbing are so close together. We have the same problem with cats. Boy dogs are SO lucky!! :D
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Re: Fidget - spay incontinence

Post by CarolC »

Right, like critters said you are limited to using a regular diaper for a female dog. I am thinking of the kind that consists of a washable fabric diaper cover which you stick an absorbent pad (like Poise) inside, as opposed to disposable diapers. If you have a good fit and a proper sized tail hole, she will be able to defecate and stools will fall out of the diaper, but the absorbent pad inside the diaper will still catch the urine. If you have a choice of a diaper with a hole that is too big or too small, get the one that is too big. You can stick the Poise pad into the diaper so it overlaps the tail hole a little, thus effectively making it smaller. Just be prepared, fitting diapers on an animal is similar to when we buy jeans, they do not all fit the same and you may have to try several before you find a style that fits. Don't give up! You WILL find some. Once you find what fits her, buy some extras to put in the top of the closet so you will have them if she wears them out. Below is a photo showing overlapping the pad in the tail hole on a diaper with a larger hole.
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Re: Fidget - spay incontinence

Post by Cara »

Thanks for these ideas. She has entered a period where she's having more frequent accidents.

Makes me sad when I realize this is probably why she was given up - and in our local shelter. To think that someone could find this problem so bad that they'd abandon a dog! But it is wearing, at times...

And the poor girl is completely unaware that she's got a problem!
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