6 year old pug bladder incontinent any help?

For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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6 year old pug bladder incontinent any help?

Post by apollo18 »

hey guys! i have a 6 year old pug male. he was involved in a car accident at age 3 years old, he broke his pelvis, and he had surgery. After the surgery he healed and walks and runs fine and enjoys life but he lost his control for bladder and anal. For the first 4 months we were never told to express him, so he would usually wet his bed so we would always be changing sheets 247 and cleaning him up hoping he would get better. once i was taught on how to express, i started expressing him 3 times a day. for the first year, i was able to express him easier i believe, and then i learned if i take him for a walk he expresses easier. so when he was 5 he would stay tense at home, but when i would play with him for 5 mins or take him for a walk he would let me express him easily. now he is 6 years old. i basically take him for 2-3 walks a day because that is the easiest way to express him. some days he is super easy to express, but some days his bladder is a bit tense. I had to leave town for a couple days so I had my mom express him, she was only partially successful and some days he wouldnt urinate at all. so he had to goto the vet and get cathered. but what we noticed is that after he gets cathered he pees a little bit on his own but a couple days later he goes back to not having control. im guessing this has to do with maybe his sphincter relaxing a bit after the catheter? Whenever we go on walks, he always tries peeing, he lifts his legs 20x every walk but he never urinates, he tries for a couple seconds and then kicks the grass from behind him. Some days he also dribbles on his walks, while some days he didnt. A couple weeks ago, I took him for a long walk and didnt express him and then he saw my mom outside and he got super excited and dribbled Alot. Recently in the past couple weeks, I carried him and he peed on me but that was only a one time occurance. When he is at home he rarely ever dribbles or pees anywhere, his bed sheets are dry always i believe. when he was 5 the vet prescribed him Prozasin but he would be very tired on that so we stopped giving it to him, i wasnt able to tell if it helped him because all he did was sleep and lay on his bed. I have read about Phenoxybenzame and Bethanechol Chloride so im looking to try them. Are they used together or seperate? I dont think he has any blockages, I dont know which muscle has the problem but the vet just says nerve damage from the accident. He is a very happy pug, he plays alot, drinks water, and eats. The only problem is his incontinence. Just hoping something will help him out!!

I may have missed some important details so please ask if anything is relevant!!
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Re: 6 year old pug bladder incontinent any help?

Post by critters »

PBZ was the ticket with my Buddy, and bethanechol made his bladder MUCH more spastic. I would suggest trying them starting with small doses and watching carefully, and I would suggest starting them separately. The vet didn't believe that bethanechol made him so much worse and took him home for the weekend and restarted it without telling me. She soon found out that I was right!! :mrgreen:
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Re: 6 year old pug bladder incontinent any help?

Post by apollo18 »

THANKS for the reply! PBZ was the ticket meaning it helped your dog? can he urinate on his own or does it just help expressing
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Re: 6 year old pug bladder incontinent any help?

Post by critters »

Both. And Buddy was a cat, not that it matters. :mrgreen: That was 15 years or so ago, when using such meds was highly unusual. PBZ relaxed his bladder spasticity.
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Re: 6 year old pug bladder incontinent any help?

Post by apollo18 »

oh wow thanks!! Is Prozasin and PBZ different or similar? Im gonna be trying PBZ soon!! i heard it takes about a week to get full affect.

Is it best to start PBZ first and then add on Bethaneocol later if needed? or both together
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Re: 6 year old pug bladder incontinent any help?

Post by critters »

I don't think prazosin is the same thing. https://www.medicinenet.com/prazosin-oral/article.htm We tried PBZ and bethanechol separately, and we may've had a trial of them together. It's been so long I don't remember; I just remember how much worse the bethanechol made him, and how she didn't believe me.
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