For those seeking advice on caring for incontinent pets and animals with kidney-related problems.
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Post by moo »

I just wanted to update anybody who remembers my post from last year on my cat Simba.- (paralysed cat - coping) He was hit by a car and broke his leg and hurt his spine.

Well the fiesty little bugger is up and walking on all fours for about 80% of the time. He is doing really well. He can almost pounce and gets up and down on the bed all day long. He has even started to jump up onto the couch using his back legs. It used to be just grabbing the furniture with his front paws and dragging himself up. Now if he is having a good day he can jump to low places. He has even started to do a half assed run. I know he has some bad days still but thats to be expected and there is still a lump where his spine has shifted but it doesn't affect or hurt him. His sores have completely healed and the fur is almost grown completely back. And there is no more "knuckling" of his foot. He has all feeling back everywhere!!

He is able to go to the toilet completely on his own although sometimes when he does a poo, I don't think he has all the nerves back. Its like he can't or doesn't feel that he hasm't cut the poo off. He comes in and some is still hanging out. But thats ok!! Considering he was supposed to be put down or never going to walk again!!

He is my beautiful baby and I am so proud of what he has achieved so far. I may even have to look at getting one of those cat enclosures if he ever decides he can jump the fence!!

So thank you to all those who helped me in my time of need and complete and utter confusion.
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Post by CarolC »

Hi Moo,

Congratulations!!! That's super news! I was just comparing it to your first post. Fantastic!!

http://handicappedpets.net/viewtopic.ph ... ght=#32646

You may be right about him not being able to pinch off his poo with his sphincter muscles, however I just want to tell you, I had a long haired cat who would sometimes have the same problem with something left in his hind end. It would be frustrating to him and he would either try to groom it out or scoot it off. His sphincter was fine but things just got gummed up in his long fur. It helped to do a little trimming right around the anus (a sanitary clip) so when stools came out, they didn't get tangled in the fur halfway out. Since your cat is a Burmese, you might want to think about trimming his rear a bit and see if it helps. My brother had to trim his Persians on their bottoms for the same reason.

It is wonderful to hear this update. Thank you!!!
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Post by Dianne »

Hello Moo.

WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!! Thanks for coming back to post the good news.

Do you remember that you stated:
The vet has told me that I should look at putting him down as he won't have any quality of life.
I hope that you have shown the vet that your kitty is in recovery, and walking some of the time.

Thanks for coming back to give an update. We are always looking for happy stories.

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