Elastic keeps DM dog's feet from sliding out sideways

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myelopathy aide that husband and i discovered

Post by dee09 »

Hello all,
I wrote in over a month ago regarding my sweet boxer zella. she has degenrative myelopathy. We have tried the the products suggested by the vet, boots etc but have not had much luck. We tried several different styles of boot s to help protect her feet from the knuckle dragging, no success, more of a frustration for her. Our other issue is trying to keep her legs under her and not swinging or slipping out to the sides. She is loosing control but is not paralyzed at this point.
My husband came home from work one night and was so frustrated watching zella try to get up and greet him, only to have her legs sliding and flailing everywhere. He took a boot lace and tied it to one hind leg above the hock and then tied it to the other, about 7 inches apart. He woke me up at midnight saying "you have to see this". It was great, zella was able to get around with minimal problem. We have since improved on his idea. I now buy 1 inch elastic at the sewing store and make bands for her. We dont know why it works, but it does. She can walk indoors and out and her legs will only go as far as the band lets them. I compare it to the harness that race horses (in carts) wear that restricts them from breaking gate. I have also thought of attaching another band that goes to her front left leg to the rear left leg. This is here worst side and my thought is that as she walks forward with the left it will bring the rear left along givng it some support. Last night zella was doing her last night duties without the band and it was amazing to see how much more she has declined and how much we have not noticed because both she and us depend on the band for her.
As far as protecting her feet, the best that we have come up with that does not bother her and is very simple is paper tape. We use 2 inch medical paper tape and wrap it around her paws (loosely, not constricting) two times, ending on the top. We leave just a bit of nails sticking out. It comes off easily and does no damage but protects her.
We have shared these ideas with zellas vet and she was very interested. She also had a dog with dm and she said that if she had had the band it would have helped very much.
I hope this info is of some use to someone.
Have a great day
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Re: myelopathy aide that husband and i discovered

Post by critters »

Interesting!! Sometime when you get a chance, could you take a picture of her and her band and post it?
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Re: myelopathy aide that husband and i discovered

Post by Bobbie »

I've been learning about the Biko brace, too, which keeps the feet upright. Your aide would keep the feet from sliding out sideways (which Merlin's did a lot at that stage.) I like your idea though it is a bit late for my DM dog; I'll pass it on to the DM list. Do you have a picture?
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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Re: myelopathy aide that husband and i discovered

Post by dee09 »

here is a pic of zella girl with her band on,hope it comes out ok :angel: :thankyou:
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Re: myelopathy aide that husband and i discovered

Post by dee09 »

second pic of zell with her band
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