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Homemade drag bag + killer whale drag bag

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:19 pm
by ♥ DIY ♥

BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:19 pm
by CarolC
Hi Bobbie,

I remember your dog uses the Protect-A-Pet sack from K9Carts, doesn't he? You posted a picture of him not long ago? Is this your dog modeling the one on their website?

Can you please tell me the exact steps you use to get your dog into the bag? It looks like you loop it over his head, then lay him on it on the floor and zip both sides? Is that close?


Re: BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:09 pm
by Bobbie
Nope, that's one of our Corgis on Wheels, though.

To put him in: It zips almost open flat, so I put his butt on the underside of it and then the neck flap comes up under his chest and velcros around his neck. Then a tab on the back loops through a ring on the neck and holds the back up. Then I zip. With a less active dog you could do the two side zippers first but Candy won't stay in it if I don't fasten it.

Here are some pictures of it open.


Re: BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:57 pm
by CarolC
:thankyou: So the tab on the back--is it a little black strab with a velcro tip, and you feed the strap through the ring, and fold it back upon itself so it velcros to itself?

Are both of those from K9 Carts? The breezy net one looks different?

Re: BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:51 pm
by Bobbie
I made the green one using the other one as a pattern.

Yes, the strap on the back folds through the D ring on the neck and then back onto itself. You can see in the first photo how the chest strap comes up to the neck strap. The aqua one is the largest size they had and it is a bit short on Candy so I made the green one longer. We also made this one just for fun!

If making one one thing I'd do is make the bottom velcro open and maybe have a plastic window there so you could see when poop collected.

Re: BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:15 pm
by CarolC
LOL! Land Shark! :lol: I had NO IDEA you could sew that well, holy cow, you're really good!! The netting one neater and more stylish than the commercial one. You could sell these........

Re: BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:34 pm
by Bobbie
Ha ha, first, its a killer whale.

Second, I was ready to throw the sacks out the window; Mom did the hard parts! She's a master quilter; I do as little sewing as possible. Mom did the necks for both, I think, also the elastic.

And its hard to sell something you copied off another person's design...

Though the cute ones like the killer whale.. it would be fun to do things like a mermaid, a cow, stuff easily recognizable and yet relatively easy to do. I had a lot of trouble with the whale mainly because I didn't want to buy fabric (couldn't find the black nylon locally) so cut up a thrift store rain jacket to make it.

Re: BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:36 pm
by Bobbie
And ironically, I hardly ever use any of them now. During the summer I did, but Candy spends more time in his cart now, almost all the time that I'm home he's in the cart. (Last summer we kept dealing with sores and rug burns.) I did take the sack when we stayed in a motel and he slept in it during the night- saved worry about the motel floor and bedding. But I don't let him drag around much as the rug burns were an issue that was easy to acquire and hard to get rid of and he is a pro in the cart. (When I'm gone he's crated out of it and when he rests at home he is usually on my bed.)

Re: BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:32 pm
by CarolC
Cool! 8) Thanks for the excellent pics! :D

Re: BOBBIE about the Protect-A-Pet sack?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:06 pm
by Bobbie
I should add one thing: after I copied the sack I decided it was worth $75 to buy it- it was not that easy to sew and materials would have cost a bit if I'd had to buy them (Mom had the zippers and green fabric, white and black came from the thrift store, so all I had to buy was elastic and Velcro.)