A note to use users: Why this is simple to use.

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A note to use users: Why this is simple to use.

Post by markcrobinson »

I realize this is a change - and it probably looks confusing and new. We've heard that "The old board was so simple..."
We've spent over a month designing this one to be ALMOST as easy.

1- You need to register. This is the only potemntially confusing part. It's so important, though, to keep the board clean and safe. The board will remember you once you log in.

2 - There are categories -- but you can still see all new messages with the
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on the right. Also, there's a little smiley puppy to the left of forums with new posts in it.

3 - You can post a message without logging in in the "Problems" section if you have trouble registering an logging in.

Please give it a try!

Warmest Regards,
The Messsage-Board of Directors.
Mark C Robinson
For Elderly, Disabled, and Injured Pets; products, services, and support.
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