Puppy Training Gone Wrong?? HELP!

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Puppy Training Gone Wrong?? HELP!

Post by candicek1 »

I recently started to foster a 6 month old puppy from my local shelter who underwent leg surgery on his front two legs. He is now walking with a limp, which is normal the vet said and it is a miracle he is able to walk again. He will most likely develop arthritis the vet says. The shelter thinks he was hit by a car by his major injuries and they found what appeared to be road rash all over him. He is some sort of shepherd mix and about 25 pounds. He's been in my home for almost two months and I own another dog, a 2 year old French bulldog who is fully trained. Ever since I brought him into my home, I've been attempting to train him not to go in the house. This is hard because I live on the 54th floor of a high rise community and this means he has to travel all the way down to go out. I am at taking him every 3 hours and I even have a dog walker to come take both my dogs out while I am at work. I only work for 4 hours out of the day Monday-Friday so I spend most of my time home. My boyfriend and I live together and he takes the dogs out once he is done working as well, which is before me. The new dog just can't seem to stop peeing everywhere in the building. I will be taking him out for a walk and when he reaches the bottom of the stairs right next to the door he begins to squat down and start peeing right on the carpet! I'm on the verge of being fined for all the times he's been peeing in the elevators, the lobby, even the hallway. He doesn't pee in random places in the house, he is always sure to go on a wee wee pad if he can't wait to go outside. The dog walker comes back upset everyday because she says he annoys my other dog so bad sniffing him while he's trying to use the bathroom that my French Bulldog won't even go because he gets so frustrated. My French Bulldog has now started to act up and pee and poop in the house, which he's NEVER done. I get the feeling that the dog walker doesn't really get how to walk them together, because it isn't easy and I had trouble with it until I figured out the technique. The dog also whines uncontrollably even when receiving lots of attention, it's almost like he is traumatized in some way. I have started to use the choke collar that I used to train my French Bulldog so that he knows not to pull with all of his strength on a walk and that he knows I am in control. This does not work and the dog flings himself in circles trying to unwrap himself from the leash and he will pull until I have to release the leash because I'm too afraid to hurt his neck. I'm very upset because my boyfriend is ready to give the dog back to the shelter after all the problems he is causing and I keep explaining to him that he is special and just needs a little more extra love and care than a regular dog. We agreed to sit down and come up with our list of solutions for the puppy to see if we can do anything to help him reach sanity. I've come up with this list and I cannot think of anything else I need to do in order to help a special case like this.
Does anybody think he could possibly have brain damage from the accident and that there may not be much I can do to help him?
Here's the list:
1. Keep him on a strict schedule for meals and walks, no minutes later than the given time for each walk.
2. Carry him outside to the bathroom through the lobby so that we do not get an 1,000 fine for his accidents.
3. Take him to the park a couple times a week to release built up energy and stress.
4. explain to dog walker the correct way to walk them
5. purchase a harness for him and a new leash so that the dog walker can hold him close to her as soon as he's finished doing his business.
Q: Can anyone else think of any other things I can do or provide any advice for my problem here? I know he is still adjusting but if there's anything I can do to help move this process along and help this dog- I'd like to do everything in my power to do so.

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Re: Puppy Training Gone Wrong?? HELP!

Post by CarolC »

I think you have a lot of good ideas on your list. You might also consider keeping him in a malewrap until he gets outside. (Male doggy diaper, also called a belly band, which fastens on with velcro and holds an absorbent pad over the male area).
That is what I used to do with my golden retriever when he was peeing in the house but could still walk. He wore a malewrap indoors, and when I went to let him out into the back yard, I would just unfasten it on the way out the door. When it was time for him to come back in, I would put it back on him as he came in. Very simple, it's just velcro. So maybe you could just take your dog's malewrap off once he is out of the building, carry it in a diaper bag or fanny pack or whatever, then put it back on him when you are ready to go back in? :pardon:
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Re: Puppy Training Gone Wrong?? HELP!

Post by critters »

It's entirely possible that he's a bit brain damaged, but it would be hard, if not impossible, to find out. I'd try Carol's wrap suggestion and see how it goes...
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Re: Puppy Training Gone Wrong?? HELP!

Post by candicek1 »

Thank you so much for both of your responses!
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