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Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:41 pm
by Bendy Kitty
The new Amityville Horror...

----the fleas that would not die

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:55 am
by sdrakkan
Ugh. I sell flea products and sometimes I just want to take a blowtorch to those little...buggers. I got attacked by a small swarm when I was younger and now just hate the things. Since I often have tiny kittens I have to be so careful.

I can't believe the owner is acting like it's not a problem. Get hose-applicated flea treatment if your lawn is causing it...

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:06 am
by Sasha's Mom
Bendy Kitty wrote:The new Amityville Horror...

----the fleas that would not die
BINGO! Give that lady a Kewpie doll!!
(Exactly how I describe it here...) :twisted:

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:15 am
by Sasha's Mom
sdrakkan wrote:Ugh. I sell flea products and sometimes I just want to take a blowtorch to those little...buggers. I got attacked by a small swarm when I was younger and now just hate the things. Since I often have tiny kittens I have to be so careful.

I can't believe the owner is acting like it's not a problem. Get hose-applicated flea treatment if your lawn is causing it...
Don't know where it's starting, but the back yard is mostly shaded and an ideal breeding ground. I doubt the owner will go for it, but will suggest it. It's called D-E-N-I-A-L...

What do you suggested for hardwood floors to eliminate what the bleach may have missed? I know eggs have dropped and there may be more pupae hiding in the cracks.
Also, Advantage does not kill eggs, so what would you suggest? I know you have to be careful and use one product at a time, but would any collars be helpful? I really don't know what to use. The darn things seems to have attacked his face near the eyes and in addition to the regular Persian tearing, getting a lot of mucus now. Not conjunctivitis... yet...

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:46 am
by Bendy Kitty
we have had a lot of good results with Adams brand products, particularly their collars.

Advantage, however, is THE thign for us here, it is all we use anymore. no adults make no eggs. if you are still seeing fleas on him after the Advantage, try Frontline. for reasons unkonwn to little bendy cats in some areas one product works while another does not.


Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:50 pm
by sdrakkan
I don't have any particular product, just stay away from Hartz. I know cats that have died from it, but it's not a big enough statistic to pull the product.

Every animal is different onto whether Frontline or Advantage works well. Advantage is my preferred mainly cause Methoprene which is the egg killer can be dangerous in the wrong amounts. So be mindful of the immune status of who you use it on since there is no weight limits, just age.

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:17 pm
by Bendy Kitty
Sasha's Mom wrote:
Bendy Kitty wrote:The new Amityville Horror...

----the fleas that would not die
BINGO! Give that lady a Kewpie doll!!
(Exactly how I describe it here...) :twisted:

the AmiFLEAville horror!

they just keep coming back.....

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:56 am
by Sasha's Mom
Bendy Kitty wrote:!!

the AmiFLEAville horror!

they just keep coming back.....
Heaven forbid! Seems like I have Sasha under control. Found a couple of dead ones and no more flea dirt, thank heavens. Keeping a white sheet on the bed where he sleeps and he's pure white, so easy to monitor.

@ sdrakkan
Didn't know about the Methoprene in Frontline and was surprised when the vet assistant asked Sasha's weight for the Advantage. Good to know. Thank you.

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:20 pm
by Christine
Do you know about putting a dish of soapy water near a light? The fleas are attracted, jump in and die.

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:27 pm
by Bendy Kitty
Christine wrote:Do you know about putting a dish of soapy water near a light? The fleas are attracted, jump in and die.
well, i've tried this...and the sticky pad under the light too. it seems to just test the ambient population of fleas in the house. sighs. it wouldn't hurt, but i woudln't count on it to make much of a dent.


Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:18 pm
by Christine
Sounds to me like your fleas are more savvy and educated than mine were...Mine thought I had provided them with a hot tub :mrgreen:

Flea circus??

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:00 am
by Sasha's Mom
Hi Christine,

Had to sleep on your suggestion about the "hot tub" for fleas and the morning light still somehow rejects the idea. :)

For the most part, I seem to remember soapy water repels insects. Methinks they are simply attracted to the light and inadvertently wind up in the water for a last swim. Reminds me of the flea circuses!!

As for the sticky paper, not a great idea considering Sasha's main method of mobility and that I am keeping him confined to a small room. Sticky paper and side-saddling-slinky cats don't make great companions! :D

Re: Flea circus??

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:36 am
by Christine
Sticky paper and side-saddling-slinky cats...Say that fast five times! :mrgreen:

Now, the sticky paper is something I have never heard of, but I can just picture it. The theory of the light and the pan of soapy water is that the fleas are attracted to the warmth and the water.

Here are some stories of people who used this method and an outrageous post by "Goon" that makes me wish I could draw the pictures his method put in my head.

Can you believe how "far afield" this thread has gone????

Re: Pre-flight training in kennels?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:23 am
by Sasha's Mom
Goon's reply was definitely the most self-sacrificing of the lot! Think I'll save that idea for later too!! :mrgreen:

However, this suggestion was pretty cool:

By Tanya (Guest Post)
Another great flea trap my husband made. He took a premium plus cracker box, cut two squares on one side and inserted a sheet of yellow sticky fly trap(sticky on both sides) . He then took a string of christmas lights removed all but two green bulbs from the end , which he inserted into two holes in the cracker box. This created a green night light. Fleas are attracted to green. The trap has been in our daughters room for a week and we counted 76 dead fleas on the sticky tape.

Well, the thread really hasn't gone that far off topic... :roll:
Thank God, not many physical problems with Sasha these days and everything I've posted recently has been "other stuff" category, so figured keeping it all in one thread and minimizing clutter was the better option.

:wub: Leah, Sasha and Robbie