5-month-old kitten, narrowed pelvis.

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5-month-old kitten, narrowed pelvis.

Post by Lisnya »

Hi, first of all I'm writing to you from Greece, so there's a chance I won't be able to follow some of your advice but I want to try anyway. My latest rescue, Evan, has been having problems since the moment he was brought to me on July 22nd. He was possibly ran over by a moped when he was 3 months old. His pelvis was broken in three, right where it's joined to his right leg. His left leg was also broken. He had two surgeries, then and got a metal rod in his pelvis. More than a month later, he got constipated and eventually obstructed, despite repeated enemas. A different vet (whom I trust more) performed surgery, found that he had megacolon and did a colectomy. He started getting worse two days after surgery. Yesterday morning I took him back to the vet where he spent the night. He got small enemas every couple of hours, as his vet was hoping to get the poop out without hurting the stitches from the surgery he had last week. Basically, all that came out was water with a tiny bit of poop and a small nugget that looked like mouse poop. So, he opened him up again this morning. The stitches inside have healed, so he cleaned him up, made sure poop can pass through and closed him up again. He did an enema and until now, again, only water and a bit of poop has come out. So now he's saying that his pelvis is narrowed. You can't see anything on the x-rays, though.

The vet's suggestion is basically to keep trying enemas and laxatives and eventually put him to sleep. He's mostly thinking of the money I'll have to pay, I think. That's because the little one is a stray I'm fostering and I've already paid quite a bit of money, as the organization I'm volunteering for couldn't really afford to do all the procedures baby has been through. But vets in Greece are so much cheaper and I get special prices because he's still technically a stray and I want to fight it 'till the end. Little Evan has been recovering so well from every procedure. I visited him two hours ago and even though he wasn't even fully alert yet, he ate until we took the food away from him and he walked around and screamed for me and everything. This is after surgery number four. With some infected stitches after surgery #1, a fungal infection and several enemas inbetween. Plus, he was malnourished when I first got him. He's only a five-month-old baby, you see. I can't stop fighting for him... Any advice, please?
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Re: 5-month-old kitten, narrowed pelvis.

Post by critters »

:whale: I'd use a poop softener, like lactulose, to help. In the US it's a prescription item, but it's a sweet, yummy liquid that's easy to change the dose of. The poor little fella's had a time of it!!
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Re: 5-month-old kitten, narrowed pelvis.

Post by Lisnya »

Is that going to completely liquefy the stool? I'm afraid that's the only way it'll come out. His vet is now afraid that it's not a narrowed pelvis. He thinks that the nerves on his colon are dead. He's given him enemas and nothing happens. His poop is all diarrhea-like as he only has a small intestine now and even so, it won't come out. I'm afraid this is the end of the road for him...
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Re: 5-month-old kitten, narrowed pelvis.

Post by critters »

It can, depending on dose. I like it so much because it's already a liquid, so it's super easy to use more or less as desired.
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Re: 5-month-old kitten, narrowed pelvis.

Post by CarolC »

There is a medication called cisapride that increases motility in the GI tract. In addition, you can learn to manually massage his intestines to move stool toward the exit, once the vet says it is safe to do so. I would think he would be healed after 3 months but I am not a vet. This may be a case where a low residue diet would help, you could ask the vet about that.

Diana R. has experience with a cat with a narrowed pelvis, please see this post. You could try sending her a private message or reply to her post and see if she will respond, she is very knowledgeable.

http://handicappedpet.net/helppets/view ... let#p81863
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